Persphyni : I am Death

By sup_rudy_

46K 1.1K 83

"I'm trying to protect us, protect you." "And I'm trying to protect you. I won't let you start a war." I had... More



2.2K 37 1
By sup_rudy_

"Thank you for coming." I nodded in the woman's direction as I walked up to the stable boy.

"As I said before. Anything for my people." I stopped and turned to face her. "Before I head back, any word on Wanheda?" I asked. My words hushed as I kept the conversation between the two of us.

"None. But the Commander has sent out a small search party. We will find her before Azgeda." I nodded once again and reached a hand to which she met my own in a hold.

"Nestam, Indra." Indra nodded, staring straight into my eyes as my walkie went off again.

"Nestam, Wanlida." I turned, watching the stable boy shiver making me grin at the thought of my name alone earning that reaction.

I took the reins from the boy and walked Erebus into the large market square and through until I reached the city limits. Securing my sword over my back, my two daggers in their sheaths and the pistol in its holster at the middle of my left thigh, I grasped the saddle and with a slight hop I was on top of the black stallion.

The vantage point much better as I turned my head and winked at a handful of children who had been eyeing Erebus since I came in two days ago. I could tell they wanted to pet him again and I knew that he would have loved it. No matter his tough facade, he was a huge softy on the inside. But only for specific people.

"Let's go home, Erebus. Dad needs us." With a small kiss and a click, Erebus was taking off into the woods. His long, powerful legs and strong body created thundering steps as we flew through the trees. My hair that now hung to the middle of my back flowed in the wind behind me. It's weight much lighter than when I first landed, and even more as we soared over the ground.

I carefully brought my walkie to my mouth to answer my dad as he signaled me again. "Chil au nontu, coming home now."

"You might want to hurry, Lincoln and Bellamy are going to spar just after breakfast." I laughed at how excited Monroe was as he answered me on the walkie instead of my dad.

"I'll make it in time to see the fight. I can't miss the opportunity to watch Lincoln kick Bellamy's ass." I heard laughter come from the walkie as another person joined the conversation.

"I'll bring popcorn." I laughed as I ducked a tree branch by leaning further into Erebus's neck.

"I think we might also need an ice pack, Harper." I clipped my walkie back into its holder as their laughter echoed out.

"That's enough chit-chat on the public line. Go to a personal channel if you guys are going to talk." I rolled my eyes as my dad finally cut in. "And Persphyni. Hurry back, you've got patrol today." Of course I did. I never got a break, but that's how I like it.

"You heard the man, Erebus." The black stallion kept his pace as I leaned down to be closer to his neck as I grabbed hold of the reins and his mane. "Fly Erebus, fly."

Soon the trees were nothing more than a blur as we continued down the path. A path we had made ourselves after the second visit to Polis when Lexa bestowed upon me this sword. A gift from the coalition and Commander to Wanlida.

How Erebus and I met wasn't as simple. It was the first time Lexa had asked me to come to Polis. The walk long and tiring as it took me two days with the two grounder escorts. And once we reached the city I was shown my room where I slept for hours on the soft bed.

The first day in the city Indra showed me around and I finally met Lexa. The Commander nothing out of the ordinary other than her black blood, the reason she was commander. The second day was the first coalition meeting where I successfully shut down an attempt from an Azgeda delegate to raise an army to march on Skaikru. My training with Lincoln coming in handy as well as Indra who filled me in about specific delegates.

And the third was my last day where Indra once again walked me around the city, only Lexa was with us and we didn't hang around the inner city. We traveled to the outskirts of Polis where we came across the large stables, that were tended to by an older gentleman and his five children.

There Lexa instructed I should pick a horse for my travel back home and as a token from Polis. When we walked along the stalls none of the beautiful creatures caught my eye until I went outside and saw the shadow under the tree. The horse was alone and nearly blended perfectly within the shade of the tree as he watched over the others in the field from afar.

I remembered exactly what I had said when his head turned toward me and our eyes met. Green on green. Halting the both of us in our tracks.

"One in two." I had whispered, walking closer to the fence as he shook from his trance and began to eye me carefully.

I remembered the older man attempting to draw my attention to different horses but I couldn't get him out of my head. And with a small victory, I had ridden into Arkadia on the back of the young stallion who had stalked up to me and nudged my side after I had finally convinced the older man I would handle whatever the horse would throw at me.

Luckily, not much as we grew closer together these passed two months. Erebus's physic growing as he did, stronger and faster as we created a bond I never knew I could have with another living thing.

"Open the gates!"

Erebus had slowed down as we neared the gates. A smirk on my face as we paraded in. Sure Octavia was given a horse as well, but Erebus, he was a sight to behold. Not to mention his rider. Individually, we could strike fear from an opposer. But together, we were the symbol of Death. Even though we hadn't ridden into battle yet, Erebus's dark and strong form towered over most of the men here. Only a few could actually approach him and say they could see over his back. And only a few could even get close in general.

Erebus was picky. But he loved Lincoln. And I'm not sure whether it's because Lincoln gave him some form of sugar every time he came or if it was that Lincoln and I were close.

And coincidentally, Lincoln was the first one to meet us at the gates as he came up to me and took Erebus's reins from my hand and unnecessarily steadied him as I slid off.

"How was it?" I rolled my eyes as I led Erebus into his stall right next to Helios's.

"Let's just say Azgeda is about to meet fire that can't be put out if they don't stop being so, Azgeda."

"Unfortunately, with their leadership I don't see that being anywhere near soon. Maybe in a thousand years." Lincoln and I made quick work of untacking Erebus who stood perfectly still as Lincoln sneakily gave him the small cube of pure sugar.

"So. I hear you and Bellamy are sparring today." I had gotten the bridle off of Erebus face and was softly scratching behind his left ear as Lincoln gave me a pointed look.

"It's for training. Plus he's gotten better. Much better, in fact he almost had me last week but he was too clear about his next move. Which you would know if you ever showed up." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"You know why." Erebus gave me a small nudge in the side as he felt my mood change. "But I'm coming today, though I'm not sure for how long. Dad is wanting me to go on patrol today." I looked down to Erebus who was watching me. "Don't worry, I'll go with the vehicle crew. You get some rest." I set a soft kiss to his forehead before walking out with Lincoln.

"You were the one who told him to go for it." I masked my face and stared forward as we walked to the Ark.

"He's happy, that's all I care about."

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