Merlin One-Shots!!

smolgaybean_ द्वारा

149K 4.4K 3K

I will take any suggestions. if you have an au you love please message me and I will gladly write a story for... अधिक

Hunting trip
The lost Prince of Anahaven
Life after Camlann
Defying destiny
Beauty and the Bestie
Flowers part 2
The boy who sat by the lake
Stupid Laws
Stupid Laws part two
Stupid Laws part three
So many secrets
Butterfly Wing
Scars and Bruises
Friends with benefits
Another Reveal
Don't touch him, understand?
Starting over
New friend
Love is hard
Tavern trip
Here for you
Everybody wants to rule the world
I didn't think you cared
Big Brother
My King, my destiny
Highschool bullies
Heart of a dragon
Heart of a dragon #2
Heart of a dragon #3
Coffee dates
lady of the lake
Magic Bois
Cold Shoulder
Only you
Royal Blood
For you
Midnight confessions
Dysfunctional family
The monster in a cage
its a date
Drinking stories
just gonna leave this here
Fellas, I think I killed a god...?
Just Friends eh?
I guess I am a father now
In over his head
Another one?
Coming of age
The Thief
We fell in love in October
Mr Loverman
As the world caves in
Eyes like burning gold
Here for you
Banquets and Bruises
Group chat
Temptation of the Knight
Something domestic
water fights
Shadow Oracle #1
Shadow Oracle #2
Venus' book
Stories of the past


1.3K 47 30
smolgaybean_ द्वारा




Merlin's piercing scream broke through the silence of the night. His brow was drenched with sweat, his breathing heavy. Shadows danced around his room, seemingly detaching from the walls. In an attempt to ground himself he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

This was unlike any nightmare he used to have. Even his seer powers were not as vivid as the dream he just witnessed.

Arthur has returned.

With a wave of his hands the room burst into light and Merlin scrambled to get dressed. Many questions were reeling through his mind, all of which he would deal with later. He had to get to Avalon.

He grabbed a bag which was stuffed full of extra clothes and some snacks and transported to the lake side in a swirling whirlwind. Upon arrival Merlin was met with the most amazing sight.

A light mist had gathered over the water, reflecting the golden sun so that there were shimmering specks of light dancing over the calm waves. The trees seemed to have stopped mid sway, as if the universe had frozen in anticipation not wanting to miss the spectacle. All was silent for a moment. Then bubbles began to appear through the mist. Starting off small, gradually growing until they were the size of a watermelon.

Merlin's breath hitched when he saw the familiar blonde hair emerge from the bubbling blue depths of Avalon. The man walked as if he was in a trance above the water, until suddenly his eyes open and he came crashing into the water. Without hesitation Merlin ran forward and helped his King to his feet, all while tears streamed down his face.

"Arthur." The warlock whispered, dragging his hand through Arthur's wet hair. Arthur leaned into the touch, basking in his closest friend's presence. He lifted a finger to Merlin's pale cheek wiping away tears.

"Its okay Merlin, we are together once more." Arthur whispered holding his Merlin close to his chest.

Merlin wept into Arthur's already soaked jacket no willing to loosen his vice like grip. He feared if he let go he would wake up. That this was all another cruel trick to crush what remains of his hope.

Arthur shuffled them out the water, starting to feel the cold winter breeze against his skin. Being back in his mortal body felt strange but comforting. He gazed down at the shaking warlock clinging to his shoulders and smiled.

Given he was gone for a millennium, he had had enough time to truly accept his magic. Arthur wished he had time to do so on the mortal plain, but fate is cruel and left Merlin with such a burden Arthur couldn't fix.

"I'm sorry Merlin."

"What for?" Merlin sniffled, lifting his head of Arthur's chest.

"Everything. I treated you like crap everyday and made you feel you couldn't confide in me. I made you watch as I hunted your people and I don't deserve your forgiveness. Your loyalty. Your friendship." Arthur broke of into choked sobs feeling every ounce of regret he had in Avalon.

"Arthur I don't blame you for the things that happened in Camelot. Your father is to blame, he made you believe magic is evil. I am sorry for lying to you, betraying you. Although I truly did use my magic for you and only you. I forgive you Arthur. Time to forgive yourself."

"I guess the same could be said for you." Arthur said lightly, resting his heavy head on top of the Warlock's.

"Let's get you home. You must be freezing." Merlin stated, pulling away so to grab Arthur's arm. The former king quirked his eyebrow but didn't question it. He knew better.

"This is going to feel strange, but I promise it is safe." Once again Arthur didn't question, just stood patiently waiting for whatever spell Merlin was to cast.

Said man muttered a spell under his breath, eyes glowing a magnificent gold. Arthur's jaw dropped slightly as he watched a small whirlwind encase them both. His grip tightened around Merlin's fingers, who squeezed back comfortingly.

A few moments later they landed on the hardwood floors of Merlin's home. Arthur wobbled, crumpling onto the sofa overcome by dizziness.

"Are you okay?" Merlin chuckled, sitting next to the blonde who was clutching his head.

"Do you do that all the time?" Arthur wheezed, shaking his head to rid himself of dizziness.

"No." Merlin laughed patting the blonde's shoulder. He looked out of the window and realised it was still dark. His gaze shifted to the clock and he sighed.

Three am.

Why did Arthur have to come back so early!?

"We should get to bed. It's late." Merlin said stifling a yawn. He made his way to the stairs then stopped, dropping his head into his hands. "Um I forgot to mention. I don't have another bedroom. I can sleep down here if you like."

"It's ok. I'll stay here."

"Arthur your my guest." Merlin exclaimed.

"This is your house I can't kick you out of your bedroom." His frown turned upwards and his eyes glazed over with playfulness. "Unless we share."

Merlin nearly choked on air, blushing a deep crimson. Luckily he wasn't facing Arthur.

"I- um...what?" Merlin stuttered, eyes fixed to a very interesting patch of floor.

"Just a suggestion." Arthur mumbled, hugging Merlin from behind. "I just don't want to be alone anymore."

Merlin turned in Arthur's arms and smiled up at the blushing blonde. Slowly, he nodded causing a beaming smile to spread across Arthur's face.

"Come on."

The warlock tugged his 'friend' up the stairs to his rather small bedroom, consisting of a bed, a desk and a small chest of drawers. Not to different from his room back at Camelot, Arthur noticed.

Merlin handed Arthur a large hoodie and sweatpants, which he had enlarged with his magic. He turned away, giving Arthur a shred of privacy.

"You sleeping or what?" Arthur laughed, already snuggled into the blankets, hood up.

"I'm coming prat."

"Idiot." Came the mumbled reply, voice thick with fatigue.

Merlin wriggled into the bed, leaving a good hap between his body and Arthur's. He desperately wanted to get closer, but it just felt wrong.

"You can come closer you know." Arthur slurred sleepily, lazily reaching for Merlin's waist in an attempt to drag him closer. Merlin giggled and sidled closer to the blonde.

He waited until his breathing evened out before muttering the words he has craved to say since the day Arthur brought him back to life.

"I love you." He closed his eyes and allowed sleep to take him. Although before he fully emerged in the depths of his subconscious he heard a tiny whisper that made his heart flutter.

"I love you too."


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