Magcon Princess 2

By gigglyXOXO

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(Previously called Living With the Magcon Boys) Madisyn is back at her same things again. Two months after th... More

Chapter 1 New Beginnings
Chapter 2 This is Awkward..
Chapter 3 Donuts
Chapter 4 Where Did She Come From?
Chapter 5 Sorry..
Chapter 6 Bye Stupid
Chapter 7 Anger
Chapter 8 New Songs
Chapter 9 TCA
Chapter 10 Seventeen
Chapter 11 Party
Chapter 12 We are Strong
Chapter 13 The Words
Chapter 14 I want to help
Chapter 15 Hotel nigtmares
Chapter 16 Here to help
Chapter 17 Heartbreak Girl
Chapter 18 Listen to Me
Chapter 19 My Little Princess
Chapter 20 Sad days.
Chapter 21 Funeral
Chapter 22 Interview
Chapter 23 Back to Old Habits
Chapter 24 Brother Sister Day
Chapter 25 Billboards
Chapter 26 New York
Chapter 27 Site Seeing
Chapter 28 First Night
Chapter 29 Calum Helps
Chapter 30 Sad Show
Chapter 31 Bahama Bungalows
Chapter 32 Truth is Showing
Chapter 33 Midnight Swims
Chapter 34 Questions..
Chapter 35 Secrets Are Told
Chapter 36 Trust in Relationships
Chapter 37 School Fights
Chapter 38 Update on Life
Chapter 39 Grocery Shopping
Chapter 40 Surprise Fail
Chapter 41 My World
Chapter 42 Fam Bam
Chapter 43 A bug?
Chapter 44 Lots of Worries
Chapter 45 Surgery?
Chapter 46 Recovery
Chapter 47 Finally Free
Chapter 48 Conspiracy and News
Chapter 49 Recording Day
Chapter 50! New Girlfriends?
Chapter 51 One Day Closer
Chapter 52 Portland
Chapter 53 Lucky
Chapter 54 Waking up
Chapter 55 The Queen Herself
Chapter 56 The Future
Chapter 57 Seattle
Chapter 59 After Concert Subway
Chapter 60 Midnight Drives
Chapter 61 Coffee Conversation
Chapter 62 Blue Carpet
Chapter 63 Love Me Harder
Chapter 64 Greek Theatre
Chapter 65 Addy And Katie Day
Chapter 66 Rings and Cheats
Chapter 67 Close to a Terrible Day
Chapter 68 Dinner With the Family
Chapter 69 I Want You to Know
Chapter 70 It Was an Easy Day
Chapter 71 Im Leaving Now
Chapter 72 Two Hospital Patients
Chapter 73 Never Have I Ever
Chapter 74 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Chapter 75 Ain't No Crying In The Club
Chapter 76 It's Going to Get Better
Chapter 77 Ellen's Housewarming
Chapter 78 Good For You Video
Chapter 79 You Can't be Silent
Chapter 80 House Listening Party
Chapter 81 Late Late Cookies
Midnight Dangerous Love Album
Chapter 82 'Giving Up Isn't In My Blood'
*Dear Reader*
Chapter 83 Halloween isn't the only scary thing
Chapter 84 Almost back to him
Chapter 85 Texas Pt. 1
Chapter 86 Texas Pt. 2
Home Sweet Home

Chapter 58 Another Birthday

1.1K 24 5
By gigglyXOXO

He quickly pulled a bag out from behind his bag, and smiled as he put it the bag in my hands.

"Happy Birthday Princess!"

I smiled up at him before sitting down on the backstage couch. He sat down next to me, and pulled the pink tissue paper out revealing a black sweater.

I grabbed the sweater myself, and read the front of it. 'Internet Princess'

"Shawn this is so cute!" I said happily as I looked at him. I am wearing this in my next YouTube video.

"I though of you when I saw it, so I ordered it. There is more."

I grabbed the next thing in the bag, and pulled it out. It was coffee mug with 'like a boss' written in black. I laughed at the mug since I always tell Shawn 'do it like a boss babe'.

"Now you can drink like a boss babe," he winked.

I looked in the bag to make sure there wasn't anything else, but there was a little red box on the bottom. Slowly I pulled the box out, and pulled the top off.

I stared at the beautiful bangle bracelet laying on the silky fabric. It was silver, and had a beautiful microphone and heart charm.

Shawn's POV

She stared at it, and looked up at me in awe. I threw my arm around her shoulder, and gave her a big sloppy kiss on her cheek.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

She looked me in the eye, and gave me a kiss on my lips. "I love it."

I knew she would like it. Once I saw in I instantly knew it was for her. The microphone just represent a big part of her life.

I took the bracelet out, and put it onto her small wrist. It looked perfect on her.

"I'm taking a picture of this," she told me as she snapped a picture of the charm, and posted it on Instagram. How do I know? Notifications.

"I'm glad you like it. Your brother actually helped me pick it out when you guys visited for my graduation."

She nodded, and stood up in front of me. I held my hands for her to grab up, and pull me up. With her strength she helped me stand up. It only worked because I did most of the work.

"I want ice cream let's go," she demanded as she started walking out of the room.

I followed bossy pants out back, and she started walking towards the right.

I guess she has already mapped this out.

I caught up to her, and grabbed her hand intertwining our fingers. We walked hand in hand in Santa Clara to get to an Ice Cream place. Most likely frozen yogurt because I know how much she likes that stuff.

"Alright you are eighteen I'm eighteen now seems like we both are adults," I pointed out to her.

She hummed in agreement. "Weird. I'm considered an adult now."

Our hole future is right in front of us. It's growing up time now. I got a amazingly beautiful girl friend, my dream job, the money to support my family, and so much support.

I don't know what Madisyn and I should do about our future. I'm not talking about breaking up. I'm talking about when we want to get married, have kids, and lastly getting our own house.

I know the last one is tough for her since she has lived with Matt all her life, and has him by her side. But everyone knows that one of them are bound to get their own house soon.

Matt and Kaylee are getting serious, so maybe he is going to move out soon. Kaylee could even move in since there is only two girls.

But then there is also Anna. Madisyn dragged her all the way across the country to live with everyone. We could share a house with her.

It's just that time in everyone's lives that we need to start growing up, and taking on responsibilities.

I'm not saying Madisyn and I have to move into a house together soon. I'm just saying that we need to start thinking about our future. I want her to be comfortable with moving out instead of me pushing her to agree.

I would love to own our own house where we both have our personalized keys, a beautiful kitchen with our own dishes we picked out together, and a bed we share together.

I just need to stop thinking about this. We will take it day by day.

"Here we are FrozenLand," she smiled as she dragged me through the doors.

The place was bright. Green and pink everywhere. There were machines all around shop that led to a topping bar.

"Let's go!" She smiled tugging on my sleeve as she handed me a green bowl.

Madisyn's POV

I always get the same thing when I get Frozen Yogurt.

I smiled at Shawn before getting in line for the flavors.

There weren't that many people in here which was peaceful. Most of them are middle aged people or older that would most likely not recognize us.

I stepped forward to the Strawberry flavor, and pulled on the lever letting the pink yogurt fall in my paper bowl.

I tried my best to make it perfect like places do when they serve ice cream cones.

I wrinkled my nose and bit down on my bottom lip.

"Wow you look so cute!" Shawn smiled while video taping me.

"Stop!" I whined as I tried concentrating on the swirl.

I finished, and looked at my bowl. "I did good," I smirked.

He laughed, and went to add his frozen yogurt into his bowl. Payback baby.

I pulled out my phone, and video taped him on snpachat, and saved it for Instagram. (Which I added it on)

"Mine is better!" He laughed showing me his bowl. I hate to admit it, but his did look a lot better than mine.

"That doesn't matter! Mine is going to be good, so you can shove your yogurt up your-"

"There are kids here," he whispered cutting me off before I finished my sentence.

I looked around, and only saw one little boy who just entered playing with his transformer.

I sent a playful glare at Shawn, and started adding strawberry slices onto mine.

I always put strawberries, coconut shaving, cherries, and that's it. I'm pretty basic. "Wow mine is so colorful!" I said happily looking at my bowl.

Shawn smiled at me, and told me this is all for my birthday, so he paid for our snacks.

We sat down outside at a table under an umbrella with two chair perfect for us. We sat there eating, and talking about the tour. I am pretty excited to see Shawn's family. Carefully I snuck a video of Shawn eating his yogurt, and not paying attention to my phone.

"Put it down," he smirked not looking up.

"Wow you are good. You didn't even look up!" He just shook his head, and laughed at me.

I know he loves me.

Slowly the thought about Matt came back into my head. I know he is getting older, but I can't help to think about it. All of us our growing up, and growing in separate ways. We still are friends, but slowly people are going to grow apart. It's part of life, so I need to just learn to deal with it. Matt is going to grow up, and have a family.

"What's on your pins princess?" Shawn asked before he took a bite of his yogurt.

"I have just been thinking a lot about the future. Growing up you know?"

"I was thinking about that earlier. Have you been thinking about us getting a house together?" Shawn asked.

My heart dropped at the thought of it. So many thoughts ran through my head. Anna, Matt, Hayes, Jack, Cameron, all of the guys!

"Well I mean I would like to get a house with you, but what about every one else?" I asked.

"Well I'm not saying right away. I'm just saying that we should think about it. Anna can live with us, and don't you think Matt and Kaylee are getting serious?"

I knew everything he is saying I need to listen to. Matt and Kaylee are getting serious, and I have even heard Matt talking about a ring. And I would love if Anna still lived with us.

If I want Shawn and I to get any where in the future then I need to start taking steps. This is part of growing up.

"You are right. We can start looking at houses soon," I sheepishly smiled at him.

His eyes lit up, and I could tell he looked excited about it.

"Great! Which area should we look at? I'm thinking we should stay in LA, but we can always look at New York; what do you think?" He asked.

Most of my work is in Los Angeles, and a lot of his work is in Los Angeles. New York does sound amazing, but I'm going to stay where I'm at now.

"Let's just stay in California. I'm used to the highways now," I chuckled.

We both grabbed our garbage, and threw it away as we stood up. I grabbed his hand, and we started walking around.

"I'm glad we are moving in with each other," Shawn said swinging our hands.

"I know this is good for us, and I'm glad you talked me into it."

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