Pokemon........ A Training St...

By Riahboo

268K 5.6K 2.3K

Ash and Pikachu along with Cilan, and Iris travel together to a new region where Ash runs into a lot of old f... More

Pokemon........ A Training Start
More for the Journey
Night Holds the Secrets
Morning Separation
Silent road travel
Travelling with the girls
Not how they thought it would go
The guys have got their heads on straight....right?
Pikapal Secrets and a solution for the Destiny Knot
Iris catches a Bagon!
Gonna be a Water Pokemon Master someday
Ross you off that chariot for sure
Emolga and Bagon are Attract-ing!!
May and the abandoned Ponyta
Drew and Iris in a class of their Own
Cilan's Test and May's secret and friend
Ash guardian of the weak and weary
Enter Team Rocket!
Ash vs Georgio: Come out Things!!
Paul's Blue, Drew's mask
Time Alone, A river escape
Friend by day Vigilante by Night
Keep on the Mask, a new task
Misty's unclear reflections
Gary, rival from the past
They are FULL of surprises, and secrets
Rocket Dreams
All together with a slow pace reunion
Hatching Secrets
Good, Great or Perfect Birthday?
Moonlight on awkward waters
Drew's performance partner
Don't get left behind
Run in with the crash duo
Win something lose someone
Assemble Search to bring Home (A.S.H.)
Descend: The mystery that nabbed Misty
They live the way of Pokemon
The Founder and the Beast
Waiting game: Questions still unanswered
Confrontations, Speculations and even more Questions
Aura's Voice
Recover together
Under Interrogations are strict warnings
The pain connection brings
Deep dark emotions, Warning words
Unwanted thoughts unwanted people
Sweet Water
Water Maiden
Troublesome Admirers
A pesky tale of a rival's tower fall
Unsatisfactory confrontations

End of the Journey

3K 86 15
By Riahboo

Chapter 53

Iris sat in her bed brushing her hair watching Axew eat his food. The morning seemed so calm and slow. Her movements were calm as she sat in the lonely room watching Axew.

Everyone else was at a class. Everything, the pace, the people were all calm. The journey was coming to an end. Her hand shook and the brush tangled in her hair for just a moment.

Yesterday she had been taking it slow too. Being with Cilan was so peaceful, even if he had the habit of doing old man stuff. It was still amusing.

Axew yawned and she giggled a bit the sound echoing. She did not know why she was complaining for. The goal she had when she accompanied Ash and Cilan here. To get stronger, she achieved that goal.

Should she be sighing over things like the fact that they were leaving soon? Should she really be upset? They all achieved their goal in some way. She went to classes and learned so much.

They had adventures, got to spend time with people. She knew this. Standing up Iris walked past Axew to the window. She knew all of this already but it did nothing to dull the sharp pain in her heart.

This journey had been a bit of a step for her in so many ways. New friends, new Pokémon and a whole new way to look at old ones.

Cilan. She knew what was happening. That he was taking it so slow. Her hand curled into a fist and clenched right over her chest. That he could be so considerate in a situation like this.

No matter what they both felt their dreams were taking them different directions. It was not that it was impossible. They were from the same region after all but still.

His pursuit of his dream could carry him to different regions. To all over the world in pursuit of it. For them to deepen what they felt now then for him to go off later.

She would survive it. She could endure it but the gentleman in him would not permit it. She knew that because she knew him. Cilan would hate to leave her behind and waiting for him.

She gritted her teeth looking outside. She knew how he thought. That gentleman in him would have thought as long as they were in the same region it would be fine. He could travel from time to time but it would be okay.

Turning around Iris noticed that Axew had finished eating and had fallen asleep right next to the bowl. Moving him now would be a crime.

Quietly she walked past him to the door and opened and closed it quietly behind her. They had only three days left. Walking down the corridor to the pool she sighed at the lack of activity about. Everyone was somewhere.

Two days until it was all over. They would be going home. All they had to do is travel to once more, back to the harbour. It was over.

Opening the door to the pool with a sigh Iris was frozen at the doorway. There was someone already inside. Vigorously swimming because the sound carried. Hesitating on whether she should enter or not the curiosity got to her.

Gingerly stepping inside and closing the door with the timing of the splashes Iris crept closer. She froze again on recognising Cilan being the one so furiously attacking the water. Even more it was not a Cilan she was familiar with.

His hair was moving with the water, his whole demeanour. It was almost like he was fighting some dark emotion in him. biting her lip she stepped forward as he reached the end of the pool to get out.

He tossed his head back, one hand bushing his hair back the other reaching for the towel casted casually on the side. Rising out of the pool rubbing his face with the towel Iris watched a Cilan she would have never known existed.

This was not the gentleman she was accustomed to. This was not the connoisseur he was. It was not a stranger, but it certainly was not a friend. The towel dropped from his face.

“Iris?” He asked shocked. She saw the surprise in his eyes and confusion. “Didn’t you go out?”

“No.” She answered sitting on the ground watching him. “Cilan. I want to ask you something.” He froze in the process of drying his hair and Iris watched as he watched her with unreadable eyes.

“Iris, in the light of everything.” He began. It was the words of the normal Cilan but coming from the face of one she didn’t know.

“Cilan, really?” She laughed. What was the sense in trying to stop her from asking?

He sighed heavily before stooping down in front of her. “Something’s are better shown than spoken about. But fine, ask.”

“The you that I know.” She began slowly. “Is he the cover I see for this intense guy I’m seeing now?” Iris watched as amusement filled his features and a smirk appeared before he fought it down.

“There is no such thing. I’m me. That guy, this guy. It’s all me. Just this guy.” Cilan leaned back and stood up. “This guy has different goals, there is no reason to be suspicious and doubt me and my intentions.”

“Why are you in here? Doing that?” Iris asked getting up as well. “Water is like everywhere. Are you mad?”

Cilan closed his eyes. “Not mad. Just burning off energy. Iris. This place is going to be over soon.” She felt jolted at the reminder. That was right. They were leaving but for him to be a little upset about that. She sighed leaning against the wall and looked into the pool. Not worth it.

“Yeah it is.” Looking around she blinked quickly, when had he closed in?

“This whole time. We’ve made progress. We’ve talked more. Held hands. Fell asleep on the same chair. I value everything this place has given us but I’ll ask for your forgiveness for not being able to wait for more. I don’t mind us pursuing dreams. I mind not having a dream of you to hold on to.” Cilan murmured as he cupped her cheek.

Holding her breath Iris felt startled then relieved when he only lightly kissed her cheek. She let out her breath slowly. There was no reason to panic. Cilan was that sort of old world gentleman. He eyes drifted shut as he kissed her cheek softly again.

There was no real warning. His lips left her cheek and Iris felt shock beyond belief when she was being hauled up onto him and kissed for real.

This was no old world gentleman. This was no put together guy. This was not even the reassuring guy he always somehow was. This was the true Cilan. Nervous, panicked, adoring, loving. She felt tears leak out of her eyes as she stood on tip toe to hug him around his neck as she kissed him back.

This was a Cilan that just like her was anticipating and dreading the tomorrow.


Dawn sat on Paul’s bed as he repacked his bags. They were finally back to where they first started. Back at the harbour. It was over. Not that it was not fun but, it got more and more tense as it went along. Gary had gone on ahead the evening before back to Sinnoh.

Kenny and Georgio had left too. Barry and Bianca had gone off together. It still made her want to shake her head when she thought of it. She felt giddy inside. She learnt so much. Accomplished so much but now she had to leave.

Paul seemed just fine. Looking away she toyed with her fingertips. They were in completely different fields and they lived on two opposite sides of Sinnoh. She had her dream, he had his, just thinking about how long it would take and the effort made her want to sweat.

“Stop worrying.” Paul grunted as he picked up the bag to test the weight. “Don’t get all airheaded because we are going back now. We can’t stay here. Everything we worked hard to learn would go to waste. You owe it to your audiences and fans to show them what you have got now. I owe it to my Pokémon to achieve my dream.”

“Since we came here.” Dawn mused lying back. “I’d very rarely hear you speak so much at once to me. Unless we spoke about Ash.”

Paul set the bag down and leaned over her. “I won’t tell you things all the time. Think of it as training. To work on your instincts.”

“No need to worry.” She sighed as she sat up flinging her arms around his neck. “I think from here it’s going to be exciting.”

“I’ll always watch the festival.” Paul shrugged. “So you have to make it there every time and know I’m watching.”

“I’ll come to watch you in the League.” Dawn whispered into his shoulder.

“You can come.” Paul told her as he pulled her from his shoulder so he could hold their faces close together his forehead bumping hers. “Only if you give me a good luck charm for when I’m to go on. Something to remind me of what happens after I win.”

Dawn felt her skin slowly heating up in embarrassment. She knew what he meant about the what after. His stare was so intense but she could not look away. She had been so afraid of what came after their goals. How to make it work and Paul was not even bothered.

He really and truly was something incredible. There would be a time when she could look at the uncertain future shrug and say she could undoubtedly handle it. In the meantime however she quite well knew her limits. But it would not stop her from hoping.


Sitting in the garden with Drew, May felt at peace. It was time to leave this place but she felt happy. They would see each other on the road. They would face each other in contests. It was weird but as they got closer to leaving she felt less panicked.

“It still changes things.” Drew sighed. “This whole thing was fun and educational but I’m still going to beat you at every contest we see each other at.”

“You can still act like that after Misty crushed you?” May demanded. Drew and Paul and went up and challenged her as a goodbye battle. It had been a long battle but they still lost.

“That was practice. But still, I don’t know how Ash manages. She’s powerful.” Drew muttered. “A real beast. She would dominate a contest. In fact I would kill to see her battle Solidad.”

“Me too.” May whispered thinking about it. Misty was really strong but to see her matched up against that person would be the best thing ever.

“May.” Drew said his tone serious. “I’ve been thinking a lot. About the goals we each have. Even when I get my goal. I’m going to fight to keep it. I’ll keep fighting. There may as well be no after I achieve my goal life for me.”

May understood what he was trying to say. Drew was indirectly trying to warn her he may never leave the contest circuit. But that was okay too. She found it hard to contemplate ever abandoning the world they had made their own.

“Me too.” She whispered. “There may never be that moment I can say that’s enough and try to live like everybody else.”

“That sucks huh.” Drew chuckled. “After all this. It doesn’t depress me though.”

“Me neither.” She contemplated. “In fact, knowing that no matter what we will always be rivals.”

“Even with crowns, achievements and children.” Drew sighed and she jumped in shock. “We really are a pair.” He laughed.

May blushed glad he would be unable to see. “When we get back.” She started to say only for Drew to stop her with a gentle tap of his hand on hers.

“I’ve been thinking of going Hoenn and checking out the contest there. What do you say we go together?”

May smiled and nodded thinking about it. They could peacefully plan like this now, but when they got back it was rival mode all over again. Both of them trying their best to win their shared dream.

“I won’t go easy on you.” She giggled.

“Me neither, and May. When the festival is over. We can call a truce.” Drew whispered and she coloured.

“Sure.” She whispered back. Half dreading and half wishing for their departure date.


This was it. Ash felt partially sulky and partially relieved. It was over. When he first came to this place for training he had such high expectations. The result had been even higher.

Pikachu riding on his shoulder, Ash started the walk out of the centre ignoring the feeling in his gut. This place had done so much for him.

Misty, the others, new Pokémon. He was glad for it all but to leave and go on his new journey wrenched at him. he knew how far he was from perfection. It could take years, it could also take just one year.

Blinking into the morning sun Ash tried breathing slowly. He knew it was the right thing to do. Still, he would miss the others. Goodbye was always the hardest thing to do.

“Prepare for trouble it’s the Twerps big day.”

“Make it double, they head home today.”

“Protecting this world from Infestation.”

“We reveal their sulky disposition!”

“To denounce the fact we would ever miss you.”

“We turned out to see you off with not a boo hoo.”

“Your Team Rocket Jessie.”

“Your Team Rocket James.”

“Meowth! That’s the name.”

“Seeing you Twerps off in haste.”

“This from our hearts, don’t forget to visit our place!”

Ash looked around to see two things. The Team Rocket Duo and Meowth and that the others had made it outside already packed, ready to go.

“Thank you guys.” Misty smiled hugging the Duo and Meowth. “It was great seeing you guys again. Even if for a while and I hope this works out for you.”

“This suits you better.” Drew shrugged.

“Only, well only time will tell.” Jessie shrugged as she glanced at James. James returned her look and Ash saw the woman lightly flush.

“So you Twerps have it all huh?” James questioned.

“Pretty much.” Dawn laughed.

“Yeah, Max went back already so it’s just me I have to worry about.” May mumbled.

“Let’s go then!” Cilan laughed.

Walking toward the boat that was docked Ash frowned at the Rocket Duo that fell into step with them. “You guys coming back too?”

“Nope.” James laughed. “We haven’t finished up here yet to go back. In a few weeks though we will be heading back to Kanto again.”

“This has to be the weirdest training ever.” Iris mumbled as Axew chewed an apple on her head. Paul nodded in agreement.

“It all worked out for the best.” Drew shrugged.

“Goodbye Twerps.” Jessie laughed as they reached the walkway.

“Goodbye.” Ash waved as he walked up the walkway. His heart felt heavy. These next few hours would be the most precious ever.


They reached their crossroads. They stood together after getting off the ship. It was Unova for them all. Ash watched as Iris and Cilan made their plans on their maps. Drew, May and Paul had already booked their tickets.

Dawn was going home. Misty had her ticket home too. After this. It really was over. His throat felt clogged up. He saw Misty smile sadly and he had to fight not to look away.

On the ride over they had snuck kisses, hugs and any other little talks. As always he was struck by how much she understood.

They talked about this adventure. Comparing it to others and deciding to leave this one in a class on its own. She cuddled Pikachu, she talked more about Lugia.

They even spoke about their shared Aura power. He had felt a little scared about letting Misty roam off free knowing what she could do but it really was harmless.

“This is it guys.” Misty laughed setting her bag on the ground. “Group hug!” She laughed and Paul groaned.

“Why not.” Cilan said cheerfully already opening his arms wide. They all surged together. Most likely making a terrible sight. All clustered together, laughing with breaking voices.

“This was fun.” Iris sighed.

“I learned a lot.” May added.

“This was unlike any other thing I’ve ever known.” Dawn added.

“I think it is safe to say we all got a little something other than training.” Drew dryly spoke as they separated.

“It will only get hard from here.” Paul shrugged as he picked back up his bag.

“That’s why we keep training.” Misty shrugged.

“Right.” Paul breathed. Letting his bag drop a bit Ash was stunned when Paul dragged Dawn to him and ruffled her hair. “Keep safe Blue.” He told her as he stood next to May and Drew.

Iris and Cilan were going different directions. Cilan to his gym and Iris to her hometown. Ash watched as they both shared a glance.

“Trains run everywhere.” Cilan whispered as he hugged Iris tight.

“Breakfast won’t be the same.” Iris sighed making them all sigh.

“That’s all?” Cilan frowned making her laugh.

“I won’t enjoy elderly activities the same without you.”

Ash felt all eyes drift to himself and Misty but he ignored them. Approaching her he was aware of many things. Their height difference, her slight frame. Her hair, all things he had grown accustom to again.

“Mist.” He said feeling choked up as he cupped her cheek.

“I know.” She laughed as tears sprang forth in her eyes. “I know Ash.” Ash pulled her into a deep hug, revealing in her fast heartbeat and her scent.

“If things could be different. I don’t even know if I would choose them to be different.” He murmured into her neck.

“I wouldn’t want it.” She whispered back. “I know it hurts this way. But this way is far more exciting don’t you think?”

Leaning back Ash met her eyes and brushed away her tears. Leaning forward again he brushed her forehead with a kiss.

“One day, I’ll have my dream. One day you will have yours. One day I’ll be able to come home.”

“And do what?” Misty laughed. “Even now you are off travelling. This is you. This is the Ash I know.”

“This is the Misty I know.” He said firmly. “I don’t want you to be alone.”

“I won’t be. A gym leader is never alone. If you don’t want me to be lonely. Just call.” She cupped his cheek gently. “Or visit, the gym will always be open.”

Ash opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by the very loud gong. He knew what that meant. All the ships were boarding. They were all heading home, or off to a new adventure.

“Ready buddy?” He muttered as he picked back up his bag.

“Bye Pikapal!” Misty cooed.

“Bye guys!” Cilan and Iris said as they stood side by side.

“Bye!” Drew and May said as they along with Paul headed towards their ship.

“See ya!” Dawn laughed heading down the walkway for hers.

“Goodbye Ash.” Misty whispered going to her ship.

“See ya.” Ash responded his cap down as he boarded his ship. Walking to the railing he noticed he could see Misty’s ship quite well. Looking at it he saw when Misty walked onto the deck facing him. she was wearing it. His cap.

Swallowing as he watching her Ash was struck at how the wind tugged at her clothes. She looked radiant. The way she looked the night she used aura in the lake.

Her expression was so peaceful. Grabbing onto the railings Ash wished he could leap to her boat and strangle her.

She grinned at him and Ash had the feeling she had figured out what he was thinking. Sighing he watched her from where he was. He could call her and hear her voice but he felt that would be cheating somehow.

His next adventure, then maybe another one and another one until he got his goal. Whether he would be satisfied with that remained to be seen. He doubted it greatly.

He felt a shake as his ship got ready to move. Looking into her serene expression Ash felt like saying something as a final goodbye even though the distance would not carry the words.

Misty smiled and Ash frowned. She started forming words from far away. He could not know if she was speaking it or not. As his boat began pulling out of the harbour he read the words.

Don’t worry. Take care. Use your head. Love you, I will be waiting.”

Tears sprang to his eyes as his boat began to pass hers. Ash waved before trying his best to shout the words at her. He did not know if she would get them but he had to try.

“I love you Misty! Just wait! And keep your dream!”

Whether she got the words or not he would never ask. His ship passed hers and Ash slumped against the railing. He knew it was bad to ask her to wait but he had to.

It would be an agreement she could pull out on the ones like Georgio. Whenever they asked, she was waiting on someone special to return.

It would take a while. Who knew maybe years. Who knew how strong she would get in the meantime. Who could know if this feeling would change.

He was banking everything on his gut and he never felt calmer. Misty was his. Everything they went through on this trip only reaffirmed that.

She went so far for his sake. She worried, she held back, she waitied. He may never become the champion. His dream might even change but one thing was for certain. Misty waited back home.

Not sitting back doing nothing but making her own dreams come true. How could he ignore that? He had to do his best too.

Meet new Pokémon, new friends. Develop new skills. Train harder, challenge gyms and compete in tournaments. When it came right down to it. It was almost the same as before. Except he had another goal waiting for him.

No matter how long it took. His best friend was at the end of the line. They could not travel like they used to.

They could not go back to the simple wonder old times. This only proved that but they sure could make more new adventures.

Nobody better than Misty loved a good adventure. Sitting around doing nothing was boring.

“Ready for another journey buddy?” Ash asked his buddy. His pal Pikachu. “We have a new journey ahead of us. But don’t worry. At the end of it. We have Misty. So you ready?”

The squeak he got in return had him smiling. Staring at the fast moving water Ash held tightly to the railing. He was all fired up from that training. From Misty, from his discoveries. He got training for his Pokémon, his mind and his heart.

“Just wait. I’m taking the world by storm. Then I’ll be back Misty.” He whispered.

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