Magcon Princess 2

By gigglyXOXO

117K 2.1K 792

(Previously called Living With the Magcon Boys) Madisyn is back at her same things again. Two months after th... More

Chapter 1 New Beginnings
Chapter 2 This is Awkward..
Chapter 3 Donuts
Chapter 4 Where Did She Come From?
Chapter 5 Sorry..
Chapter 6 Bye Stupid
Chapter 7 Anger
Chapter 8 New Songs
Chapter 9 TCA
Chapter 10 Seventeen
Chapter 11 Party
Chapter 12 We are Strong
Chapter 13 The Words
Chapter 14 I want to help
Chapter 15 Hotel nigtmares
Chapter 16 Here to help
Chapter 17 Heartbreak Girl
Chapter 18 Listen to Me
Chapter 19 My Little Princess
Chapter 20 Sad days.
Chapter 21 Funeral
Chapter 22 Interview
Chapter 23 Back to Old Habits
Chapter 24 Brother Sister Day
Chapter 25 Billboards
Chapter 26 New York
Chapter 27 Site Seeing
Chapter 28 First Night
Chapter 29 Calum Helps
Chapter 30 Sad Show
Chapter 31 Bahama Bungalows
Chapter 32 Truth is Showing
Chapter 33 Midnight Swims
Chapter 34 Questions..
Chapter 35 Secrets Are Told
Chapter 36 Trust in Relationships
Chapter 37 School Fights
Chapter 38 Update on Life
Chapter 39 Grocery Shopping
Chapter 40 Surprise Fail
Chapter 41 My World
Chapter 42 Fam Bam
Chapter 43 A bug?
Chapter 44 Lots of Worries
Chapter 45 Surgery?
Chapter 46 Recovery
Chapter 47 Finally Free
Chapter 48 Conspiracy and News
Chapter 49 Recording Day
Chapter 50! New Girlfriends?
Chapter 51 One Day Closer
Chapter 53 Lucky
Chapter 54 Waking up
Chapter 55 The Queen Herself
Chapter 56 The Future
Chapter 57 Seattle
Chapter 58 Another Birthday
Chapter 59 After Concert Subway
Chapter 60 Midnight Drives
Chapter 61 Coffee Conversation
Chapter 62 Blue Carpet
Chapter 63 Love Me Harder
Chapter 64 Greek Theatre
Chapter 65 Addy And Katie Day
Chapter 66 Rings and Cheats
Chapter 67 Close to a Terrible Day
Chapter 68 Dinner With the Family
Chapter 69 I Want You to Know
Chapter 70 It Was an Easy Day
Chapter 71 Im Leaving Now
Chapter 72 Two Hospital Patients
Chapter 73 Never Have I Ever
Chapter 74 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Chapter 75 Ain't No Crying In The Club
Chapter 76 It's Going to Get Better
Chapter 77 Ellen's Housewarming
Chapter 78 Good For You Video
Chapter 79 You Can't be Silent
Chapter 80 House Listening Party
Chapter 81 Late Late Cookies
Midnight Dangerous Love Album
Chapter 82 'Giving Up Isn't In My Blood'
*Dear Reader*
Chapter 83 Halloween isn't the only scary thing
Chapter 84 Almost back to him
Chapter 85 Texas Pt. 1
Chapter 86 Texas Pt. 2
Home Sweet Home

Chapter 52 Portland

1.2K 30 11
By gigglyXOXO

I woke up to the bright sunlight entering my hotel room through my window. I could feel my body getting hotter and hotter as I sat in bed under cover.

Out of frustration I pulled my covers off of me, and laid there. This must be a sign to get up, and get ready.

I thought about my day, and got excited thinking about seeing Shawn today. Quickly I ran into the bathroom with a huge smile on my face thinking about the next twelve hours of my life. I am so excited!

I stood in the mirror brushing my hair out, while I stared at my long dark scar above my right hip. This is a sight I am going to have to get used to; it is going to be there for a while. I turned on my phone's Pandora, and hooked it up to the radios Bluetooth. Wildest dreams came on by Taylor Swift while I climbed into the shower with the hot water.

I sang along to the song as I did my normal shower routine. I turned off the water, and climbed out humming along to Riptide. Vance Joy is an opening act for Taylor Swift. That means tomorrow I get to see him perform! I am so excited for this.

My phone paused the music because I got a text message, so I got closer to read it.

From. Andrew Gertler: Should be at the ballroom around one. He still doesn't know! :)

My heart pounded about the surprise. Last time I tried to surprise him it didn't turn out good. That was a big fight. I still can't believe how I acted like a psycho jealous girl friend. I feel so bad for Shawn sometimes. He has to put up with me, but that is what he gets for asking me out.

I smiled at the thought of him choosing me. "He is so cute," I smiled to myself.

To. Andrew Gertler: Thank you so much fro helping with this! I owe you big time!!(:

I put my phone down, and brushed my teeth using my travel toothbrush and toothpaste. After that I went to my suitcase, and grabbed my already planned outfit. Today is suppose to be in the eighties which means shorts for me.

For today's outfit I put on high waisted jean shorts, a black and white crop top with a tied knot in the front, and black converse. I don't want to go to big you know. Plus converse you can never go wrong with.

I walked into the bathroom, and did two French braids with my brown hair. I applied a small layer of concealer, and did my eyebrows. After that, I added a winged eyeliner and mascara to my eyes. To finish all of my makeup I added a darker lipstick onto my lips.

I packed all of my stuff back into my suitcases and bags. I looked over the whole room making sure I don't leave anything behind. Well this is a nice hotel room. Too bad it was for only one night.

I heard a small knock on my door, so I went to it. In the peep hole I saw Brian waiting there rocking on his heels. I opened the door with a warm smile.

"Good morning Brian! How did you sleep?" I asked motioning for him to come in.

"I slept as well as I can. Are you ready to explore the world? Well at lease Portland Oregon," he laughed.

"Yeah let me grab a few things, and we can go," I smiled. I scurried through my room finding everything I need for the day, and adding them into my black shoulder bag. "Alright let's go."

Brian helped me grab my belongings, and we made our way down to the lobby.

"My stuff is already in the car. Ill bring this stuff out, and then I will check us out."

I nodded my head, and helped him put my bags on the gold cart. He carried them out, and I decided to just to stand there awkwardly while people walked in and out of the lobby.

He finally came back a five minutes later. Five minutes after pure torture. He talked to the front lady, and check us out handing her out key cards and signing papers.

He turned around, and motioned for me to follow him. We both made out way out of the hotel towards the rental car. I got into the passenger side, and he got into the drivers. In the back seat I had my guitar in its case chilling there from last night.

"Alright our first place is a place everyone who comes to Portland must go to. Voodoo Donuts," he smirked while starting the car.

I smiled at the thought of donuts. Then my mind went back to an old memory. The time when Shawn came back from touring after our break up, and we were home alone awkwardly sitting on the couch till Gilinsky came over. Then Anna and Drake brought home donuts. Wow that is an old memory.

We drove through the Portland traffic, but I didn't mind since I got to see so many parts of Downtown Portland. The bridges and water is so beautiful. Apparently to Brian that is the Willamette river.

We found a parking spot a little away from Voodoo donuts, and while Brian was putting the quarters I gave him into the meter I dug out my sunglasses, and put them on. Time for a fun adventure.

We walked towards the shop, and talked about what weird donuts Brian has heard about. They make a lot of weird kinds. When he came here last time he ate one with bacon on it.

I could already tell this place was popular. You could see a line inside that was moving fast. From outside they had a bright pink sign with the name of their shop. There was different things outside the building lots of people were taking pictures with.

We walked into the shop, and felt the AC throughout the air, and lots of laughter and conversations. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood besides a baby who looked a little sleepy.

We waited in line keeping small talk with the people around us. They told us a lot more places to go since we are trying to find things to kill time.

It was finally our turn, and I insisted to Brian that I paid. It took a while, but I convinced him.

The nice lady handed us our box filled with donuts, and we thanked her. At some of the tables outside we sat down to enjoy our 'healthy' breakfast. My order consisted of a lot.

Loop donut: Donut with fruit loops all over.

Portland Cream donut: Filled with Bavarian cream, and covered in chocolate.

Voodoo Bubble donut: Top covered in vanilla with pink sprinkles, and a piece of double bubble gum on top.

The names are pretty strange but very funny. Brian got one called Dirty Old Bastard. Who comes up with these!

I wasn't able to eat all of my donuts. I had about three fourths left of the bubble gum one, so Brian decided to eat the rest for me. Props to him for eating almost all of the store.

"Alright the Lloyd center is down the street. It is this huge mall! And when I say huge I mean huge!" He said with wide eyes.

"Sounds like fun! I just can't get anything since I don't have any room in my suitcases. Just remind me every time I go to buy something," I chuckled throwing our box away.

We drove in the car for about ten minutes until we arrived in front of a huge mall, and found parking. The outside started getting hotter. I guess this means today is going to get really hot.

I know I live in California and all, but still I am a wimp when it comes to scorching hot weather. On the East coast it did so much craziness to my hair. I am just glad the humid isn't as bad on the west coast.

"During the Winter they have ice skating in the middle of the mall! It is so amazing. My sister used to live here a couple years ago, so I would visit her. She would always take me ice skating," he said pointing to an area.


Brian and I started driving finally to the Crystal Ballroom. All day we were at the mall looking around at shops and taking photos. We had lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings, and it was really good. I ate there a while ago in LA, but I never had there wings. I tried them this time, and I really liked them Some how Brian talked me into eating fried pickles. I know it sounds really weird, but they aren't as bad as I though.

After Wild Wings we got drinks at a coffee place called Dutch Bros. Someone recommended it to us, and I am in love. They have drinks called Rebels which is like Red Bulls, but its there own brand called Rebels. I got a Strawberry Rebel which was so good. I am going to get home, and introduce everyone to these drinks. Which means grocery shopping trip to get everything.

"How excited are you to see your boyfriend?" He asked smiling as we drove.

"Super excited. It feels like it has been forever, and I get to see his handsome face again," I smiled dazing off.

"Sounds like you really miss him," he laughed. "There is the ballroom," he said pointing.

I saw Shawn's long black tour bus parked out front of the building. Along the brick wall girls were lined up excited for the show. The line wrapped around the building going around the block.

"I am going to park in the back where there is no one. I right away I am going to take you into the building, and ill come back for your bags," I nodded my head as he drove around the corner.

A guard stood by the gate, and we drove up to it.

"Hi I have Madisyn Espinosa," Brian said to the buff guy in all black. Wow he must be hot in all of that black. He nodded his head, and opened the gate letting us through.

I got out with my guitar, and Brian followed me. I kept my head low not wanting any one to see me as I walked to the door being held opened by someone I didn't know the name of.

Once I was inside Brian left me to get my bags. I breathed out, and looked around. I had to go up some stairs to reach the right level. Everyone was running around setting up the stage. A couple of guys were hanging up the Shawn Mendes banner, and others were setting up the speakers.

I felt someone coming behind me, so I turned around startled. I let out a breath once I noticed it was Geoff. "Geoff!" I said going in for a hug.

"Hi little lady! How are you?" He smiled releasing from the hug. I lightly chuckled at the name.

"I am doing great! How is touring? It must be fun dealing with guitars all the time am I right?" I laughed.

"It is a lot of fun. I see you have your guitar does that mean Shawn and you are going to be jamming out together? Speaking of which I want you to meet his opening act." He motioned towards a girl. I couldn't really see her face since so many people were blocking the way.

I know it was Jacquie Lee, but I have never seen her in person. She got closer, and a big smile was on her face. She was beautiful. Her brown hair was long, and she dressed so comfortable. "You must be Madisyn! Of course you are since I watch all of your videos, and I am obsessed with Paper Towns," she said going in for a hug.

"And you are Jacquie Lee the one with the insane vocals! I loved you on the Voice, and I love your music," I complimented.

"Madisyn this is also Tom he helps with the tour," Geoff introduced as a man approached us. He was taller, and was really skinny. He had blonde curly hair, and he wore all black.

"Hello Madisyn I am Tom," he said reaching out for a hand shake.

I shook his hand and smiled. "Nice to meet you Tom." Wow he has a British accent. That was wonderful.

"Oh gosh I just got a text from Andrew. They are going to be here in about two minutes," Geoff said putting his phone away.

Brian came in, and told me he was going to quickly put my bags in the tour bus, and Tom offered to help him with them.

"I guess that is my cue to go since you need to get ready for your boyfriend," Jacquie smirked. She gave my hand a squeeze and she walked off.

Geoff told me he had to go check on Shawn's guitars. Which left me to myself. I sat my guitar down on the stage, and sat on the edge since they didn't have the barricades up yet.

I sat there waiting for Shawn. I heard screams from outside which meant Shawn must of drove by or something. Geoff passed by me, and smiled which I returned.

More minutes passed by, and my heart started to beat faster. I heard his faint voice.

"No I am doing good." His voice is so soft when he speaks. I could hear him get louder which meant he must being getting closer.

I saw him laughing as he talked to John. He didn't notice me since he had his back turned to me as he spoke. John did notice me as he looked over Shawn's shoulder and smirked.

"Ill be right back Shawn I am going to go to the bathroom," he said patting his shoulder.

Once he started to walk away I knew it was my turn.

"I wonder if these lights are going to be on during the show?" I questioned looking around at the small area. He quickly looked my way, and had a huge smile on his face.

"Princess?" He smiled.

A/N: Well needed long update. SUMMER BREAK IS SO CLOSE I CAN PRACTICALLY FEEL IT! Or that might be the allergies I have... When Summer comes along that means two updates a week!

And something else is near drum roll please... ON JUNE 1ST GUARDIAN ANGEL STARTS!!! I am so excited for this new Fanfic. I cant wait for you guys to be able to read it.

Well anyways good night or morning or whatever time it is.

Stay beautiful

Peace XOXO

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