Don't Forget About Me| August...


1.9M 71.9K 27.8K

My name, is Armani- meaning shy, unique, and for those I care about, relentless. I'm from downtown New Orlean... Еще

Ok so heres the deal!
Just Ashamed!
It's out my loves!
Final Thoughts


36.7K 1K 643

Mo' morning beauty in the mm

I told ya' we got ya'

August POV

I woke up to a warm presence on my chest, I looked down to see a peacefully sleeping Armani laying there.

She looked so fragile and dainty, yet her beauty still evident in her face. I looked at all the scars she had on her body and she looked so weak and worn down like her body just couldn't take no more, like she was ready to give up.

Then the events from last night played into my head, all the things she did.

I mean she fucked that old man shit up, to be honest I was a lil scared myself. She seemed so out of it, like even though it was clear she could hardly stand she still managed to bust down a door, beat a mans ass, then on top of that stay on her feet all day caring for her sister— while dealing with her mothers death that she still refuses to acknowledge.

She looked so strung out and I knew she needed all the rest she could possibly get right now, her body had-had enough yesterday. She deserved this time to sleep.

I mean the way she looked last night compared to the way she looks now, you would think she was two different people. Baby girl fucked him up so bad it reminded me of some shit Mel did to a nigga that tried to set him up, he beat the nigga to the point you couldn't recognize his face. That's exactly how Mo' did her grand pops. Well how she did David no dick.

It was no doubt that she loved that lil girl to death. She put herself— her well being— to the side so she could save her. She didn't even know what she was about to walk into when she bust that door down, but she was actually willing to lose her life to save Kali's. Just thinking about all that she did made me think back to when she first came to Mel's house yesterday.


"Aye umm, shawty let me holla' at'cha fa' a sec." I called to her, only to receive a stale face from her— for what felt like hours— until she opened her mouth to speak.

"Da' names Mo' my nigga."

I couldn't resist the smirk forming on my face, this lil girl had attitude...interesting.

"Well Mo',"I mocked," I juss' wanna say I'm sorry 'bout that lil shit I pulled earlier, it's juss''s a lot of niggas out fa' my big brotha' head,"I explained,"And I know I'm a lil nigga, but I gotta try my hardest ta' keep'em safe. Ya' heard meh'?"

She stared at me for a good minute or two and then she started making me a little uncomfortable with intensity of her gaze and what lied inside of those eyes. I was about to akwardly exit the premises; that is until she stood up and made her way towards me, never breaking eye contact. She was really started to strike me as crazy. She stood in front of me and looked me up and down then she smirked at me and held out her hands and dapping me up.

"Nawl it's coo', I unda'stand I pro'bly woulda did da' same fa' mines, oh but next time ya' pull a gun....use it playboy."


I smiled thinking about how feisty she was towards me. I guess she really would do the same for hers when it came down to it. Clearly that little girl meant the world to her; a blind man could see the love she had for her. However, when she said she'd do the same for hers I wasn't expecting her to actually go full fledge superman in that bitch, but I know how it is when it comes to family. You'll give your life for theirs if you truly love them.

All and all last night was crazy, but the most messed up part about it was— not only what happened to that sweet little girl, but the way Armani's demeanor changed when her grandma asked her that question. The way her eyes became glossy let me know it was true. The way she opened her mouth but nothing came out. Let me know it was all true.

Her pops was gone pay for the shit he did to her, me and Mel gone make sure of that.

Just knowing what he did to her made everything clear for me: the bruises, the scratches, the dead look she always had in her eyes— she was broken inside. It was amazing she could even sit here and tell me she trust me last night. When it came to Mo' I had a new found respect for her for being able to get out of that terrible situation, and not stop there but get her sister out of that darkness as well.

She was truly one of the strongest people I've come to know... and I haven't even known her long.

I looked down at her remembering the best parts about last night. Our little break through I should say. That was the first time I actually heard her express herself when she was telling me about my 'beautiful', eyes. Even though it was just a little bit, I still felt as if I could break down all those walls them fuck niggas in her life built up.

I've never heard that stuff about eyes being the windows to your soul before, it kinda made me think about some stuff, stuff like the feeling I got when I looked into her eyes last night when we were laying together. It was a feeling I....I can't explain, all I know is it's a feeling I'm not use to.

It's like something in me is telling me to....always be here and protect her. It's strange.

I started staring at her, taking in all her features; she sure was a sight to see. Her curly locks stopping at her shoulders, the way her top and bottom lip were in perfect correspondence with one another, the way her nose was the perfect little size. She was beautiful. Even though her body was beaten I could still see her tiny frame peaking through the scars. Her body was so defined for her to be this young, she had curves in all the areas they were needed. Her body was only a complement to that gorgeous, breathtaking face of hers.

She started to move on my chest before her eyes finally fluttered open making my heart stop, skip a beat, then beat to the point that I thought it was about to come out of my chest.

Her eyes looked....they looked so exotic, they were a stunning shade of light brown.

She looked up at me and smiled pushing the hair out of her face.

God Damn!.....My heart, My soul

But aside from her snatching my soul away, I get it now...

Right then and there I knew what she meant when she said the eyes were the widows to the soul, because at that very moment I saw all the hurt she was carrying around with her, all the pain, all the lonely scared nights she had. When I looked in her eyes I saw all the beauty that she couldn't see she had because of the walls her supposed to be loved ones built up, I saw all the love she was ready to give but had no one to give it to . When I looked in her eyes just then I got a glimpse of her soul.

I don't know how I seen it, but I did...

I reached out my hand and rested it on her cheek, I felt it slowly rise as I watched the smile dance upon her face.

Her smile only added on to that astonishing complexion of hers making her skin gain a light glow. She was truly a master piece, the best fucking imperfection I've ever seen on earth. She was a work of art that was still being created. That girl was just so damn beautif-

Wait what am I saying I'm fooling with crystal I need to get a grip, I love that girl. She's the one I'm meant to spend an eternity with. Crystal has been with me through thick and thin— the girl is my real ride or die man. Even though ma and the rest of the fam didn't like her she's been my rock and I love her. I feel that maybe we could be something more in the future.

But I don't think there's anything wrong with me and lil mama being friends. Right?

I stared at her a little and I guess this time she noticed.

"Ya' know it's not polite ta' stare Aug." she said in a raspy voice.

I smacked my lips.

"Guh' ain't nobody starin' at yo fugly ass."

"Fuck ya' August, you suck so much petta' whacka mane."

The hell is a petta' whacka?

"Petta' what nah'?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Petta' whacka, ion really like sayin' da' D word it sound so nasty." She answered with a stank look on her face, you could tell she was actually thinking about the 'D' word as she spoke.

"Oh ya' mean dick baybeh." I said while smirking.

"Aug stop det' shit."

"Aight, but aye Mo'?"

She looked up at me and to tell you the truth I almost melted, but I'm a real nigga. I can't let stuff like that show.


"Dick Dick Dickity Dick Dick, how det' sound baybeh?"

Her mouth dropped wide open while her eyes grew three sizes. She flung her hands over her tiny ears and sent me a cold glare. I could no longer resist the laughter building up in my throat from the way she was acting.

She kissed her teeth and scowled at me.

"Ya' know what August, you're dick head bruh."

But she don't like that word, I'm changing her already.

"Oh baybeh girl I'ca show ya' a dick head."

"Oh my goodness August! I hate your manish behind!" She gasped.

I threw the covers over her head and ran out the room before she could retaliate- well before she could get her hands on a bat or something.

"Imma beat yo' ass lil skinny ass nigga!" I heard her yell after me.

I just laughed to myself as I walked into the bathroom ready to do my morning routine. I reached above the tub and got me a wash and dry off towel. I was about to get my body wash from under the sink when I heard little foot steps coming down the hall, I slowly opened the door and walked out.

I felt something brush against my leg and when I looked down I was faced with Kali looking up at me with the same beautiful smile as her sister. I mean it was crazy how contagious their smiles were.

I smiled back down at her while bending down to her level.

"Hey lil mama ya' lookin' fa' ya' big sis?"

She began to nod her head vigorously never letting her smile fall.

"She all da' way down da' hall lil one."

She nodded in understanding then wrapped her arms around my neck giving me a hug, I wrapped my arm around her tiny frame and held her as tight as I could without hurting her.

"Tank ya'."

"Ya' welcome lil mama."

She pulled away running down the hall towards the room, giggling while pushing the door open. I heard her yell Mo's real name then I heard them both laughing and playing.

I smiled standing back up, and going back into the bathroom. I was happy that those two were finally reunited with each other. They deserved it.

I turned on the shower and waited for it to get nice and steamy like I liked it. I got undressed and stepped in letting the little droplets of water cover my body washing off last nights events and easing my tired bones. I took the wash cloth and lathered it in my axe body wash and washed all over myself.

Once I was all done with my twenty minute shower I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my waist walking over to the sink to brush my teeth. After I finished up with that and washing my face, I then rinsed and dried my body off completely before putting on my clothes.

I stepped out of the bathroom smelling a pleasant delicious scent filling the air around me. As I made my way towards the kitchen I looked at the couch and seen Mel long ass stretched out sleeping as wild as ever. I picked up the cover that was on the floor putting it back over his body.

On my way into the kitchen I heard something that had me stopping right where I stood.

I heard the most beautiful, most sweet, most angelic voice I've ever heard in my life. I tiptoed my way to the entrance of the kitchen and to my surprise I seen Mo' over the stove while Kali sat on the counter beside her swinging her little legs back and forth. I stayed in the door frame listening to the two of them.

"I've been coming home late night,
I've been sleeping past daylight.
I'm wakin' up your not by my side,
Baby that ain't right.
I wanna be there wit' you
I really do be missin' you.
Everything I do is for you,
And I really do adore ya'.
You're gettin' so big now,
And your makin' me so proud.
Cause you are such'a star
And you know that chu' are.
So every single little moment,
I can't be there to hold your hand,
I need for you to know that,
I need for you to know that.
If anything should happen,
Anything should happen,
Cause anything could.
If anything should happen.
Know that you'll be alright,
Know that you'll be alright.
Just promise you'll be alright
Promise you'll be alright
If anything."

I watched as she stopped swaying her hips and flipping whatever it was that she had in the skillet she was cooking in. She looked over at Kali and smiled then tapped her on her small little leg. As if on cue, Kali begun to try and sing her little heart out. And to my surprise she sounded pretty

"A'right, promish' I be a'right
Promish' I be a'right
Promish' I be a'right."

She tapped Mo' on her shoulder, I guess signaling her to sing again.

"If anything should happen"

"Promish' I be a'right
Promish' I be a'right
Promish' I be, promish' I be

Kali ended out the song and instantly Mo' began to clap her hands and hug on Kali telling her how good she did. I decided it was high time I make my presence known; so I walked completely into the kitchen clearing my throat and clapping along with Armani.

Mo' turned around damn there jumping out of her skin, with her hand over her chest trying to catch her breath.

I walked over to the counter and picked Kali up and told her to go wake up her Uncle Mel, and as soon as I put her down she took of towards the living room giggling up a storm.

"Unc Mel! Wake up!" We heard her yell.

"August yo ugly ass scared me." Mani said while throwing a dish towel at me.

"Damn, I'm sorry baybeh." I tried to get out but I couldn't stop laughing at her anger.

"HaHa! really funny Aug,"She laughed sarcastically,"Shouldn't you be at school? Ya' know Mrs. Banard gone kill ya'."

I was kinda taken back by what she said, simply because she knew not only my school but my seventh period teacher, Mrs. Banard old skeleton body ass.

"How ya' know my teacher?" I asked her.

She straight faced me and chuckled a little to herself while turning her attention back to the stove.


"August we take da' same class." She said lowly.

I twisted up my face and looked at her.

"But you twelve."

"I skipped a grade."

She turned back around towards me, but looked down at the floor as soon as our eyes connected.

She let out a deep heavy sigh, then she finally answered my next question that she must have known was coming.

"I'm da' girl ya' boys always pickin' on."

After she said that it was like a flood of memories came rushing back to me, I knew her face was familiar to me. She was the little quiet girl that always sat in the back of the class with her head down. She never bothered anybody, yet, Sneak and Twan always made it their mission to fuck with her.


"Aye y'all c'mon leave dat' girl alone." I pestered not wanting to see her get beat up again.

"Shut up lil pussy, she clearly thank she betta' den' ery'body else." Sneak spat while pulling on her hair.

"Yea, always wanna ignore a nigga and shit." Twan spoke in agreement with Sneak

I watched as she tried to walk past them into the classroom to her normal seat, but they blocked her way. I saw that she already had some bruises already on her face and arms, I guess they must have already got her this morning and this was just round two or something.

She looked up at them with tears in her eyes and dropped all her books and her backpack to the floor when they pushed her.

"Juss' leave meh' da' fuck alone!"She said trying to push her way through.

"Aww shut da' fuck up lil prissy ass bitch!" Sneak yelled while Twan pushed her up against the locker and began to hit her, a couple seconds past and Sneak decided to join in.

I shook my head walking into the class siting in my seat beside crystal, soon after I seen Sneak and Twan walk in smirking and shit while dapping each other up and then sitting down.

After a while I noticed ole girl limping in the class to her seat looking as miserable as ever.

I looked back at Sneak and Twan and gave them a mean glare they just laughed at me. I turned around starring at the board, thinking how can a girl like her look that pretty with scars all over her face.

Not only that but.......

'I wonder what she go home and tell her parents.'


I looked at her feeling my blood boil just thinking about what they did to her, they did some real cruel stuff to her. Punch her, kick her, they would even spit on her but yet and still she never told a soul on them.

"I'm sorry ma, them dumb muthafucka's ain't know no better."

"It's aight I'm used ta' dat' anyway." She shrugged.

That damn there broke my heart, the fact that she literally had to deal with getting beat and abused day in and day out— it broke me. She had to put up with her bitch ass pops just to come to school to have to deal with my dumb ass homeboys, my heart went out to her.

I made a mental note to have a lil talk with Sneak and Twan.

I thought that it would be best to just change the subject.

"So you can sing I hear."

"Y-Y-Ya' heard dat', it was juss' a lil sum'n I thought of when I was missin' Kali one day, i-it's not even done really." She stuttered nervously, placing a strand of hair behind her ear.

I was amazed at the fact she could think of a song that mesmerizing, a song that heart touching all from the love of her sister. They truly had an amazing bond, one like no other. That bond would no doubt take them somewhere in life.

"Hell yea! I heard you and Kali in hea' soundin' like some damn angels."

I watched as her cheeks turned a shade of red but she tried to hide it, that made me smile, it was cute how she would blush at a compliment—but I need for her to stop hiding it.

"We didn't even sound dat' good Aug, stop bein' dramatic."

I guess she didn't hear herself.

"Dramatic! Armani ya' voice is beautiful ya' juss' don't see it yet," I walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders looking her in her beautiful orbs,"but don't worry imma break down every wall, every insecurity, and all ya' fears in due time baybeh girl. Ya' heard meh?"

She nodded her head and turned back towards the stove trying to conceal her blush again.

"Why ya' always do dat'?"

"Do what?"

"Try ta' hide ya' pretty fa-," I was interrupted by Mel loud ass coming into the kitchen on the phone with a happy Kali on his hip.

"Dat's amazin' man!" He yelled.


"Yea that'll be great, I really appreciate dis'."


"Thanks man, I'm finna' tell'em now— dis' gone mean da' world ta' em'."


I looked over at Armani and winked while biting my bottom lip.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes,"Idiot," she mumbled and then focused her attention back on Mel and his conversation.

She wants me.

"Ok, ok....aye I'm proud of ya' too OG."


"Aight imma' see ya' soon."


"Ok, luh' ya' too."

He got off the phone smiling from ear to ear, like he'd just won the lottery.

"So who was dat' on da' phone Melody." I asked casually— calling him by the girl name I gave him a while back.

"Oh nobody Augusta."

I stale faced him while looking over at Mo' who was trying to conceal her laughter but ultimately failed.

"Mane fa'get both of y'all, ain't neitha' one'a y'all real."

"I real." Kali pouted.

They both laughed but I didn't find anything funny. I went to sit down at the table with Mel while Mo' fixed our plates. She came and sat all our plates down in front of us, and when I tell you lil mama threw down I mean exactly that. She had pancakes, eggs sausage, bacon, and baked blueberry bread all laid out before us ready to be demolished.

She finally sat down and we all grabbed hands saying grace thanking the man above before digging into this delicious meal.

"Gah' damn bessfran' dis' shit is good as fuck, wea' ya' learn ta' cook at?" He asked stuffing his face," Mm-mmm Aug pass da' muffins."

"Bitch no, I want these hea'."

Her face dropped and her lips formed into a small curve as if she were reminiscing.

"When I was really young m-my moms and grandma use ta' always let me help them inna' kitchen, they uh.... they taught me all types of recipes and stuff," She stopped and cleared her throat."Yea dey' was some pr-pretty amazin' women back then ya' know?"

I looked over at Mel and seen the sympathetic look in his eyes— probably sorry that he even asked that question. His look of sadness quickly turned into a glimmer of happiness.

"Ok, so you guys I got some good news fa' ya', all of ya'." He said, excitement laced in his voice.

Mo' looked up from her plate letting him know he had her attention.

"Wazzam bro?"

"Well as you know Yung, mama been lettin' det fuck nigga stay wit' ha."

I nodded my head telling him to continue.

"Well dat' was her dat' I juss' got off da' phone wit', and she kicked ole boy out, not only dat' but she said dat' she'll be more than happy ta' let you and Kali stay wit' ha' Mani."

"She what?" Mo' asked, chocking on her orange juice.

"We get news house?" Kali asked.

"Yes ma'am." Mel answered.

"Wit' nice peoples?"

"Mhm." He smiled.

"You heard Unc Mel Mani? It's nice peoples dis' time." Kali smiled and shook her head up and down, like she was approving the two of them staying there.

I glanced at Mo' and saw the tears in her eyes and I immediately felt bad for the proposal that Mel made her, I mean she just lost her mother and we're sitting here talking about ours like theirs didn't just lose her life.

I pushed my seat back and pushed it beside hers, I couldn't stand to see her cry like that. I took her hands in mines and held them tight.

"We sorry ma. We know ya' juss' lost ya' moms and all, but we ain't mean ta' upset-," she cut me off with the quickness.

"No! It's not dat' it's juss',"She sighed,"My life was a livin' hell, then all of a sudden you two come along and do m-m-more fa' me than my own family, you guys saved us! I mean I-I owe y'all my life. Y'all even got Kali ova' hea' likin' ya'."

She took her hands from mine and wrapped them securely around my neck pulling me close.

"Thank ya' August."

"You welcome baybeh."

She pulled away and kissed my cheek, she got up and walked around the table and did the the same to Mel.

"Thank ya' so much bessfren'."

"Ya' welcome thea's no need ta' thank us. We family, you and my Kali bug. We luh' both of y'all. Like Aug told ya' yesta'day, we gotcha'."

"Damn right, I told ya' we gotcha' Mrs. Armani." I consigned.

I stood up from my chair and grabbed Kali out of her chair and let her rest her head on my shoulder, I looked at Mani to see her big beautiful brown eyes staring back at me with a smile planted on her face. I turned towards Mel and he just nodded his head smiling as if he knew what I was thinking, as if he knew I was thinking that me and him just stumbled across something great. It may be a struggle to keep them but we'd be damned if we lose them— because what we just found were nothing less than two beautiful miracles. Two miracles that we would fight for and protect until the end.

Ya' heard meh'.


Hey guys leave me feed back let me know how I did on this chapter or whatever, I was all at school writing this got put out and some more stuff but hey it was worth it for my baby. Also I know that the song promises is not hers but in this book it will be, that song is going to mean aloooooooot in here, But thanks for the votes I've been getting lately I really do appreciate it guys

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MeMe loves you
Just a real nigga commin' through...😜

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