Magcon Princess 2

By gigglyXOXO

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(Previously called Living With the Magcon Boys) Madisyn is back at her same things again. Two months after th... More

Chapter 1 New Beginnings
Chapter 2 This is Awkward..
Chapter 3 Donuts
Chapter 4 Where Did She Come From?
Chapter 5 Sorry..
Chapter 6 Bye Stupid
Chapter 7 Anger
Chapter 8 New Songs
Chapter 9 TCA
Chapter 10 Seventeen
Chapter 11 Party
Chapter 12 We are Strong
Chapter 13 The Words
Chapter 14 I want to help
Chapter 15 Hotel nigtmares
Chapter 16 Here to help
Chapter 17 Heartbreak Girl
Chapter 18 Listen to Me
Chapter 19 My Little Princess
Chapter 20 Sad days.
Chapter 21 Funeral
Chapter 22 Interview
Chapter 23 Back to Old Habits
Chapter 24 Brother Sister Day
Chapter 25 Billboards
Chapter 26 New York
Chapter 28 First Night
Chapter 29 Calum Helps
Chapter 30 Sad Show
Chapter 31 Bahama Bungalows
Chapter 32 Truth is Showing
Chapter 33 Midnight Swims
Chapter 34 Questions..
Chapter 35 Secrets Are Told
Chapter 36 Trust in Relationships
Chapter 37 School Fights
Chapter 38 Update on Life
Chapter 39 Grocery Shopping
Chapter 40 Surprise Fail
Chapter 41 My World
Chapter 42 Fam Bam
Chapter 43 A bug?
Chapter 44 Lots of Worries
Chapter 45 Surgery?
Chapter 46 Recovery
Chapter 47 Finally Free
Chapter 48 Conspiracy and News
Chapter 49 Recording Day
Chapter 50! New Girlfriends?
Chapter 51 One Day Closer
Chapter 52 Portland
Chapter 53 Lucky
Chapter 54 Waking up
Chapter 55 The Queen Herself
Chapter 56 The Future
Chapter 57 Seattle
Chapter 58 Another Birthday
Chapter 59 After Concert Subway
Chapter 60 Midnight Drives
Chapter 61 Coffee Conversation
Chapter 62 Blue Carpet
Chapter 63 Love Me Harder
Chapter 64 Greek Theatre
Chapter 65 Addy And Katie Day
Chapter 66 Rings and Cheats
Chapter 67 Close to a Terrible Day
Chapter 68 Dinner With the Family
Chapter 69 I Want You to Know
Chapter 70 It Was an Easy Day
Chapter 71 Im Leaving Now
Chapter 72 Two Hospital Patients
Chapter 73 Never Have I Ever
Chapter 74 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Chapter 75 Ain't No Crying In The Club
Chapter 76 It's Going to Get Better
Chapter 77 Ellen's Housewarming
Chapter 78 Good For You Video
Chapter 79 You Can't be Silent
Chapter 80 House Listening Party
Chapter 81 Late Late Cookies
Midnight Dangerous Love Album
Chapter 82 'Giving Up Isn't In My Blood'
*Dear Reader*
Chapter 83 Halloween isn't the only scary thing
Chapter 84 Almost back to him
Chapter 85 Texas Pt. 1
Chapter 86 Texas Pt. 2
Home Sweet Home

Chapter 27 Site Seeing

1.5K 31 23
By gigglyXOXO

I walked into the kitchen while everyone was still asleep. Quietly I made pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

"Good morning!" Liam chirped coming into the kitchen.

"Morning Daddy Direction!" I chirped back. He is always in a good mood in the morning. Gosh I wish I was always like that too.

After I finished getting everyone's plates ready they came in to eat. I still had my black sweats on, but I changed into my pink tank top because I got hot.

The only person not up was Zayn. Everyone knows Zayn is a grumpy person in the morning, but for some reason he is never grumpy or violent with me when I wake him up.

Quietly I walked into his room, and got on my knees by the side of his bed. Gently I ran my fingers through his dark hair.

"Wake up Zayn." I gently spoke. "I made you favorite, my famous pancakes you love." He started moving a little meaning he was waking up. I gave him a kiss on his forehead, and left his room.

"How did you come out alive?" Louis asked shocked. Zayn does not get that violent in the morning. He just gets angry.

"I don't know. I just gently wake him up instead of throwing water at him or jumping on him like you guys," I laughed.

I didn't want to eat anything because I wasn't up for any food yet, but later I will eat a full horse. As I was walking by, Harry grabbed my waist with both hands, and pulled me on his lap.

"Or I can sit on the couch." I laughed sliding onto the seat next him. They talked a little about Justin Timberlake's new song when Zayn walked in rubbing his eyes. I walked over to him, and gave him a big hug.

"Did you sleep alright?" I softly spoke walking him to the kitchen where his food was.

"Yeah I am just glad you woke me up and not Niall." He mumbled grabbing his plate.

When he went into the living room I am started the dishes. I scrubbed off each little piece of food, and rinsed all the soap off of each plate.

I should probably get ready for the day.  I brushed my teeth, and decided to leave my hair naturally wavy. I added a wing eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick. Next I slipped on my black leggings, blue shirt, black leather jacket, crème scarf, and my black heeled boots.

If you ever want to boost your confidence do what I do. Look in the mirror, and think: damn I am hot.  Someone call life alert because I am falling for you. I'm like the Kim Kardashian. Shit next Miss America.

Gosh I am funny.

When I walked back into the room Harry was already dressed.

"Damn that leather jacket looks might fine on you," he said doing a American accent.

I burst into laughter. His American accent his really bad, but kinda hot. I grabbed my phone and black long bag.

We walked back into the living room where Louis has a big smile on his face. "Are you ready for our adventure today?" He asked.

"Of course! All because you are coming!" I said hugging him.

When we released he looked me up and down. "Damn that leather jacket looks mighty fine on you!" Louis said in an American accent just like Harry. Making Harry and I to laugh again leaving Louis confused.

Five Hours Later

I missed New York so much! When we had Magcon here I didn't really get to explore. I only went to Times Square, but today it was amazing!

We went to Times Square and got the picture like I said. Then we went to the Empire State Building which was really neat. The building was so nice old looking, but at the same time it was modern. And lastly we went to Central Park which is now my favorite place in New York. It is so pretty during the fall with all of the golden and red leaves everywhere. And the bridge in the park was so lovely. The water under it looked cold with a couple ducks swimming in it.

Now we all get to eat at a little restaurant down the street. We are meeting everyone down there since us three all went exploring today.

"What was your favorite part Madda?" Louis asked looking at all the buildings.

"Oh my gosh Central Park was my favorite! With all the col-" I was cut off by of course Louis.

"The colorful leaves everywhere! And oh weren't the ducklings just lovely?" He said in a fake girly voice.

"Next time don't ask." I sassed off.

Paul opened the door for us while the other body guard led us to our table. It looked like we are the last ones to arrive.

I sat down in between Zayn and Michael. This place looks like a cute little cafe to eat at for a little date night. It has a lot of seating. Like right now we are of course in the back.

I picked up the red menus in my hand. I don't know what to get. I'm not in the mood for any meat or stuff like that. Flipping pages I noticed something that caught my eye. A sandwich and soup section. They have grilled cheese on here! Should I let my inner kid out, or keep in tamed inside? Inner kid can come out. With excitement inside me I placed the menu down on the table.

"I can I start you off with anything to drink?" A man around 19ish asked. He was actually kinda cute. He had brown hair with brown eyes. He was really tall, and had nice arms. His muscles are on point.

(A/N: He's so tall, and handsome as hell' had to break out into song again sorry..)

When it came to my turn to order my drink he turned his smile into a smirk.

"I will just have a lemonade please," I smiled.

"No problem," he winked closing his notepad and walking away. Zayum his butt is pretty nice too.

"Did you see that? That dude was flirting with you!" Michael explaimed playfully hitting my arm.

He could be flirting with me, but doesn't mean I am going to back. To be nice I will just smile.

"Dude that hurt!" I shouted hitting his arm back hard.

"Ow.." He whined rubbing his arm.

Now I feel bad with the face he is giving. I hate how easily people can change my feelings.

"Sorry Michael," I said giving him a big hug. I rested my arms into his shoulder.

"It's okay Maddie-bug."

"Here our all your drinks," the waiter said passing each one to us.

Quickly I took a sip of my lemonade before I had to order. This is so good! It's not too sweet and not too sour it's just perfect. Oh my gosh everyone needs to know about this.

Madisyn Espinosa @MaddieEspinosa: this is literally the best lemonade I have ever had!💛 (1 attached photo)

After I tweeted it I heard someone's phone go off. Does someone have my notifications on? Slowly I looked around to see who would pull their phone out, and it was Luke. Well that's weird. Maybe he just got a text or something.

"And what do you want to order?" The waiter asked.

"Um can I have the grilled cheese white bread and cheddar cheese with tomato soup please," I ordered handing him my menu.

He nodded, and left the place our order.

"A grilled cheese?" Liam asked looking at me weirdly.

Just because we are out on tour doesn't mean I am going to eat differently then I do at home. Because right now I would be making Cameron make me a grilled cheese.

"Yes a grilled cheese. I am still a teen, so I shall eat like one even though little kids mostly eat grilled cheese. Now if you excuse me I have to use the bathroom," I proudly stated standing up. I am starting to get a stomach ache, and I have to pee.

When I went to the bathroom I did my business, and washed my hands. Before I dried them I splashed a little water on my face. In the mirror I look like shit. My hair has lots of fly aways, and I have little bags under my eyes. Not only that, but my skin is usually more tanner, and now it looks a little pail. When we get back to the hotel I am sleeping because I am exhausted. I dried my hands, and went back to my seat.

"The dude said it will be done in about five minutes," Calum told me.

"Thanks," I replied organizing my utensils in front of me.

I laid my head on Zayn's shoulder since he was more calmer then Michael, and closed my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Zayn asked setting his phone down.

I could say I am feeling sick, and ruin everyone's night because knowing Harry we would want to leave to take care of me, or say I am just tired. Which I wouldn't be lying. I am very tired.

"I am tired. Still a little jet lag. I am good though," I smiled.

He nodded his head, and went back to whatever he was doing on his phone.

While waiting for my food I might as well get on Twitter.

Matthew Espinosa @Themattespinosa: missing my little twerp. See you soon Rae❤️ (1 attached photo)

How cute he posted a picture of us from a couple years ago. I miss my brother.

Madisyn Espinosa@MaddieEspinosa: miss you too bo❤️

I scrolled down some more tweets when one caught my eye.

Shawn Mendes @Shawnmendes: Just like a moth drawn to a flame. Oh you lured me in I couldn't sense the pain..

That tweet is deep. Could it be part of one of his new songs? It could sound really catchy. Which reminds me what songs am I going to sing tomorrow? I am thinking about doing covers of some songs.

"Here is the grilled cheese for the beautiful lady," the waiter said setting my food down.

I mumbled a thank you. He kinda scared me. The waiter literally popped out of no where. Like out of the ground.

After a little we all finished eating, and talked for a while. I gave Harry fifteen dollars for my meal and tip. When the waiter came back with our receipt he approached me.

"Hey can I have your number?" He asked.

I don't give out my numbers to strangers, so might as well have some fun with this.


He handed me a pin and a peice of paper. I looked at Harry who had a 'what are you doing look'. I took the pin, and wrote down


Gently I folded it, and stuck the pin and paper in his pocket. I looked up at him biting my lip, and walked out the front door with a mad Harry behind me.

All the guys and I were walking back to the hotel.

"What the bloody hell did you just do? You literally gave a stranger your number!" Harry shouted freaking out.

Gently I placed my hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"Calm down I didn't actually give him my number," I laughed jumping on Ashton's back.

They all looked at me confused, and curious.

"Then what did you write?" Niall asked raising an eyebrow.

"I wrote down one eight hundred you are a creeper," I laughed.

All of them cracked up. Ashton almost dropped me from laughing too much. Its not even that funny, but whatever.

When we got back to our room I changed into my sweats and a tank top. I grabbed my guitar and song book to try and write something new.

I strummed a couple chords, and fidgeted with my pen making a beat on the paper.

"I've been down these halls," I sang adding a couple chords into it.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked coming into the room.

"Trying to write some lyrics," I explained.

"Oh well I am going to listen."

I got back to where I was.
"I've been down these halls, nothing but broken doors, standing all alone with no one by your side," I sang controlling my voice.

I set my guitar down. That is enough for one night. Now it is time for bed.

"That was good! Did you just come up with that?" Harry asked laying down on his side.

I laid down next to him snuggling into his chest. "Yeah I did."

I closed my eyes, and drifted off into a deep sleep.

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