Magcon Princess 2

By gigglyXOXO

117K 2.1K 792

(Previously called Living With the Magcon Boys) Madisyn is back at her same things again. Two months after th... More

Chapter 1 New Beginnings
Chapter 2 This is Awkward..
Chapter 3 Donuts
Chapter 4 Where Did She Come From?
Chapter 5 Sorry..
Chapter 6 Bye Stupid
Chapter 7 Anger
Chapter 8 New Songs
Chapter 9 TCA
Chapter 10 Seventeen
Chapter 11 Party
Chapter 12 We are Strong
Chapter 13 The Words
Chapter 14 I want to help
Chapter 15 Hotel nigtmares
Chapter 16 Here to help
Chapter 17 Heartbreak Girl
Chapter 18 Listen to Me
Chapter 19 My Little Princess
Chapter 20 Sad days.
Chapter 21 Funeral
Chapter 22 Interview
Chapter 24 Brother Sister Day
Chapter 25 Billboards
Chapter 26 New York
Chapter 27 Site Seeing
Chapter 28 First Night
Chapter 29 Calum Helps
Chapter 30 Sad Show
Chapter 31 Bahama Bungalows
Chapter 32 Truth is Showing
Chapter 33 Midnight Swims
Chapter 34 Questions..
Chapter 35 Secrets Are Told
Chapter 36 Trust in Relationships
Chapter 37 School Fights
Chapter 38 Update on Life
Chapter 39 Grocery Shopping
Chapter 40 Surprise Fail
Chapter 41 My World
Chapter 42 Fam Bam
Chapter 43 A bug?
Chapter 44 Lots of Worries
Chapter 45 Surgery?
Chapter 46 Recovery
Chapter 47 Finally Free
Chapter 48 Conspiracy and News
Chapter 49 Recording Day
Chapter 50! New Girlfriends?
Chapter 51 One Day Closer
Chapter 52 Portland
Chapter 53 Lucky
Chapter 54 Waking up
Chapter 55 The Queen Herself
Chapter 56 The Future
Chapter 57 Seattle
Chapter 58 Another Birthday
Chapter 59 After Concert Subway
Chapter 60 Midnight Drives
Chapter 61 Coffee Conversation
Chapter 62 Blue Carpet
Chapter 63 Love Me Harder
Chapter 64 Greek Theatre
Chapter 65 Addy And Katie Day
Chapter 66 Rings and Cheats
Chapter 67 Close to a Terrible Day
Chapter 68 Dinner With the Family
Chapter 69 I Want You to Know
Chapter 70 It Was an Easy Day
Chapter 71 Im Leaving Now
Chapter 72 Two Hospital Patients
Chapter 73 Never Have I Ever
Chapter 74 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Chapter 75 Ain't No Crying In The Club
Chapter 76 It's Going to Get Better
Chapter 77 Ellen's Housewarming
Chapter 78 Good For You Video
Chapter 79 You Can't be Silent
Chapter 80 House Listening Party
Chapter 81 Late Late Cookies
Midnight Dangerous Love Album
Chapter 82 'Giving Up Isn't In My Blood'
*Dear Reader*
Chapter 83 Halloween isn't the only scary thing
Chapter 84 Almost back to him
Chapter 85 Texas Pt. 1
Chapter 86 Texas Pt. 2
Home Sweet Home

Chapter 23 Back to Old Habits

1.5K 26 20
By gigglyXOXO

Talk about a great interview. When I got home Harry texted me, and asked if I wanted to go out with him and the boys to a club. Of course I said yes because I need to loosen up a little. The past week has been so stressful, and I think a little fun will help me forget about it for a while.

So here I am putting my makeup on. I did a dark dramatic smokey eye and red lipstick. My hair is already curled so I just touched it up a little. My dress is black and lace. It covers my butt and goes a little pass it. Also it is low cut, so I have a little cleavage. I slipped on my black strap heels, and I am now finished.

I grabbed my phone, and started walking down the stairs. Shawn froze as he walked by dropping his chip he was eating. His eyes almost popping out along with Gilinsky, Nash, and Hayes.

Matt on the other hand looked shocked.

"OH NO NO NO!" Matt shouted swinging his hands everywhere. "You are not going out like that. Some guy is going to try and hit on you!"

The others just stayed silent still staring.

"Matthew the guys are going to watch over me. Don't worry." I said reassuring him.

It is true. I doubt Harry will let anyone even touch me. And Liam he doesn't drink that much to watch over us. We have ubers so he doesn't have to worry about being completely sober.

Matt looked at me thinking about it all. He rolled his eyes. "Fine but if anything happens to you we are all going to go after them. Right guys?" Matt said hitting Gilinksy's chest. Jack shook his head realizing he was staring.

"Um yeah right.." He awkwardly laughed hitting Nash and Shawn's chest. Then Nash hit Hayes chest. They all shook their heads.

I laughed, and heard a knock at the door. Must be Harry. I opened the door, and Harry's eyes opened wide as he looked at all of me. On the other hand right away Louis gave me a huge hug.

"MADISYN! Oh my gosh I have missed you. I am so excited to party with you again," he blabbed on.

I chuckled at him a little. "Missed you too Lou."

"You look stunning." Harry said hugging me. "Shall we?"

I nodded my head, and turned to Matt. "Bye guys! Matt I will be home really late, so don't worry about me."

Harry offered me his arm, and so did Louis. We walked down to the car. Liam had the door opened for us to get in. I sat in between Louis and Harry. When we arrived no paparazzi were outside luckily. We didn't even have to show our ID's thank god because Im not even 18 yet. I guess when you are with One Direction you get to go in to wherever you want.

Right away we went straight to the bar.

"Take this," Harry said handing me a shot. I downed it, and knew it was Vodka.

Louis handed me two more shots of something I didn't recognize.

"A shot of Vodka please!" I asked the bartender. He smiled at me, and handed me one. After taking I wanted something to drink.

"Um a screwdriver please." He handed me the mixed orange drink with a wink. I took two big sips, and started feeling the buzz. Now I am starting to feel a little loose. I went to the dance floor next to Niall, and started dancing with him to Usher.

"This is so much fun!" I shouted over the music.


This has been a great time. It has given me a night off from thinking about Jenna. I've been having fun with all the guys tonight besides one part.

A older guy who wasn't that bad. Kind of attractive tried hitting on me. I didn't want him near me since time going home with a stranger was not on my list. Thank god Harry came to my rescue, and got that creep to leave me alone.

So ever since then I've been on the dance floor dancing with Harry, and taking whatever shots Niall would hand us. After six shots, and two drink I lost count.

"Thank you Harry," I giggled as I was dancing in front of him to the loud music.

"No problem baby," he said back as he danced with me.

I turned my body around, and got close to him. All the way up against I moved my body to the beat, and his hands rested on my hips.

Having someone touch me again made me forget about everything. No one has held me like this in a long time, and it feels great. Almost to great.

Slowly I made my way to grinding against his body as his hands ran up and down my sides. His hips were pushed up against me, and I pushed back. I turned to my face to his as we both looked into each others eyes. Slowly my eyes wondered to his lips.

Taking a chance I smashed my lips onto his. Our lips started moving in sync, and that was my cue to wrap my arms around his neck. He hands traced down my body, and stopped when they reached my butt.

"Let's go to my place," I told him as I pulled apart. He gave me another kiss before grabbing ahold of my hand, and dragging me with him.

We walked up to Liam who was trying to talk to a very drunk Zayn who was trying to order another drink.

"We are going to head out," Harry shouted over the music playing. Liam nodded paying more attention to Zayn.

I followed Harry as he led me outside where tons of cameramen waited eagerly for any picture to pay their bills.

There I was holding hands with Harry Styles outside a night club in the am. There is no doubt they already know that we are both intoxicated, and have been linked together before. They are very capable of putting those pieces together.

The blinding lights flashed in our eyes, but I kept my head low trying to avoid the burning in my eyes.

The door was opened thanks to the driver, so Harry just helped me in by holding my hips.

Once the door was closed, and we were both in Harry pushed the button to put the separator up between our seats and the front seats.

Without hesitation I eagerly climbed on Harry's lap, and connected our swollen lips. Our lips moved in sync as I tugged on his curls earning little moans.

He detached from my lips, and started nibbling at the skin on my neck. My head leaned back as I closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling.

"Harry," I moaned as he sucked on my sweet spot. My eyes wondered to the window noticing we were pulling up in front of my house.

I pulled away from Harry, and opened the door. My legs swung out, and I held onto the door for support.

"Someone's up," Harry whispered as he held my hips to support me. I looked up and a bedroom light was on.

"We have to be quiet then," I giggled as we walked to the front door.

I fumbled with the hideaway key trying to put it in the lock while Harry kept kissing my neck. "You are distracting me," I giggled.

I gained success with the door, and we quickly started to make our way to my room. I was trying to run up as Harry chased me using his hands to tap my bottom.

When we got to my room I dropped everything I had, and grabbed a hold of Harry's collar smashing my lips onto his.

Being dominant is what Harry knows, so He forcefully pushed me against the wall snaking an arm against my waist. His lips left a trail from my lips down my neck to my shoulders making me want him more.

He pulled one of my legs up to his hips, and detached him lips from my body. "Jump."

I acted on his wishes, and jumped into his grip. He pushed against the wall once more, and attached his lips to my. After a minute, he carried me over to my bed, and put me down as he climbed on top of me.

He pulled apart, and smirked as he straddled me. "Won't be needing these," his deep accent said right before he started to leave a trail of kisses down my legs to my heels. Off the went as they dropped to the floor with a thud. 

Quickly I pulled his white shirt off of him then threw it on the ground. He got on top of me again sending his hand down my body till he reached the end of my dress. Reaching his hands underneath he started pulling my dress off of my warm body leaving me in my black lace underwear and black bra.

I unbuckled Harry's belt then pulled off his black skinny jeans with a little struggle, but we laughed through it.

I don't know I have to be physically touched like this just to feel wanted. It just gives me a sense that someone wants me, and finds me attractive.

He smashed his lips onto mine. With one hand he used it as support to keep him up. With the other he tugged at the lace of my underwear.

When I thought we would be done with all of this I guess I was wrong. Because now we are back to our old habits..

A/N: Naughty Madisyn!
How is everyone's school year so far??

Stay beautiful

Peace XOXO

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