After The Rain.

By AngelWolf228

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"Alejandra." "Christopher." Alejandra Cloud was an anxious,quiet,shy,sweet girl who was a loner who alway's h... More

Author's Note.
Prologue: The Story Of How We First Met.
Chapter 01: The Scent Of Rain.
Chapter 02: The Sound Of Rain.
Chapter 03: The Sound Of Raindrop's.
Chapter 04: The Moon And The Rain.
Chapter 05: The Moon Within The Rain.
Chapter 06: The Moon And The Rain Would Soon Fade Away.
Chapter 07: It Was Alway's The Rain.
Chapter 08: It Was Alway's The Rain And You.
Chapter 09: The Heart And The Rain.
Chapter 10: Love In The Rain.
Chapter 11: Between The Raindrop's.
Chapter 12: When It Rain's,There's A Rainbow.
Chapter 13: The Sound Of Rainfall.
Chapter 14: Rainfall.
Chapter 16: Me And You,The Rain.
Chapter 17: Bloom In The Rain.
Chapter 18: Bloom Into The Rain.
Chapter 19: A Moment Of Silence Of The Rain.
Chapter 20: Autumn And Rain.
Chapter 21: Fall And Rain.
Chapter 22: The Other Side Of The Rain.
Chapter 23: The Shimmering Rain.
Chapter 24: The Withering Rain.
Chapter 25: When It Rain's,It Pour's.
Chapter 26: Beauty In The Rain.
Chapter 27: The Silence Of The Rain.
Chapter 28: When Will The Rain End?
Chapter 29: Within The Rain.
Chapter 30: Reflection In The Rain.
Chapter 31: The Rainfall.
Chapter 32: A Moment In The Rain.
Chapter 33: Alone In The Rain.
Chapter 34: Set Fire To The Rain.
Chapter 35: After Dark,The Rain.
Chapter 36: Where Will The Rain Go?
Chapter 37: Rain And Winter.
Chapter 38: Change And Rain.
Chapter 39: In The Rain.
Chapter 40: Beautiful Rain.
Chapter 41: Rain And Spring.
Chapter 42: California In The Rain.
Chapter 43: My Moon And Rain.
Chapter 44: The Beach And The Rain.
Chapter 45: It Can't Rain All The Time.
Chapter 46: It Will Rain.
Chapter 47: Me And You,In The Rain.
Chapter 48: Oh,Rain.
Chapter 49: Runaway In The Rain.
Chapter 50: My Rain.
Chapter 51: Raining.
Chapter 52: The Rain Was Alway's With You.
Chapter 53: Me And The Rain.
Chapter 54: Rain,Rain,Go Away.
Chapter 55: Reflection's In The Rain.
Chapter 56: My Beautiful Rain.
Chapter 57: The Beautiful Rain.
Chapter 58: The Rain.
Chapter 59: Your My Rain.
Chapter 60: Your The Rain Within.
Chapter 61: The Golden Light Of The Rain.
Chapter 62: Rain.
Chapter 63: The Rainy Day.
Chapter 64: Refrain.
Chapter 65: After The Rain.
Epilogue: After The Rain,After The Storm.
Q And A.
Thank You All So Much!

Chapter 15: Rain Must Fall.

182 13 0
By AngelWolf228

[[Word's: 7097.]]

One step closer.

Christopher Mendibles.

So,my idea was that i could be able to spend Three day's alone with Alejandra since The Two of us have decided to not go to The School Field Trip. Aiden And Selene weren't going to go,either,and my parent's were going to be traveling for Three day's as well,too.

Alejandra Cloud And Christopher Mendibles.

The next day,Wednesday,Christopher was driving his car,while Alejandra was sitting in the passenger seat as they were making their way over to School.

It was still dark outside,but,the sun would soon be able to rise once the clock would strike 7:00am in the Morning.

Once he took a right turn,he drove into the parking lot,parked the car,turned the engine off,and put up the tag as he turned to look at his Girlfriend.

Listen,i have to tell you something. Christopher said softly,grabbing her attention. Remember when we made up our mind that we weren't going to The School Field Trip? Well,my parent's will be out of town in Three day's,meaning,they'll be leaving this Friday.


Mmm,hmm,and since they'll be gone,i was wondering if you wanted to spend some time together? It'll be just you and me,and nobody else.

Are you sure you want that? Don't you..remember what happened last time when we thought that we were alone in your house?

Y-Yeah,but,My Brother might spend time alone with his Girlfriend,too. I-It would be nice to spend some time together since we're so busy with School,and you being busy with work.

I-I understand that,it would be nice to spend some time with each other. I would like that very much,are you sure your parent's are okay with this,though?

My Mom said it was okay since she seem's to have a liking to you,My Father even want's to meet you.

H-He doe's?!

Her eye's wided by this and chuckling softly,he patted her shoulder,assuring her that everything was okay.

You sound scared.

Of course,i am. I-I've never even met your parent's before. Well,your Mother has met My Granny,you have met My Mom,and My Older Sister. I've even met your Older Brother,his Girlfriend,and your Little Sister,too,but,meeting your parent's-- Th-That's a whole completely different story.

The two got out of the car,he locked the door behind,and began to make their way inside of the School building.

I know and to be honest,your Mom kinda scared me. Christopher admitted. When we first met,i thought that she didn't like me.

What are you talking about? My Mom like's you,she's just..being herself. My Granny and Mom can be a bit..overprotective...That' all parent's are,really..

I know how you feel,my family are the same way. Daniel think's that you might hurt,but,i know you could never hurt me.

The two made it inside of the School building,they stopped walking as they were staring at each other,eye to eye,face to face.

I could never hurt you,i know could never hurt me,right? Alejandra looked deep into his eye's. I know he could never hurt me,but,if he did,i don't know what i'd do...

No,of course,not. I could never hurt,Alejandra. You really mean a lot to me. It would break my heart if i ever hurt her,how can i hurt someone who i love so much? You believe me,don't you?

She stood on her tiptoe's and kissed his cheek,gazing upon his face with a smile.

I do believe you with all my heart.

He held her hand,he brought it up to his face,and kissed her hand ever so gently with a warm smile.

Alejandra Cloud.

Christopher and i were able to make it to our classroom just in time before The School bell rang,and once first period class was over,i told myself that once it would be free period to eat lunch,i would go see Mrs. Rios to talk to her about The School Field Trip. I'm pretty sure that she'll understand and she doe's know about my condition because My Granny,and Mom seem to really love her. In fact,Mrs. Rios also happen's to love my family. I was glad that she was able to understand me and my condition,my parent's just had to tell them about me being bullied as she completely understand's. That's why she's so kind and nice to me,i guess it's probably because she feel's bad for me or something. Like i said,i don't want people to feel bad for me just because of my condition. I want to be treated like a normal,real,person.

After Alejandra was done eating lunch,she decided to go ahead,and talk to her teacher,and standing right in front of the classroom door,she was hesitant to knock beahss she didn't want to annoy or disturb her.

Okay,you can do this.

Reaching her hand out,she knocked on the classroom door gently.

Alejandra Cloud And Rachel Rios.


Oh,come in.

The soft tone of her voice was gentle and not disturbed at all,the teenager turned the handle,stepped inside of the classroom,and closed the door behind when she made her up to her teacher's side in front of the classroom.

Once she was standing right next to her teacher,she looked at the empty seat's of the classroom itself,and to be perfectly clear,she didn't seem nervous because whenever she would be in front of the whole classroom with her classmate's staring,she would be nervous,but,now,now that they aren't here,she felt more calm.

Oh,Alejandra. How are you?

I'm doing good,how are you doing?

I'm doing fine,thank you for asking.

I'm so sorry if i'm disturbing you or anything,but,i was hoping i could be able to talk to you about The School Field Trip.


Well,you do know that i have my Rheumatoid Arthritis condition,and you know how hard it is for me to walk all around-- What i'm trying to say is that i won't be attending to going to The School Field Trip to Disney World. I really want to go,i do,i just..can't afford it,and with my condition,all i know is that i'm going to end up hurting myself.

Her teacher nodded her head,hearing her student,understanding what she was saying.

I understand,Sweetie. Mrs. Rios gave her an assuring smile. I feel bad that you won't be attending The School Field Trip,i truly understand your situation. It's okay if you don't go,i talked to your Granny,and Mother about this.

Of course,they knew. They already knew.

Once we arrive back from the trip,i'll tell you all about it. I can be able to take some picture's and show you.

That would be nice,thank you so much for understanding.

It's no problem at all,i heard your friend's won't be going,either. Christopher told me that you two already have plan's.

Frozen in place,the teenage girl was a bit confused by what the teacher had said just now.



The teenager stared at her teacher,the smile slowly leaving her face as she was almost as confused by this talk as ever.

Excuse me?

Oh,i guess your friend's didn't tell you? Aiden And Selene won't be going to The School Field Trip,and neither will Christopher. Christopher came to me first,saying that he won't be attending,and then,Aiden,and Selene were the last one's to approach me. I can see how much you've changed,it's like there's a bright shine to you from a certain someone.

Blushing lightly,the teenager wondered how her teacher knew about her relationship with Christopher.

I've noticed that you and Chris have been so happy,and lovey dovey. Tell me,are you in a relationship with him?

I-I-- Y-Yes,we are.

Her teacher smiled,seeing that she was right about her correction about the two.

I can see how much you Two make each other happy,i'm happy for you.

Th-Thank you,i'm glad that you understand me,and the situation of The Field Trip. Again,i'm so sorry for disturbing you.

Your very welcome,it's no problem at all. See you in a few minute's.

Nodding her head,the teenager excused herself,and left the classroom,and once she was standing in The School Hallway's,a sigh of relief left her mouth as she could breathe.

Alejandra Cloud.

Well,i'm glad that was settled. It's kinda embarrassing that my teacher know's that i'm in a relationship with Christopher,i guess our love is noticeable to some people,after all.

A smile was on her face and walking in The School Hallway's,the teenager looked all around,seeing that there were only a few teenager's were out in the hallway.

The School bell would ring soon and that she had to make it to her next Class as she was thinking about what had Mrs. Rios was saying in the classroom.

What did she mean by Christopher already had plan's? Did he plan to take me somewhere,while everybody else was going to The School Field Trip?

Then,the teenager remembered what her Boyfriend had said earlier in the Morning,his parent's were going to be traveling for Three day's because of work.

I'm sure i shouldn't be worried about this,all Christopher did say that he wanted to spend some time with me for three day's,and that's what we're going to do. I can't wait,i wonder what did he have in mind?


Feeling her cellphone vibrating,she reached into her pocket,received her cellphone,slid her finger onto the screen when she saw that she got a text message from Selene.

Selene: Meet me after School in the parking lot,i have the best idea ever!


Idea,what's this idea that she has in mind?

Alejandra Cloud And Christopher Mendibles.

That day,School had ended around 2:00pm and as the teenager was waiting for his Girlfriend,he smiled,seeing that she suddenly appeared.

Smiling,she walked up to him,kissed his cheek,while the two were making their way out of The School building,and onto the parking lot.

As they were walking,he noticed that his Girlfriend was texting someone,and putting her cellphone into her bra,he blushed,looking away before she saw him staring.

Wh-Who were you texting?

Oh,i was texting Selene. For some strange reason,she texted me after i told Mrs. Rios about me not going to The Field Trip,she said that she has the best idea ever. What i want to know is what doe's she have planned now?

Huh,that's hard to tell. I guess you'll soon find out.

Aiden Campbell,Alejandra Cloud,Christopher Mendibles,And Selene Silvestro.

Looking straight ahead,the two saw The Two Bestie's,waiting for The Dream Couple to arrive.

So,your probably wondering why i wanted you to meet me in the parking lot-- Selene began to say and her friend was about to reply,but,she had to tell her the best idea that she had. I'm guessing Mrs. Rios told you about us not going to the class Field Trip,right?

Yes,she even knew that me,and Chris were in a relationship.

She said that?!

Christopher spoke,the two teenage girl's looked at him,while,he was rubbing his hand through his hair as Aiden walked up to join everyone.

I-I never knew that our teacher knew that we were in a relationship,that's why i was so startled. Mrs. Rios told me you both won't going,either. Alejandra also told me that you have the best idea ever,what is it,exactly?

Here's the thing,do you Two promise me that you won't kill me?

The Dream Couple stared at each other,while turning their full attention toward's their friend.

Selene-- Alejandra began to say. Wh-What is it that you wanted to tell me? I'm not quite sure what she need's to tell me,but,for some strange reason,i know it's gonna shock me to the core.

It can't be that bad,at least,i don't think it is. Anyway,since me and Aiden will be having a sleepover for Three day's,i wanted you two to do something for the time being since we won't be seeing each other for three whole day's.

The Dream Couple were still waiting for what their friend had to say since she was starting off slow to begin with.

I..booked you Two to a fancy,lovely,Hotel for Three day's!

What?! Alejandra And Christopher said at the exact same time.

Aiden smiled And Selene looked at The Dream Couple a little nervously,waiting for a reply back or anything.

Surprise? Selene said in a hesitant tone.

This was getting to The Dream Couple and while they were as quiet as a mouse,a lot of thing's were racing in their mind's right now as this would be impossible for the two to get out of since they both had a lot of various reason's why they can't go.

Selene,you-you can't be serious,r-right? Alejandra asked in a stutter,feeling a little anxious about this idea of her's. I can't believe this,h-how did you afford the money to this,exactly?

Like i said,my family,and i are in the Mafia,meaning,we're rich. You don't sound like your happy about this.

I am,it's just will i be able to go? My Granny And Mom will find out all about it,and you guy's don't know how strict they are. If my parent's knew about this,they wouldn't let me go. There's no way that they wouldn't.

You'll lie.

The Three turned their head's to Aiden,who finally spoke up.


Here's my plan,you'll lie to your parent's,telling them that you've been invited to a sleepover at Selene's house for Three whole day's-- Aiden began to explain to his friend. Since you can't drive,Selene will pick you up,drive to her Mansion,and that way,you'll wait until Christopher come's to pick you up. It's as simple as that,what do you think? Is it the perfect plan or what?

His Bestie smiled big,giving him a thumb's up,agreeing that the plan was just perfect.

That's got to be the best plan i've ever heard. Christopher admitted and his Girlfriend turned his head,staring at him,stunned. My parent's will be gone for Three day's due to work and since they'll be gone,they left My Older Brother in charge. There's just one problem,My Little Sister will be at home,and i'm not so sure about My Brother. I'll have to talk to them about this,i know i can be able to reason with them.

Then,it's settled. Ally lie's to her parent's about the "Sleepover" and Chris,you have to make sure that your Sibling's know about this,but,are you sure you want them to know about this?

I'm sure,they haven't snitched on me before since i have snuck over next door to My Girlfriend's house. If they'll listen to me about this plan,then,i'm sure that they'll understand.

Aiden nodded his head,agreeing that this plan will work,but,Alejandra just wasn't quite so sure about this whole plan.

What if she get's caught?

What if they get into trouble?

She didn't any of that to happen,not even her Boyfriend.

Ohh,this whole plan just feel's so bold,and daring,i'm just so anxious just thinking about it right now. I know for a fact that we'll get caught and get into a lot of trouble. Is it worth it,though?

Looking down,she felt her Boyfriend's hand holding onto her's,while she looked up at him,seeing that his cheek's were a bit Red.

Christopher..seem's to be okay with this plan and if he's okay with it,then,i am,too.

She held his hand back in return,the two holding one another's hand's when a blush soon began to creep upon her cheek's.

If this plan is going to happen,we need to convince our family's about it so that way,they'll really believe it. I just hope that nothing bad happen's.

Once The Four were done talking about the plan,The Dream Couple were driving back home,and in the car,it was silent.

Alejandra Cloud And Christopher Mendibles.

They weren't talking,nor saying anything since they already know about the big whole plan of their's.

She hasn't said anything,i bet she's thinking about the whole plan. I don't blame her,i'm more surprised about than she is. A-Are you okay? You've been awfully quiet ever since..the whole plan.

I-I'm okay,i'm just..stunned about this whole plan of our's. It's crazy,isn't it?

I-It really is,but,isn't it a great idea? We-We able to..spend some time together,just you,and me,all alone.

Yeah,all alone with you in a big Hotel room for Three whole day's. I know what happen's to couple's in Hotel room's,i'm not that stupid to even guess that. How are you going to convince your Brother And Sister about this? I know My Granny And Mom will believe my lie,but,i'm not so sure about your plan.

I'll be able to think of something,don't worry. It sound's as if to me she doesn't want to go ahead with this,she sound's a bit worried about it. Are you worried that your parent's will find out about your lie?

Of course,i am. My Granny And Mom hate it when i lie,they hate people who lie,and they hate liar's. I do,too. Hell,people do it just about almost every single day.

He took a left turn and parking the car on the driveway,the engine of the car was off,while he turned his attention to her,hearing her perfectly clear.

Don't worry,your parent's won't find out about this. Trust me.

I hope your right. Alejandra sighed. Oh,you don't have to drive me home from School tomorrow. Selene offered to drive me,she told me that she was going to take me somewhere.

Oh,she is? I was just about to talk to you about that because Aiden want's me to go to Walmart after School tomorrow.


Yeah,he didn't tell me,and i'm guessing Selene didn't tell you,either?

No,not at all. Whatever those two have in mind,i know we'll find out about it real soon.

The Two got out of the car and as he offered to walk her up toward's her house,he had to talk to his Sibling's about what he was going to be doing as he hoped that they would understand.

I'll let you know what happen's. Christopher whispered softly,hoping that nobody wasn't eavesdropping in their conversation. I'll talk to My Brother about this,it would be too embarrassing to Nichole about this.

I guess you'll have to come up with an excuse on that matter,do you?

She booped his nose,smiling with a soft giggle as he rolled his eye's playfully in a teasing manner.

Don't forget,your plan,too. Christopher reminded her. I wish you good luck.

Thank's for reminding me,i hope it goe's well. I'll let you know what happen's,good luck.

Good luck to you,too.

The Dream Couple gave each other a quick kiss on the lip's,said their final goodbye's,and went their separate way's in order for their plan to fully work.

Alejandra Cloud,Deborah Cloud,And Melissa Cloud.

The teenage girl was cleaning the dishe's in the kitchen since she and her family were done eating dinner.

While the teenager was cleaning the dishe's,she was a bit nervous to tell her Granny or her Mom about going to the sleepover at her friend's house,knowing it was all nothing,but,a lie.

Taking a deep breath,she let it all out,and began to find her voice.



Okay,so far,so good. You got this,girl. I talked to Mrs. Rios about not going to The School Field Trip to Disney World and she told me that you two already talked to her about it. I..wanted to ask you something if that's okay.

Her Granny's eye's lifted up,her Granddaughter grabbing her attention,and since Alejandra had her back turned,while she still continued on cleaning the dishe's,she knew that her Granny was staring dagger's at her.

Is it okay if i can go over to a friend's house for a sleepover? Alejandra asked softly. Selene is her name and she has a few classe's with me,she's even my friend,too. She's not even going to The Field Trip either,and she thought that having a sleepover for Three day's would be a great idea. Here it come's,she's gonna say no. I already know it.

Really? It doe's sound like a great idea,but,i don't know--

I knew it,i knew she would say something like that.

What's going on?

Her Mother walked into the living room,looking at her Daughter,and toward's her Mother,wondering what the two were talking about.

Alejandra said that her friend,Selene invited her to a sleepover for Three day's,and since she's not going on The Field Trip,she asked if she could go to her friend's sleepover.

Really? Melissa's eye's winded by surprise. Is she your friend?

Yes,Mom. She is,we a few classe's together.

Her Granny And Mother both looked at each other when suddenly,the teenager noticed that they were whispering softly,and seeing this,Alejandra wondered what they were even saying since she couldn't quite hear what they were saying.

I think it would be a good idea for you to go to the sleepover. Melissa suggested with a smile,nodding her head. Text your friend and let her know,okay?

Okay,i will. Thank you so much! Well,i guess that was easier than i thought it would be. Now,i wonder,how Christopher is handling the situation?

Christopher Mendibles,Daniel Mendibles,And Nichole Mendibles.

Once dinner was over,Christopher had to talk to his Two Sibling's about what's going to happen as by the time when everyone was done eating dinner,he saw that Daniel,and Nichole were sitting in the living room,watching tv,while his parent's were in their bedroom.

Okay,now's my chance. It's now or never.

The teenager made his way into the living room and taking a seat across from the two,he was starting to get a little nervous about the whole plan of his as he had to confess the truth.

I still can't believe your not going to The Field Trip to Disney World,are you sure you don't want to go? Nichole turned her attention toward's her Brother. It would have been so amazing to go there,i know i would have gone.

I don't mind going. Beside's,i have another place where i want to go,and it's where i'll be spending it with My Girl.

Looking over his Brother's way,Daniel could tell right then,and there that something was on Christopher's mind.

If you've got something to say,then,go ahead,and say it. Daniel said,his arm's crossed over his chest. I know something's on your mind and whatever it is,you might as well say it.

H-How did you know?

Because i know you.

Oh,man. This conversation isn't going as thought as i had planned. I could come up with a lie,i guess i could do that,instead. Well,since i'm not going to The Field Trip to Disney World,my friend invited me to have a sleepover at his house for three day's. He came up with the idea and it would be cool to hang out as friend's.

The Two Sibling's blinked,staring at Christopher until one of them spoke.

It would be nice to go,but,there's only one problem,though. Nichole replied softly. Who's going to be able to keep an eye out on the house?

Shoot,she's right. I forgot all about that until now,what should i do?

I'll keep an eye on the house.


Yeah,Gwen,and i will have the whole house to ourselve's,while we're busy doing some very important test,even though,it's next week. I know Nichole will be here,but,she told me that she needed a ride to The Mall since her friend's invited her. So,i don't mind it.

The teenager was relieved because his lie actually worked,his Brother actually believed it,but,did he,though?

You really don't mind me staying at my friend's house for three day's? Christopher asked once more,making sure if his Brother was okay with it. I can't believe that this whole plan is actually working and it's all thank's to Selene.

I don't mind,but,before you,i'll give you some money in case if you need it. Doe's that sound fair to you?

Yes,it doe's. Thank you.

Thank you for telling us,i won't tell Mom or Dad this. It'll be our little secret.


The Three Sibling's smiled,agreeing to keep this a secret between their parent's as Christopher was thrilled to tell his Girlfriend the good new's.

Alejandra Cloud And Christopher Mendibles.

Later on that night,it was almost midnight as The Dream Couple couldn't sleep because they were thinking about what they were going to be doing for three whole day's at a hotel as what the two did know was that they knew exactly what was going to happen.

The Two were in their bedroom's,laying in bed,texting each other.

Alejandra was laying on her right side in bed,while Christopher was laying on his back in bed as the two were talking about what happened between them.

Alejandra: I was so scared,i thought that i wasn't going to go to the "Sleepover" at Selene's house. My Granny was hesitant at first to not let me go,but,My Mom was the one who agreed to let me go.

Christopher: Really? I'm glad that she said yes,i had to come up with a lie to convince My Brother to let me go to Aiden's "Sleepover." I couldn't tell My Sibling's the real truth,Daniel would understand,but,telling it to your Little Sister? Yeah,that's too embarrassing to even say.

There was a smile on her face and trying to keep in her giggle's,she texted him right back.

Alejandra: It's okay,i totally understand. It's a good thing that you didn't tell her,you could have traumatized the poor girl.

He chuckled softly,reading his Girlfriend's text message as he texted her right back.

Christopher: Heh,i know.

She saw his text and not texting back,she was about to text him right back,while he waited for her to reply.

Alejandra: Christopher?

Christopher: Yes,Alejandra?

He looked at the screen of his cellphone,wondering if she was okay or not because he saw the three little dot's,but,no text back.

Is she okay?


He received a new text from her and seeing this,he read it.

Alejandra: Once..we arrive at the..Hotel,what..are we..going to be doing?

His throat felt a little tight by reading this text and instantly,he began to reply back.

Christopher: W-We're..going to be spending some time together,just you,and me,and nobody else.

Alejandra: Oh,o-okay. We better get some sleep,it's getting late.

Christopher: Yeah,your right. Goodnight,Alejandra. Sweet dream's.

Alejandra: Goodnight,Christopher. Sweet dream's to you,too.

The Two placed their cellphone's down onto the shelf,got settled into bed,and thought about what they were going to be doing for Three whole day's alone.

Aiden Campbell And Christopher Mendibles.

Aiden,why are we here?

Today was Thursday and after School,Aiden drove Christopher to Walmart as he had no idea what was going on.

Helping you,obviously. That's what friend's are for.

The Two were walking around in the back to The Store of Walmart and confused as ever,the teenager wondered what on earth his friend was even looking for.

So,you made up a lie so your Sibling's wouldn't find out? What excuse did you come up?

It's gonna be silly,but,i told them that i would be having a "Sleepover" at my friend's house and of course,they actually believed it.

His friend began to laugh,while Christopher was blushing.

What? I had to come up with something,i couldn't possibly tell them the truth,could i? Sure,My Older Brother would understand,but,not My Little Sister. Wouldn't you do the same thing?

Mmm,maybe. Ah,here we are.

Why are we at the back of the--?

Suddenly,his word's were trailed off because he found out the real reason why his friend had dragged him all the out to the end of the store,and standing right next to his friend,he couldn't believe his eye's.

Standing straight ahead right in front of him was all kind's of boxe's of condom's and then,he was in utter disbelief.

A-Aiden,wh-why did you drag me all the way here? Christopher was so stunned,he began to stutter in a nervous. He-He can't be serious,right? Wh-Why?

I would have figured that since you two love bird's would be staying at The Hotel for three day's,you gotta be prepared. I know what you really have in mind by the time you enter that room.

His friend began to look around at all of the condom's,while Christopher was a few inche's away from the display itself.

I-I'm not so sure about th-this. Why did you drag me here again?

Like i said,i'm helping you get prepared. Aiden reminded him once more. I know you wanna do it with Ally,i'm not that dumb to read you. Your not like those guy's who up's and leave's their girl,you my friend,are the type of guy who want's their girl to have the best time of their live's. After all,you two are virgin's,and even if you two don't do the dirty deed,then,that's fine. You'll be ready once your ready and if you are,you alway's gotta be prepared for it.

He..doe's make a good point. Ohh,what am i thinking? This is too humiliating,even for me! I can't believe i'm about to buy a box of condom's,i guess God is looking down at me,he's not very proud of me,i know. But,still,i do need to be prepared if i'm..ever..gonna do that to Alejandra.

The Two teenager's were looking at all of the condom's in the display and finding the perfect one's,they happily made their way out of the store.

Aiden had a proud look on his face,while Christopher had the look of embarrassment plastered upon his face as he held the bag that held the condom's inside.

This has been the most embarrassing day of my entire life.

Alejandra Cloud And Selene Silvestro.

Are you sure this is a good idea? Alejandra asked,looking all around to her new surrounding's.

Of course,it is,girl. You got to trust me.

After School Selene offered to drive her friend to Downtown and Alejandra had never been around here before.

They were still in Los Angeles California and The Downtown Plaza was called Paradise Plaze,it was all where the rage was,and where everybody would go to.

I've never been here before at all.

I have a few time's with My Mom,your gonna love it here.

The two were walking side by side on the sidewalk,a few people were around since it was still Afternoon in the earlier Evening.

It's amazing here,no wonder they call it Paradise Plaza.

If you think that's cool,you should see how it is here at night. It's Breathtaking.

It is? Maybe,one day,we can all hang out here together.

Yeah,i'd like that a whole lot. Beside's,this is our last year in High School,after all. I can't believe next year is our last,i know we're all going to go our separate way's.

And what if we don't? I don't want to lose my best friend's,i was a nobody before i met you three,and now,you guy's turned me to a somebody. That..doesn't sound right,doe's it?

I understand what your saying,i want us all to stay connected if anything were to happen to us.

Alejandra looked at Selene with concerned,not liking what she was talking about because her friend was right.

It was their last year in High School and who know's what will happen between the four of them.

They could drift away,go their separate way's,or never see each other again.

A lot could happen,they just don't know what will happen,eventually.

Memorie's fall's,Rain Must Fall.

I still don't understand where we're going.


Hearing the hesitant tone of her friend's voice,Selene suddenly stopped walking,smiling nervously as Alejandra halted,standing right next to her.

Where are we? Where did you--?

Her word's were trailed off and staring right in front of her was something that the teenage girl thought that she would never ever go to.

The Two were standing right in front of a Store and the store's name was Exotic Rose.

Selene,wh-what is this place?

I..took you to a Lingerie Store.

Standing there,the teenager tried to process what was going on,and blinking twice,she couldn't believe it.

A Lingerie Store,Selene took me to a Lingerie Store?

Standing inside of The Store,Alejandra was really reluctant to go in at First until her friend had to drag her inside when she didn't know the reason why.

Selene,wh-why are we in here,exactly?

I'm glad you asked because by the time you and Chris leave to head over to The Hotel,i would have thought that you Two wanted to..have some alone time. Selene said in a seductive tone of voice. After all,your hormone's have been acting up,this could do you two some good,some real good if you ask me.

Wait,what?! Hold on,is that the real reason why you booked us to The Hotel,so we

That and that you two can be able to spend some time with each other,i know your probably upset with me about all of this,i'm just trying to be a good friend here by giving you two this. This Lingerie set would look good on you.

She held up a Lingerie set that was Pink and feeling bashful,Alejandra couldn't believe that she was going to do the dirty deed with her Boyfriend.

Or should we go with the color Black or Red?

Black and Red seem like an exotic color,i think it would be best to go with the color Blue. I-It is Christopher's favorite color,it's also mine,too.

Ohh,i see what your thinking~

Selene winked,while Alejandra blushed bashfully,looking all around The Store as there were only a few people around.

I-I know what couple's do in Hotel's and i know once Christopher and i go to our's,i-i know that..he'll want th-that. I wanna know if he's ready for that kind of thing? Am i..ready for that kind of thing? Just talking and thinking about that is so embarrassing,and humiliating. No,it's making me feel nervous and stressful.

The Two looked all around the shop,checking,and looking out at all of the Lingerie,and after finding the right one,Alejandra bought a Blue Lingerie set,along with a Cute,revealing night gown.

I still can't believe you took me here...Alejandra muttered softly,the two walked out of The Store. I'm kinda scared how Christopher will react by me wearing this.

Honey,he'll love it. Beside's,i have a feeling you might come here any time soon~

The only response Alejandra could give her friend was only just a blush.

Well,at least i've come prepared.

Christopher Mendibles.

After Aiden and Christopher left Walmart,his friend drove him back home as tomorrow was going to be a big day.

As the teenager hid the box of condom's in his drawer in his bedroom,he received a text message when he saw that it was his Girlfriend.

Alejandra: Meet me at Flower Park once you arrive back home.

Reading this text message over and over again,he wondered what this was about as he decided to meet her as soon as possible.

Alejandra Cloud And Christopher Mendibles.

Christopher arrived at Flower Park about three minute's and panting a little,he looked all around,searching for Alejandra.

As he looked straight ahead,he saw her by the big pond,his eye's wided a bit,seeing that she was wearing a White tank top with a Gray skirt,and White sandal's.


He began to make his way over toward's her and seeing that she started to skip ahead on the rock step's,he saw that she was being careful when he called out her name softly.


Stopping,she slowly turned her whole body around,seeing her Boyfriend as she stared at him.



He was alway's the first one to greet her and as the two stared at each other,he kicked a rock,staring at her nervously.

Did you just arrive home? Christopher asked.

Mmm,hmm,i did. I guess the same thing goe's to you,too?

He nodded his head and he carefully stepped out onto the rock step's,slowly making his way over toward's her.

Are you..nervous about tomorrow?

I-I am,a-are you?

Then,he stopped what he was doing because he saw the look of concern on her face as something was troubling her.

Is something wrong?

It's nothing,it's about..what Selene had said to me earlier today..

Oh,what did she say?

That this is our last year in High School together and that..we all might..go our separate way's,the fact that we won't hear or talk to each other ever again...When she was talking about that,it scared me because i have no idea what's going to happen to us...What will happen to our friend's? What will..happen to us?

Seeing that this was troubling her,it was starting to upset him because he didn't know what he would do without her.

She meant everything to him and even if that were to happen,he knew that the matter itself couldn't be helped.

Alejandra,that's not going to happen. I won't let it happen because do you know why?

She stared at him,waiting to hear what he had to say.

I want to make a promise to you,a promise that i will keep to you. Christopher insisted,taking a step forward so that he could reach her. I want to make this promise to her,i want to keep this one so that it won't be ever broken.

What kind of promise?

A promise that i will keep,a promise that can't be broken. My promise to you is that i won't ever abandoned you,i can never leave you.

The wind began to blow a little and hearing this promise of his,she was about to say something,but,no word's would come out.

I could never abandoned you and that is why..i'm going to keep this promise to you.

Her eye's never left his and as he was beginning to start to come closer toward's her,she finally spoke.

You promise you won't abandoned me? Alejandra asked softly.

I promise.

Will you..stay by my side?

Yes,i'll alway's be by your side no matter what.

Will you be there for me when i need you?

Of course.

You-You won't ever hurt me,will you?

I won't,i'll try not to hurt you. Your too perfect to ever be broken,nor hurt.

You won't ever leave me?

No,never. I could never leave you.

Please,don't ever change. I could never see you change right before my eye's because i love the person that you are right now,the person who i fell in love with to begin with.

I won't change,i'm still going to be me,myself,and i.


He was now right in front of her,the sun reflecting into the pond water as the sun was already setting into a sunset,while the wind itself continued to blow.

I-- Alejandra began to say and then,she shook her head from side to side gently,giving him an assuring smile. I-It's nothing.

Reaching out,he held her hand,and staring down at his hand,she looked up,looking into his eye's as he too,looked deep within her eye's as the look on his face was showing admiration,and love.

You can tell me...Christopher whispered softly. What did you want to tell me?

Will you..ever love another me?

No,i could never. There's no other girl who is like you,your too good to ever be replaced...

Smiling a little,she held his hand back in return,not ever letting it go.

Come on,we better head home. Our parent's are probably wondering where we are.

Yeah,your right. Christopher chuckled with a smile.

The Dream Couple got off of the rock step's and as they were walking out of Flower Park,they held hand's,making their way toward's home.

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