After The Rain.

By AngelWolf228

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"Alejandra." "Christopher." Alejandra Cloud was an anxious,quiet,shy,sweet girl who was a loner who alway's h... More

Author's Note.
Prologue: The Story Of How We First Met.
Chapter 01: The Scent Of Rain.
Chapter 03: The Sound Of Raindrop's.
Chapter 04: The Moon And The Rain.
Chapter 05: The Moon Within The Rain.
Chapter 06: The Moon And The Rain Would Soon Fade Away.
Chapter 07: It Was Alway's The Rain.
Chapter 08: It Was Alway's The Rain And You.
Chapter 09: The Heart And The Rain.
Chapter 10: Love In The Rain.
Chapter 11: Between The Raindrop's.
Chapter 12: When It Rain's,There's A Rainbow.
Chapter 13: The Sound Of Rainfall.
Chapter 14: Rainfall.
Chapter 15: Rain Must Fall.
Chapter 16: Me And You,The Rain.
Chapter 17: Bloom In The Rain.
Chapter 18: Bloom Into The Rain.
Chapter 19: A Moment Of Silence Of The Rain.
Chapter 20: Autumn And Rain.
Chapter 21: Fall And Rain.
Chapter 22: The Other Side Of The Rain.
Chapter 23: The Shimmering Rain.
Chapter 24: The Withering Rain.
Chapter 25: When It Rain's,It Pour's.
Chapter 26: Beauty In The Rain.
Chapter 27: The Silence Of The Rain.
Chapter 28: When Will The Rain End?
Chapter 29: Within The Rain.
Chapter 30: Reflection In The Rain.
Chapter 31: The Rainfall.
Chapter 32: A Moment In The Rain.
Chapter 33: Alone In The Rain.
Chapter 34: Set Fire To The Rain.
Chapter 35: After Dark,The Rain.
Chapter 36: Where Will The Rain Go?
Chapter 37: Rain And Winter.
Chapter 38: Change And Rain.
Chapter 39: In The Rain.
Chapter 40: Beautiful Rain.
Chapter 41: Rain And Spring.
Chapter 42: California In The Rain.
Chapter 43: My Moon And Rain.
Chapter 44: The Beach And The Rain.
Chapter 45: It Can't Rain All The Time.
Chapter 46: It Will Rain.
Chapter 47: Me And You,In The Rain.
Chapter 48: Oh,Rain.
Chapter 49: Runaway In The Rain.
Chapter 50: My Rain.
Chapter 51: Raining.
Chapter 52: The Rain Was Alway's With You.
Chapter 53: Me And The Rain.
Chapter 54: Rain,Rain,Go Away.
Chapter 55: Reflection's In The Rain.
Chapter 56: My Beautiful Rain.
Chapter 57: The Beautiful Rain.
Chapter 58: The Rain.
Chapter 59: Your My Rain.
Chapter 60: Your The Rain Within.
Chapter 61: The Golden Light Of The Rain.
Chapter 62: Rain.
Chapter 63: The Rainy Day.
Chapter 64: Refrain.
Chapter 65: After The Rain.
Epilogue: After The Rain,After The Storm.
Q And A.
Thank You All So Much!

Chapter 02: The Sound Of Rain.

244 24 2
By AngelWolf228

[[Word's: 7659.]]

You make it kinda hard not to stare.

Christopher Mendibles.

The teenager was walking to the front of the entrance of The School door's and while he was walking,he was thinking to himself when a lot has happened today.

He made Two new friend's and it look's as though that his Mother was right about today,after all.

Today was going to be a good day and luck was coming his way for the First time since he couldn't fit in.

I guess Mom was right,today was a good day. It's almost as if she knew that something good was going to happen. I guess Karma isn't giving me a harsh reality,either. It could be me exaggerating or something.

Stopping in his track's,he was glad that everything turned out like he thought it would since it was going to be hard to fit in as he was the new kid in School,but,gladly enough,he was happy for once in his life.

I'm glad that Aiden and Selene didn't dislike,nor judge me,but,those Two seem really friendly,and nice toward's me. Their way too cool to be around with a guy like me,they must get a lot of people to admire them.

He began to walk again and holding onto his backpack,he had his car key's in his pocket,making sure that he can get into his vehicle in time before he got all wet from the rain.

The young teenager continued on walking into The School Hallway's,gladly enough,he was stoked to finally be able to go home since school was over for the day.

While walking in The School Hallway's,he could still hear the rain pouring outside since it hasn't stopped during First Period Class.

As he turned a corner,he spotted a familiar face that he had seen earlier that day,a face that couldn't leave his mind itself.

There,standing by The School front door's was his classmate,the same classmate that had a few of his classe's,but,he would see her from time to time.

Standing a few feet away,he stared at her,while she didn't notice as he couldn't take his eye's off of her.

It's her,the girl that i saw a few hour's ago...

A troubled look was set on her face because she couldn't leave the school building by all of this heavy rain and it looked as though the rain wouldn't be stopping at all.

I guess she can't go home with all of this rain and it look's like it isn't going to stop,either. U-Um?

Slowly turning around,she let out a startled gasp because she heard his voice,and staring right back at him,he too,stared back at her as the two stared at one another,not saying another word.

Alejandra Cloud And Christopher Mendibles.

The two continued to stare at one another and that the only sound was heard was the hard rain itself since they were both quiet with a soft silent.

Turning her full body,she gave him his full attention,wondering what he wanted to say.

Tilting her head a little,she looked around,seeing if he was talking to someone else,but,there was nobody else around,but,just the two of them.

Huh,wait a minute. I know him,i saw him in the school hallway's. Not only that,we even have a few classe's together,too. he talking to me?

Are you okay? Christopher asked softly,staring at her with a friendly manner. Why is she so quiet? I guess she's not used to people talking to her since..she's a lot like me.

I-I'm okay,i can't..go out in this weather,that's all.

Oh,that's why she's staying inside of the school building. Hold on,did she..walk all the way from home to school? Did you walk on foot to School today?

Looking around the room,she gave him a gentle smile,not answering that.

So,it is true,then. That's crazy,her house must be nearby,and that explain's why. I don't want her to go out in this kind of weather,she could hurt herself. U-Um,i'm sorry if i scared you or anything,but,would you like me to give you a ride home?

Taken aback by his kind offer,she didn't know if that was such a good idea or not.

She didn't know this guy at all,she never spoken to him until just now,and she doesn't know if she can trust him or not.

After all,she is a naive teenager since in time,she only open's up to people to those who she can trust first.

But,staring at this teenage boy,she felt as though that she can trust him because he was caring enough to offer to drive her back home.

I-I don't know. Alejandra stuttered out,feeling quiet grateful by his kind offer. I don't wanna be a burden to you or anything.

Your not a burden to me. It's okay,your not. I don't want you walking in this heavy rain because i'm scared you might end up hurting yourself.

He doe's make a point,i am a clumsy person,after all. I could easily end up falling or slipping. I-I guess..if you don't mind.

I don't mind at all one bit.

He really is kind enough to drive me back home in this type of weather and yet,we don't even know each other at all to begin with as we're..nothing,but,stranger's...

The two stood still,quiet once again when he spoke up,grabbing her attention.

I'm so sorry,i haven't introduced myself to you. Christopher apologized sincerely. My name is Christopher Mendibles,it's very nice to meet you. She probably already know's my name,but,i wanted her to know.

No,i-i'm the one who should be sorry. My name is Alejandra Cloud,it's very nice to meet you,too. I feel kinda bad,i..almost did forget his name. What can i say? I'm a forgetful person sometime's,it's not my fault. To be honest,i..didn't want to be rude,but,i..didn't know your name. I-I'm so sorry!

No,no,it's okay! I'm pretty forgetful myself,but,i would never forget you.

Blushing lightly,she blinked a few time's,and he started rambling on,now feeling embarrassed.

No,wait! Christopher declared,making a fool of himself. I'm not some kind of stalker or anything,i noticed that you,and i have a few classe's together. That's why i could never forget you,that's what i meant. You are such an Idiot! What is she going to think of me now?

Laughing softly,the teenage girl looked the other way,fixing a strand of her hair,turning her attention back to him.

I know,i've noticed that. Alejandra admitted with a smile. I don't think he's some kind of stalker,he's cute,and funny in his own way.

I guess she understand's what i was saying,smooth. I played it safe for now. O-Oh,really?

Y-Yes. I hope he doesn't think that i was staring or anything,i only just looked at him a few time's,and that was it.

I-I see. I hope she doesn't think that i was staring at her and i was,i'm not gonna lie. Sh-Shall we,then?


Opening the front door's of The School building,he took his umbrella out,opening it up as he motioned for her to come under it with him.

Shyly,she walked up,and standing right next to him,the two began to walk side by side under the umbrella,making their way over to the vehicle to get out of the rain.

Aiden Campbell And Selene Silvestro.

The Two Bestie's were walking out of The School building and once they were outside,they saw that it was raining really hard out.

Lucky for them,they weren't wet from the rain,and seeing that it wouldn't stop,they would either run out in the rain or just wait until it stopped.

Jeez,it sure is pouring down,huh? Aiden looked around,sighing to himself. And i didn't even bring an umbrella,either.

You never know what you need in case,your like an old man who forget's thing's.

Hey,i'm not that old just yet! Although,i would be a Hot Grandpa if i was in my fiftie's.

Rolling her eye's in playful manner,the teenage girl spotted Christopher,and to her dismay,she even saw Alejandra,too.

Hey,look. Selene pointed toward's their direction. Is that Alejandra And Christopher?

Following to where his Bestie was pointing,the teenage boy saw that Christopher had opened the passenger door for Alejandra,and getting in,he closed the door behind,while he went to the driver's seat.

Hey,yeah,it is. Aiden blinked a few time's,wondering if he was imagining this or not,but,it was real. Oh,man. I just realized that we didn't give Chris our cellphone number!

The engine of the car started and then,he drove the car off onto the road,leaving the school premise's.

Don't worry,we'll give it to him tomorrow. Selene assured her friend with a smile as she thought about something,something that would change everything when she knew that the three would be making another new friend. I think we might have another new friend and this time,i won't be the only girl in the friend group.

Alejandra Cloud And Christopher Mendibles.

It was quiet,too quiet for the two teenager's since they haven't said anything since they got into the car.

While the teenage boy was driving,he looked at her with the corner of his eye as he kept his eye's on the road.

This is so awkward,we haven't said anything to each other since we got into the car. I-I'm not used to starting up conversation's,i let the person start off a conversation first,while i talk back.

Um,what's your address? Christopher asked,stopping at a Red light,turning to look over her way. I hope she doesn't think that i'm some kind of stalker or something,i'm not like that at all.

Oh,u-um-- Should i give him my address? No,i can't. If do that,he'll know where i live,and he might..stalk me. Now that i think about it,he doesn't look like the type of guy to do that sort of thing. I'm not..beautiful or pretty because stalker's go for the attractive women,not ugly one's such as myself...My street name is Bane Wolf Street.

Oh,okay. I know where that is. Huh,so,her home isn't as far away as the school. That's good to know that she didn't walk that far.

The light turned Green and driving once again,he took a right turn,then,a left,and as they were on the street,she spoke up.

E-Excuse me,y-you can stop the car. Alejandra replied softly,getting her backpack ready,while getting her umbrella out,too. This is as far as he can go,that way,he won't know where i live.

Stopping the car to the side of the corner,he didn't want her to walk on foot since it was still raining hard out.

A-Are you sure? Christopher asked with a stutter. I don't want you ending up getting hurt.

It's okay,i'll be fine. My house is just a few minute's from here,i-i can be able to manage on my own. I'm sorry,i hope you can forgive me. I'll see you later,Christopher. Thank you for ride.

See you later,Alejandra,and your welcome.

Opening the car door,she closed the door behind,and watching her walking onto the sidewalk,he made sure if she that she was safe.

While she continued walking,he could see her back turned as he didn't see her anymore.

Sighing softly,the teenager started the engine to his car,and drove back home.


Christopher Mendibles.

The teenage boy made it back home safely and unlocking the front door,and entering inside,he realized that nobody else was home,and that he was all alone.

Locking the door behind,he started walking into the hallway,making his way to his room.

Placing his backpack to the side of his chair,he took a seat at the end of his bed,a little tired from today.

While he was staring up at the ceiling,he heard his cellphone beep when he received a text message.


Taking his cellphone out of his pocket,he slid his finger to the screen,seeing that he got a text message from his Older Brother.

Daniel: Hey,Bro. How was the First day of School?

Reading his text message,the teenager smiled,remembering everything that has happened today.

Christopher: It was fine,i enjoyed it.

Daniel: That's good to hear,something must have happened today. Mom And Dad will be home early today,we'll be going out to eat for dinner tonight.

Christopher: Okay,that sound's good. I'll wait until you all come home.

Daniel: Okay,see you.

Christopher: See you.

Placing his cellphone down,the teenager decided to go ahead,and take a little nap before his family would come.

Laying on his left side in bed,he closed his eye's,and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Around 4:00pm that Evening,Christopher was in the back seat with his two Sibling's,while his Father was driving,and his Mother was sitting next to him in the passenger seat.

The family decided to go out to eat at Golden Coral,an all you can eat Buffet,and it was the perfect Restaurant to go to with family or friend's.

While they were driving to their destination,Christopher's Older Brother nudged his shoulder,grabbing his attention.


I heard you had enjoyed your first day of school today and i know something must have happened by how your sudden behavior is that obvious to read. Daniel smiled,narrowing his eye's. Tell me what happened.

I don't know why your looking at me like that,i made two new friend's today. Their name's are Aiden Campbell And Selene Silvestro,their both Bestie's. They were even kind and nice enough to want to actually be friend's with a person such as myself.

"Is that so bad?"

His Little Sister,Nichole Mendibles butted into their conversation,and looking at her Brother,she waited for his reply.

Nichole Mendibles had dark Brown eye's and dark Brown hair as she looked exactly like her Mom.

Of course,it is! Why would someone like those two wanna be friend's with a killer like me?

They don't see you that way like everybody else doe's. Nichole reassured,patting her Brother's shoulder. They wanted to be friend's with you probably because your the new kid in school or that they think your pretty cool,it doesn't matter what people think of other's. People get judged here and there,it's as simple as that. If nobody doesn't have anything nice to say,don't say anything at all or do what people do. Talk behind their back without them hearing or noticing.

The Two Brother's looked at their Little Sister,hearing how much common sense she has since she's a Middle School student.

I think the real reason why they wanted to be friend's with you was probably because they felt bad for you. Daniel tried not to be rude,but,his Brother knew where this was going. Or their both that desperate to have another friend to ditch.

Daniel,stop putting thing's into your Brother's head. You should listen to Nichole,at least she has some self respect than you do.


Frowning a little,the teenage boy turned his head to look toward's the window,being lost in his own mind.

The heavy rain was gone and that a few sprinkle's we're out now when he thought what happened after School was over for the day,he thought about Alejandra.

Boy,it sure did rain heavy out today. Dan said,taking a right turn. I heard it's going to be raining for a few day's.

Well,we do need it after all,Honey.

Hearing his parent's talking,when he thought about Alejandra,he also thought about the rain,too.

It was raining that day,the day that i met you. Whenever i look or see the rain,all i think about is her...

The Mendibles Family arrived at Golden Coral and walking inside,their waiter took them all to a big table for everyone to sit.

Once they found a table,their waiter gave everyone a cup so that they could have any drink that they want,and Christopher offered to get his family their drink's.

Are you sure you want to get us our drink's,Dear? Cynthia asked,looking at her Son. I can be able to help you.

It's okay,Mom. I don't mind.

Dan and Nichole took their seat's at the table,sitting across from each other,while Daniel took a seat right next to Little Sister.

I don't know,he may need all the help that he can possibly get. Daniel smiled mischievously. After all,he's almost as clumsy as the next person.

That hurt Christopher and Daniel could tell his mean remark reached his Brother's breaking point when he didn't mean it like that,it was only just a joke.

Right before his Older Brother was about to say something,he watched his Brother walk away from the table,while his family watched him.

Did you have to go and do that? Dan wasn't very pleased by what his Son has done. Christopher is already having a hard time as it is,you know how he is.

Regret started to form the Older Brother and taking a seat next to his Younger Sibling,he felt guilty after what he said.

I'm sorry..

Are you,though? Nichole didn't like how Daniel would joke badly whenever it would alway's be Christopher. Word's hurt,you should know that. Not only is he having a hard time adjusting,but,so are we. So,you better apologize to him.

Nodding his head in agreement,Daniel didn't say anything,but,felt the guilt trip in his body.

The teenager held onto a tray that was holding onto all of the cup's and while,he was walking,he tried his best to not let his Brother get under his skin.

He has no idea how hard it is to be me,he just doesn't get it or understand. The reason why he's this way is because he's never been treated differently the way that i've been. We're the complete opposite and different from each other,i just wish that i could have the boost of confidence to stand up for myself. This way,i will be treated as a normal person should be treated.


Without seeing where he was going,the teenager bumped into someone and hearing the person exclaim,he felt really bad.

I'm so sorry! Christopher apologised,feeling anxious. I wasn't watching where i was--

When he looked at forward toward's the person's way,his eye's wided because the person he bumped into was Alejandra Cloud.

Staring right back at him,she gaped at him,not saying anything.


Alejandra Cloud And Christopher Mendibles.

Staring at each other in total silence still,they stood there,frozen.

It was as though they were in their own world where nobody else was there,but,just the two of them.

Christopher,wh-what's he doing here?

Why isn't she saying anything? Is she shocked that we ran into each other outside of school? She probably is and now,she's probably thinking that i'm stalking her,but,i'm not. Are you okay?

I-I'm okay.

I'm really sorry for bumping into you,i wasn't watching where i was going.

No,it's okay. I'm the one who should be sorry since i wasn't looking where i was going.

Oh,i-i see.

Still standing there in awkward silence,the two spoke up at the same time.

What are you--?

They suddenly stopped speaking and blushing lightly,the two didn't know which one of them would speak up first as they both decided to head on over to the drink bar.

So,what doing here?

I'm here with My Granny,she wanted to eat out for dinner tonight. Alejandra said,filling up both of the cup's with drink. Are you here with someone?

Yeah,my family,and i are eating dinner here,too.

Oh,that's good.

The teenage boy was filling the cup's with drink and while doing that,he looked at her with the corner of her eye,and then,looked away very quickly,trying to calm his anxious nerve's.

The two were quiet yet again and in total silence,he didn't dare look at her,while she was blushing lightly.

He's so quiet,is he shy like i am?

I can't look at her,no. I just can't help it and i don't know why. The more i stare at her,the more i can't look away...

Getting her two drink's,the teenage girl turned his way when he too,turned to look back at her one last time.

Well, my drink's. Alejandra said slowly as a nervous smile spread across her lip's. I'll see you later.

S-See you later.

Nodding softly,the teenage girl walked away once she had her back turned,she didn't know that he was watching her without her noticing.


After the teenager was done getting his family their cup's of drink's,he walked carefully to their table.

Before he was walking to the table,he saw Alejandra,and he saw an elderly woman sitting across from her as he guessed that she was probably her Granny.

She did look just like her,but,they were both different from each other.

The elderly woman had dark Brown eye's and light Brown hair with White hair in it as she would have looked like she was in her late fortie's.

Turning away,he made his way to his family's table,hoping that dinner would go great if his Older Brother wouldn't make anymore mean joke's.

Christopher Mendibles.


Sighing softly,the teenager walked back into his bedroom after he had finished taking a hot shower for the night.

It was already 8:30pm and taking a seat at his desk,he grabbed his packback to see his school note's that he had taken today.

When he grabbed onto his notebook,a small,White piece of paper fell on top of his desk.


Looking down,he picked up the small paper,blinking a few time's.

I wonder what this is?

Unfolding the small paper,he saw hand writing on it when he soon saw that it was a poem that was written inside of it.

Seeing this,he soon began to read it into thought.

Rose's are Red,Violet's are Blue,i can't seem to look away from you as you can't seem to look away,too.

Rereading the poem over and over again,he wondered who could have written this poem since it couldn't be for him.

The person who wrote it might have given it to Christopher by accident or something.

Who wrote this poem? Did this person mistaken me to someone else? This can't be for me,it has to be for someone else,right? Well,whoever wrote this,i feel bad for reading it,and that they must have written this for someone else instead of me.

Putting the small piece of paper in his backpack,he decided to keep it in case if this was a mistake or not.

After all,there was no name on,no signature on it at all since he had no clue who wrote this.

Laying on his back in bed with a soft thud,he closed his eye's,picturing who this mysterious person was who wrote the poem.

He pictured that this person was kind and nice enough to do such a sweet thing to brighten up someone's day when he hoped it was for him because it sure did make him feel at ease with himself.

Slowly closing his eye's,a soft smile was on his face as he soon drifted off to sleep for the night.

Tuesday Morning,Christopher was dressed,and ready for the day since today was the Second day of School.

Christopher Mendibles,Cynthia Mendibles,Dan Mendibles,And Daniel Mendibles.

As he took his seat the kitchen table,he saw his Father reading the new's paper,while his Mother was cooking breakfast as usual since this was their normal routine that the two do every Morning.

Oh,i forgot to ask. How are you two adjusting to your new work place? Is it as good as your last one?

It's great,thank you for asking. Dan looked up from his new's paper,looking over at his Son with a bright smile. The building is big,we're both adjusting just fine,and it look's as though we might actually have our first business meeting real soon.

That fast,huh? Wow,that must be stressful.

Chuckling softly,his Father went back to reading his daily new's,and his Mother walked up,placing the plate down in front of Christopher when his Mother had cooked bacon,and egg's for breakfast today.

And,she even placed a cup of Orange juice to go with his meal,too.

It is,but,we do this because we love our family. Cynthia smiled,kissing her Son on the cheek. And that we make a pretty good team.

Dan raised a teasing brow at his Wife and she bashfully smiled when their Son was quiet,not saying anything as he started to eat his breakfast.

While the teenager was eating his breakfast,he heard Daniel let out a soft yawn,and he made his way into the kitchen to join his family.

Rolling his eye's,he didn't pay much attention to him,but,he told himself to just ignore him since he didn't even dare apologise to him after the mean remark he received last night at Golden Coral.

Good Morning,everyone. Daniel greeted his family and his parent's greeted him,but,not his Brother when he realized that he had to apologize after what happened. Good Morning,Baby Brother.

Still ignoring him,the teenager didn't say anything,but,took a sip of his Orange juice,staying quiet to himself.

Christopher,look-- I-I'm sorry,okay? I know what i said was awful,i didn't mean to hurt you purposefully. I know your going through a lot right now and so are we,i just hope you can forgive me.

Placing his cup down,he sighed softly,hearing his Brother out when he turned his attention to him.

What you said really hurt me,it's going to take some time for me to accept your apology. Christopher admitted,looking away. I forgive you,i just don't like it when you take your cruelty toward's me. You crossed the line this time,i could never hate My Brother. I just hate how he tease's me,his word' hurt me.

I understand,i'll try not to hurt you as much as i do. I'm glad that you made two new friend's,the next step is to getting a Girlfriend.

Again,a girl doesn't alway's satisfy you.

Patting his shoulder,Daniel knew what he was talking about because if his Brother got a Girlfriend,he would be not just be satisfied,he would also be happy,too.

Okay,well-- Daniel began to reply. If you ever start liking a girl that's caught your eye,you won't stop staring at them no matter what.

Looking up,he stared at his Brother in disbelief,wondering if he knew about Alejandra,and that their parent's were listening in their conversation.

The more you stare,the more you fall. The more you fall,you'll slowly start to not think about anyone else,but,them. Take it from me,i know. Anyway,if you fall for a girl,let your Dear,old,Brother know.

Walking up to make his coffee,the teenage thought about what Daniel said.

Doe's he know about me staring at Alejandra? I don't know,he hasn't even met her,and..i can't seem to stop staring at her no matter what. Should i tell him about the poem? No,i shouldn't. I need to have evidence if this poem was really for me or not. I guess..his word of advice doe's help me out,i'll keep that in mind.

After the teenage had finished breakfast,he drove to School on time,and already having his car parked in the parking lot,he walked up toward's the School front entrance until something stopped him in his track's.

Seeing that familiar face,he saw that Alejandra Cloud was walking up to the front of The School front door's,making her way through out the crowd.

Christopher Mendibles And Selene Silvestro.

What are you staring at?


Exclaiming in a startled way,he turned to his right side,seeing Selene Silvestro,staring at him with a sly grin.

I-I'm not staring at anything. Liar,you were staring at Alejandra like you alway's do. I get the sudden feeling she has this effect on me and yet,why is that?

Smiling,she began to walk,knowing what he was staring at.

Heh,come on,Romeo. We don't wanna be late for Class.

Huh,wait. What did you say?

Following her from beind,the teenage girl couldn't stop smiling because she had a plan today that will change the friend group even more by adding another new friend.


Alejandra Cloud.

It was 11:00am and it was lunch time for all the student's to eat for the day and for today's lunch it was spaghetti with cheesy bread stick's,a salad on the side,a pear,and any kind of milk that you can pick.

Once she held onto her lunch tray,she made her way to find a table to sit at since she was used to eating her lunch alone,and she didn't mind it,but,she hated being alone because it get's pretty lonesome.

Not only was her food on the tray,but,her book,too.

To her,reading didn't make her feel alone because whenever she would read,she would be in her own little world with no one to bother,nor bully her.

Looking for a table to sit,she saw that there sure we're a lot of student's out for lunch today,and sighing to herself aloud,she suggested that she should eat outside,instead.

Jeez,there's barely anywhere to sit. I guess i could sit outside,at least the weather look's nice.

Looking over at the window,the sun was out,and it looked as though it would rain later on today.


A soft exclaim escaped her lip's because she felt someone patting her shoulder gently,and turning around to see who it was,she hoped it wasn't a bully.

Oh,no...Please,don't let it be a bully.

Turning her full attention to the person,she was staring at the person in disbelief when she soon realised that it wasn't a bully at all.l to begin with.

Well,she hoped that this person wasn't one,and the person who patted her shoulder was Selene Silvestro.

Alejandra Cloud And Selene Silvestro.

Blinking a few time's,the teenager wondered if she was hallucinating Selene just standing there,but,she was indeed really there for real.


Looking from her left and side,she wondered if she was mistaken for someone else.

Is she..talking to me? No,of course,not. I'm not..noticable,i'm..invisible...I-I'm sorry,i've mistaken me for someone--

No,i haven't. I'm talking to you,aren't i?

Hearing how friendly she was,the teenage girl could tell that she was too friendly.

You probably already know who i am since we both have a few classe's together and if you don't know my name,i'd be happy to introduce myself to you. Hi,my name is Selene Silvestro,it's very nice to meet you.

I forgot,we do have a few classe's together. This is weird,she come's up to me,and she's talking to me as if we're really friend's even though,we aren't. What is this? Did somebody make a bet for her to talk to me or something? I know exactly who she is,i don't know..if i can trust her or not because..whenever i get close to someone,something happen's to not only them,but,to me...M-My name is Alejandra Cloud,it's very nice to meet you,too. I have to be careful around this girl,i don't know what i'll get myself into.

Looking at her tray,the teenage girl saw that Alejandra had a book along with her to keep her company.

I see you like R.L. Stine. Selene smiled. I like him,too. Do you like Steven King?

Yes,i do. I've seen nearly all of Goosebump's episode's and i love Steven King's film's.

You have? What's your favorite film? I have so many that i love,my favorite is Misery.

A classic,that movie barely get's any attention. I do like that movie as well. My favorite movie by him is The Shining.

Really? That one sure is scary,all of his film's are scary,but,they do come with a good twist,don't you think? All of his movie's are the same,they do tend to have their ending's in different way's.

Alejandra nodded her head in agreement and smiling some more,Selene gestured her to follow her when she could tell that the shy teenager was reluctant at first.

Come on,you can come,and eat lunch with us.

Oh,i-i don't know--

It's okay,my friend's don't bite.

I guess i have no choice,do i?

Hesitantly,the shy teenager agreed,and seeing this,Selene began to walk,leading the way,while Alejandra followed her close behind.

While the two were walking,the shy teenager could see eye's were on them,and looking straight ahead,she paid no attention at all,and continued on walking.

Selene stopped to a halt and so did Alejandra,who was hiding behind her back because she didn't know that she would meet a familiar face.

Everyone,we someone else who will be joining us for lunch today,and hopefully from now on. Selene said the two.

Ohh,what if they don't like me? What if they judge me and my appearance? I don't even like myself the way that i am,either..

Aiden Campbell,Alejandra Cloud,Christopher Mendibles,And Selene Silvestro.

Guy's,i'd like you all to meet Alejandra Cloud. You guy's remember her,don't you?

Of course,she's in a few of my classe's. Aiden smiled and saw that the shy teenager was behind his Bestie's back. You don't need to be shy,we aren't bullie's or anything,right,Christopher?

Exclaiming softly,the teenage girl heard Christopher's name,and peeking her head a little,her eye's wided a little as she saw that Christopher was too,staring right back at her in surprise by this.


Alejandra and Selene were sitting together at the table across from Aiden,and Christopher,while The Two Bestie's were talking as the other two were silent,not saying anything.

I never knew that i would be running into Christopher again,i guess Fate really doe's has it's way around life. Ever since we made eye contact,he looked..kinda surprised to see me. I should have been more surprised because i didn't know that i would be eating lunch with him. Even when i sat down at the table,he's been awfully quiet,and so have i. I wonder what's he thinking about? Hi,Alejandra.

I can't believe Alejandra is sitting at our table and eating with us for lunch today,i'm still quite surprised by this. She's been so quiet ever since she sat down,she might be anxious or nervous. I'm happy she's here with us,i think i know why Selene wanted her to join us for lunch today. She might want to be friend's with her because she look's lonely. Hi,Christopher.

How are you doing today? Okay,good. Small talk so far.

I'm doing good and you? He's so nice and sweet,why aren't all guy's like this?

I'm doing good. I'm good,now that your here.

U-Um,is it..okay for me to eat here?

Of course,it is! We don't mind at all and the reason why i invited you to join us is because we would like for you to be our new friend in the group.

But,wh-why? I'm invisible and nobody ever notice's me.

I can see her right now and she's very noticeable because i see her everywhere i go.

You are to us. Aiden said softly. We just thought that you could use a friend because you seem lonely. I'm not saying it in a mean way or anything,we think your interesting in your own way.

I am lonely,the only thing that keep's me from being lonesome is my book's. I still don't understand why they want to be friend's with the loner who doesn't even speak up,nor talk. Why do i get the feeling that this is all a bet?

Bold of her effort,Christopher never knew she had the gut's to say that when he too,felt the same way after what happened yesterday.

We aren't betting or pranking you. Selene held up her hand's in defense. We're being honest,we really do want you to be our new friend because..we feel bad for you,and you should know that your not alone. I'm sorry,please,don't be mad at me! I-I didn't really mean it like--!

I-I'm sorry,i shouldn't have..said that about myself...I guess..they weren't lying to me,but,still,it's hard for me to trust new people who i don't know. If i'm going to be friend's with these guy's,it won't hurt for me to trust them,right? O-Okay,we can all be friend's?

The three turned to look at each other and to the shy teenager,she saw that they all had a huge smile all over their face's.

You won't be disappointed,trust me. Aiden assured his new friend,taking his cellphone out. Since you two are our new friend's,can we exchange cellphone number's?

No harm of that,Alejandra,and Christopher exchanged their cellphone number's to The Two Bestie's,and once that was done,he turned over to look at her.


Turning to him,she stared at him,giving her his attention now.

Can i..have your phone number,too?

H-He want's my cellphone number? This is all so new to me,i don't mind at all. Y-Yes.

Exchanging cellphone,they put each other's phone number's into the phone,and giving each other their phone's back,the two stared at their number's.

I can't believe it. Not only Alejandra is a new friend of mine,i even have her cellphone number,too.

I can't believe he wanted my phone number,i was gladly happy enough to give it to him because..for some reason,i can trust him so easily. That's not good because i have to be careful or else,i'll end up getting myself hurt all over again...I know that Christopher would never be able to hurt me and if he doe's,i don't know what i'll do because he can't be that capable of doing that,right? I'm going to have to find out and when that time come's,i hope nothing bad happen's...

Christopher Mendibles.

After lunch was over,the anxious teenager was walking in The School Hallway's all by himself,and making his way back to Class,he heard something.


Stopping in his track's,he turned to the window when he saw that the cloud's were becoming dark.

Oh,man. That doesn't look good,it look's like it's going to rain again.

Something came across his mind and taking his cellphone out,he started texting Alejandra.

Christopher: Do you want to me drive you home after school? It look's like it's going to rain again.

He hit send and waited for her reply as he started to feel a little nervous after sending her a text message.

I wonder what she's going to say?

Feeling his cellphone vibrate,he read the text message when he couldn't help,but,smile happily.

Alejandra: Yes,if it's not too much trouble,please.

Christopher: It's not,i'll see you when school is over.

Smiling some more,he heard something familiar,and it would soon start to rain.

Aiden Campbell And Christopher Mendibles.

School had ended for the day and the two teenage boy's were by their locker's,grabbing their thing's before heading out of the School Premise's.

While rummaging through his notebook's,the teenager stumbled across something,something that was small.

He nearly didn't see it and seeing this small object,he let out a very soft gasp because it was a piece of paper.

It was the same White piece of paper that he had received from someone who he thought of must have mistaken and now,he spotted another one.

Huh,what is this?

Looking all around The Hallway,he didn't see anyone else around,and it was just only him,and Aiden,and opening the small piece of paper,he saw that someone had written inside of it as he started reading it only to himself in mind.

Your appearance is bright,your conscious is around,if i were you,i wouldn't look at the ground because when i see you,your alway's all around.

Reading this poem,he didn't know what to think of it when his breath hitched a little by how nice it was.

So,what are you doing?

A startled gasp escaped the teenager's lip's,and closing,and locking up his locker,he put the small piece of paper into his pocket,looking over his friend's way.

Oh,i-i'm driving Alejandra home again today. Christopher stuttered,clutching onto his backpack. You don't mind,do you?

Not at all,man. Your fine,i kinda wanna know. What's up with you two?

Huh, you mean?

Are you two dating?

H-Huh?! Dating?! Why would someone like her wanna N-No,we're not dating or anything!

Really? I could have sworn you were,i see how the way you look at her.

Exclaiming softly,he blushed lightly,figuring out how did his friend knew all about that as it was pretty easy,and obvious to have known.

I-I have to go,s-see you later!

Before Aiden could reply,he watched his friend walk a little fast in The Hallway's,and that he stood there alone.

He is so whipped. Aiden said aloud,smiling to himself. They would make Cute couple.

Alejandra Cloud And Christopher Mendibles.

Just before it began to rain,the two teenager's made it into the car in time,and driving,the teenage boy was keeping his eye's on the road,while the teenage girl was looking out the window.

Seeing that it had already started raining,she watched as the raindrop's were falling down when she looked straight ahead.

I'm really sorry for asking you to give me a ride home. Alejandra apologized sincerely,giving him a shy look. He was the one who asked,not me.

It's no problem at all,i was the one who asked. I don't mind it one bit,it look's as though we're going to be having rain this entire week.


Mmm,hmm,and if you want,i'd be happy to give you a ride after school,and in the morning's.

Oh,you really don't have to--

I insist,please.

Just when she was about to say something,she saw that she was reaching into her neighborhood,Bane Wolf Street.

He doesn't know where i live,should i..tell him where my house is? He new friend,after all,and since he is,he should know where to drop me off. U-Um,my..street name is Bane Wolf Street,and my house number is..215.

Hearing this,he did as he was told by driving to the neighborhood,and parking his car to the side,he saw her getting her umbrella out.

Are you sure your going to be okay? Christopher turned,staring her way. I don't mind walking you to your house.

I'll be fine,i just have to take a few step's ahead,and i'm home free.

Oh,o-okay. I'll see you later,then.

M-Mmm,hmm,see you later.

Opening the car door,she stepped outside,and walking up to her house,while the teenager watched her.

Staring at her house,he saw how big it was,and then,he soon realized something,something that he should have been,been,known when he was clueless,and dense.

He saw that Alejandra and him were next door neighbor's.

Realizing this,his eye's wided in pure surprise because he was next door neighbor's with Alejandra as he had no idea at all.

Alejandra,y-your door neighbor?

Letting all of this information in,the only sound's that Christopher could hear was The Sound Of Rain.

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