I fell in love with the devil...

By IHadaDreamLastNight2

98.2K 3.4K 509

"I felt like I couldn't think straight. I couldn't breathe. What should I do? No one has control over their f... More

I fell in love with the devil - intro
Chapter 1 - The beginnings
Chapter 2 - Mad
Chapter 3 - Now or Never
Chapter 4 - Feeling Down
Chapter 5 - Storm
Chapter 6 - Runaway
Chapter 7 - Confession
Chapter 8 - Desperate
Chapter 9 - Trouble
Chapter 10 - Confused
Chapter 11 - Intruder
Chapter 12 - Sentenced
Chapter 13 - Lost
Chapter 14 - Last Time
Chapter 15 - Inside Hell
Chapter 16 - Angel Winged Vest
Chapter 17 - Aggression
Chapter 18 - Live or not
Chapter 19 - Thoughts
Chapter 20 - The Beast
Chapter 21 - Daydreams and Nightmares
Chapter 22 - Girls' night out
Chapter 23 - The Bully
Chapter 24 - Vacation
Chapter 25 - Camping
Chapter 26 - Marshmellows
Chapter 27 - Hilltop
Chapter 28 - Bonds
Chapter 29 - Taste of freedom
Chapter 30 - Cemetery
Chapter 31 - Destruction follows
Chapter 32 - Back to Hilltop
Chapter 33 - No Redemption
Chapter 34 - The Cut
Chapter 35 - Alive
Chapter 36 - Spider in the corner
Chapter 37 - Fairy-tales
Chapter 38 - Left alone
Chapter 39 - Complicated
Chapter 40 - Forever Alone
Chapter 41 - The Fair
Chapter 42 - Departure
Chapter 43 - Breaking news
Chapter 44 - Burden
Chapter 45 - Autumn melancholy
Chapter 46 - Fallen Kingdom
Chapter 47- Priorities
Chapter 48 - The butt freezing party
Chapter 49 - Vote
Chapter 50 - Don't belong here
Chapter 51 - Ghosts
Chapter 52 - Heroes and Villains
Chapter 53 - "Friends"
Chapter 54 - Catch me if you can
Chapter 55 - Chained
Chapter 56 - Shattered
Chapter 57 - Still a prisoner
Chapter 58 - Return
Chapter 59 - Suffer Together
Chapter 60 - Giant
Chapter 61 - Broken again
Chapter 62 - Alliance
Chapter 63 - Ashes
Chapter 64 - The Saviour
Chapter 65 - A long night
Chapter 66 - Moment of Peace
Chapter 67 - This Moment Should Last
Chapter 68 - Honest
Chapter 69 - Family
Chapter 70 - Distance
Chapter 71 - His Demons
Chapter 72 - Don't leave me
Chapter 73 - Calm after the storm
Chapter 74 - Maggie
Chapter 75 - Torn Hearts
Chapter 76 - Apart Again
Chapter 77 - Issues
Chapter 78 - You're the reason I smile
Chapter 79 - Daryl!
Chapter 80 - Dreams come true
Chapter 81 - Your Arrow Through My Heart
Chapter 82 - Something always comes up
Chapter 83 - Just Another Dark Night
Chapter 84 - By the candle
Chapter 85 - Morning After Nightmare
Chapter 86 - Stagnant
Chapter 87 - Please forgive me
Chapter 88 - Forgiven
Chapter 89 - Quiet
Chapter 90 - Doubts
Chapter 91 - Nervous
Chapter 92 - Push me
Chapter 93 - Another kind of heartache
Chapter 94 - On the run again
Chapter 95 - The jealous idiot
Chapter 96 - Tension
Chapter 97 - The Prey
Chapter 98 - Learn to walk
Chapter 99 - The truth always comes out
Chapter 100 - Fireworks
Chapter 101 - The Nurse
Chapter 102 - Moonlight
Chapter 103 - Home
Chapter 104 - (Not so happy) Reunions
Chapter 105 - Shattering slowly
Chapter 106 - Walk away
Chapter 107 - Pressured
Chapter 108 - Lost and Found
Chapter 109 - Distanced
Chapter 110 - Waking up next to you
Chapter 111 - You keep my heart warm
Chapter 112 - In Love
Chapter 113 - Peace and Quiet
Chapter 114 - Redemption
Chapter 115 - Fallen Devil
Chapter 116 - Heal, please
Chapter 117 - Sci-Fi soldiers
Chapter 118 - Decision
Chapter 119 - Goodbye, Alexandria
Chapter 120 - Sentenced to Peace
Chapter 121 - Procession
Chapter 122 - Free our souls
Chapter 123 - First Day
Chapter 124 - Calendar
Chapter 125 - A regular afternoon
Chapter 126 - Losing grip
Chapter 127 - Masquerade
Chapter 128 - The bad boy
Chapter 129 - Appointments
Chapter 130 - Announcement
Chapter 131 (short) - Seductive demon
Chapter 132 (short) - The squeak
Chapter 133 - Invitation
Chapter 134 - See you at the altar
Chapter 135 - Party!
Chapter 136 - Let's go home
Chapter 137 (SHORT) - Hold me tight
Chapter 138 - Carol's Christmas Party
Chapter 139 - Poors and Riches
Chapter 140 (short) - New Home
Chapter 141 (SHORT) - Stagnant
Chapter 142 - Visitor
Chapter 143 - Going back
Chapter 144 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 145 - My Dear Friend
Chapter 146 - The husband
Chapter 148 (Short) - Happy Circle
Chapter 149 (short) - Cozy
Chapter 150 - Epilogue

Chapter 147 - That Day

155 8 7
By IHadaDreamLastNight2

Quinn and Negan, Alexandria

2 months later

Aaron and Jesus got married last month. They invited Negan too, but after the ceremony, before the dinner, Negan said he will take the baby home as she needs to sleep. So he politely excused himself. I felt sorry for him, for still having to carry this burden of what he did back then... but I guess it will stay until we die. We made huge progress I think. There was a time when Maggie, Daryl, Jesus, and Aaron would have killed Negan on the spot without thinking. And now... we were sitting together, having fun. It was unbelievable. I was so proud of Negan. He kissed my cheek and left with our baby. I stayed to party with my friends. I decided I loved weddings. Eugene and Max were invited too, Max's belly started showing. I had a chat with her about pregnancy. Then I danced with everyone. Carol announced their engagement with Daryl during the dinner. Henry and Lydia made peace with each other. Lydia finally accepted that she lost an arm and that Henry still loves her anyway. I watched them dance. Aaron and Jesus made an awesome prosthetic arm for her. Hershel was a bit grumpy during the ceremony and glanced at Negan from time to time. But after he left, Hershel eased up and didn't give a damn anymore. I saw him dancing with Gracie. Maybe they had a crush on each other? No, they were too young for that. Or not? Who knows. They were cute.

After the wedding, there was peace and quiet for some time. Negan and I fixed everything on the house finally, making it completely livable and baby friendly. We even had electricity because we had solar panels back on.

I was lost in my thoughts on that beautiful morning as I was hanging up clothes to dry when sudden yelling hit my ears. I became alert at once. I wasn't used to this anymore. We didn't face danger for quite some time, so my heart suddenly wanted to jump out of my throat. I grabbed my knife and hurried to the direction of the noises to check. Negan came outside too and stopped on the porch, but I was already hurrying down the street. Did walkers get in?

As I got closer I could not believe my ears. And I could not believe what I saw when I finally got to the gates.

Michonne arrived back... with Rick.

I dropped my knife. I was just staring with my mouth hanging half open for a couple of minutes... Couldn't speak, couldn't move.

Carol and Daryl were sobbing so hard. I haven't seen them cry this much for years. My heart was breaking and healing at the same time. My eyes met with Rick's. He was crying too. He smiled at me while he was trying to hug all of his friends at the same time. I smiled back and waved at him awkwardly. Carol wiped her eyes and ran home to get the kids. I didn't want to stay for that. I would cry my heart out. I walked back to my house, but glanced back above my shoulder and saw Rick embracing Judith and RJ strongly, all of them sobbing. It was hard to hold my tears back. I didn't look anymore, just hurried back home.

"What's going on? Walkers?" Negan asked. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Michonne's back... with Rick," I said.

Negan's mouth fell open, he couldn't say anything for a couple of minutes.

"Rick...?" he asked disbelievingly.

I breathed out slowly, trying hard to stop before I would cry.

"Judith and RJ finally got to meet him," I said. Negan still couldn't say anything. I saw he was conflicted by his feelings too.

"So... he will be in charge again," he said.


"Do you think... he will put me back in that cell?" he asked.

"No! I won't let him! If he wants to do that, we leave. We go to the Commonwealth or back to that house or wherever. I won't let anyone put you in jail again."

Negan nodded silently, his thoughts were racing.

"Let's just wait. They are busy with each other right now. Rick hasn't seen his daughter grow up... Hasn't even met his son... You're not his priority," I said.

"I hope you're right," said Negan and went upstairs. I checked on the baby. It was almost time to have lunch.


The entire Alexandria was buzzing with Rick being back. Everyone was happy and they were planning a huge celebration party. Something like this didn't happen every day. It was like a dream. Judith was crying all the time from happiness and she was suddenly glued to Rick's side, like she was his little shadow.

We didn't dare to leave the house for a couple of days. We didn't know what to expect from Rick and Michonne. It was an anxious couple of days for us in the middle of all that happiness. I was glad Rick was back and he survived everything that happened to him, whatever that might have been... And I was really happy that Judith and RJ finally got to meet him... I was happy for Daryl and Carol that they got their brother back... but I was anxious about what was going to happen to Negan. And then, there was a knock on the door. Carol was standing in front of me.

"The council told Rick and Michonne everything that happened ever since he was taken," she said. I was listening holding my breath. "Rick wants to talk to Negan. Alone."

"No. Why? I want to go with him," I stated. Negan appeared behind me, placed his hand on my waist, and gently pushed me out of the way.

"It's okay," he said as he stepped on the porch and turned to face me. "I got this. Don't worry, Quinnie."

"I'll be there right outside by the door," said Carol.

I couldn't believe my ears. I couldn't do anything just let it happen. Negan flashed a sad smile at me and followed Carol to the hall where Rick was waiting for him. I closed the door and started pacing immediately.


"So... what's the deal now?" asked Negan.

"You'll see in a minute," said Carol.

"Could you be a little bit more specific? Like... does he want to kill me? That would be nice to know."

"He doesn't want to kill you. He just wants to talk to you. Go in," said Carol as she opened the door. Negan looked at her unconvinced.

"You better not let him kill me," he said grumpily as he walked in. Carol scoffed as she closed the door behind him.

Negan walked in and saw Rick sitting there by the table. Rick's hair was a little bit longer than how he remembered him, and it was a little bit more white as well. Their eyes met. Negan stopped, hesitated.

"Hello, Negan," said Rick. Negan tried to read something, anything from his face, but he couldn't. He walked closer to the table unsurely.

"Hey, Rick," he said. Rick pointed at the chair. Negan sat down without breaking eye contact. There were a couple of moments of silence while they were just staring at each other. Negan still didn't understand what was going on.

"Makes me glad to see you aged too," said Rick finally.

"What the fuck?" asked Negan puzzled.

"You look old," said Rick smiling.

"You look old too," said Negan completely confused not knowing how to reply to that. Rick scoffed. There was another moment of silence. "Okay, so what the hell is going on? Do you want to kill me or lock me up again or what? Tell me, stop this... I don't even know what this is," said Negan getting impatient. Rick looked him in the eye for a while before answering.

"I had no idea we would live this long... you and I... both alive," he said.

"Yeah, okay... so?"

"I'm not killing you. You know that already. I made a promise to Carl."

"Yeah, I know..."

"About locking you up..."

"Sure the hell I'm not going back in that cell," said Negan.

Rick stopped again, staring at him for a while.

"Whaaat??" asked Negan annoyed.

Rick scoffed again, enjoying the situation.

"Everything that happened... seems so far away. Seems so pointless... Meaningless," said Rick.

"Okay... so... our... "little war" means nothing now? That's what you're saying?" asked Negan trying to make some sense but for the first time, he didn't understand Rick at all.

"My daughter told me you saved her. And you helped Carol and Daryl... the whole community against the whisperers..." said Rick. "I'm impressed."

Negan still looked puzzled. He leaned back in his chair.

"It's flattering my name was mentioned so many times," he said smiling.

"And that's not all..." Rick continued. "Maggie told me you apologized to her in front of everyone."

"Yeah... that happened too."

"What were you thinking?" asked Rick putting his elbows on the table.

"When I murdered your friends or when I saved them?" asked Negan.

Rick scoffed sarcastically, waiting for the answer, keeping eye contact. Negan leaned ahead in his chair too and continued:

"I know I made mistakes. A lot... But you did too. Don't forget it was Dixon who blew up my people with a fucking rocket in the first place. That's not a friendly introduction, you have to admit it... I had to protect what I had. Making you scared of me was a part of my self-defense. But... I see what mistakes I did. There are some things I would change... I would take back, if I could... and there are some I wouldn't. Carl was right. I see now how wrong I was. And I know I can't do anything to take it back... but I tried everything and I will keep trying because I love Quinn, and I love Judith... hell I even grew fond of Carol and Dixon too. Carl was right about everything. And I will keep trying, because I don't want people to remember the way I was, but remember me the way I am now."

Rick listened to him in silence, and finally nodded.

"I gather you named your daughter after Carl."

"It was Quinn's idea. But I hundred percent agree."

"I couldn't believe my ears when I heard all of these about you. Even Maggie sticking up to you... Unbelievable. But I guess I see it now. The man you truly are. And I wish we met under different circumstances," said Rick.

"Well... I would still hate you, but at least we wouldn't have murdered each other's people," said Negan.

"You know, Negan... I experienced and saw some things... that makes it completely distant. I missed several years with my children. I didn't see them growing up. Judith... oh my god... she is almost a little woman. And RJ... I'm just saying... whatever happened... I don't give a goddamn shit about you anymore. Not a bit. All I care about now is to take care of my family. To finally see my children every day. Now that you are a father too I guess you do understand," said Rick. Negan nodded. Finally, they were on the same page.

"Yes," he said simply.

"If Maggie was able to come this far... then you must have proved your worth."

"I mean... I tried," said Negan. "I know there is nothing I can do to make it right. What happened... it happened. I did it. There is nothing I can do to take it back. It stays with me until I die. But I can make you goddamn sure... that I am not that person anymore. And I'm grateful to my dear wife, Quinn... because she saw the man I was hiding behind this mask. And I'm grateful to Carol... hell, even to Dixon... because they accepted me and saw that Quinn was right about who I was. Also your daughter. Judith... she saw right through me, just like Carl did. And Maggie... I apologized to her. About what I did. Yes, I did that like she said. That's all I could do. And all I'm asking is... pretend like I'm not here. For Quinn. She always says if I'm in danger, we will leave. But I don't want to leave, because I know she would miss her friends crazily. I want to stay for her. So please... Grimes... tell me what you want to do now."

Rick listened without interrupting him.

"I see their point," said Rick. "I listened to everyone. I spent these days catching up on everything I missed. I asked every single person here what they think of you. I think even Carl would be surprised. You not just learned the lesson, you improved and also proved your worth. That you have changed. The fact that you managed to earn Maggie's trust, also Daryl's... that's really something," Rick stood up. "I can't wait to get to know this new Negan," he said as he offered his hand. Negan stood up too and took his hand confused. They shook hands.

"Wait, so... you let me live here?" asked Negan. "No jail, no guards watching me, nothing?"

"I won't kick you out with a baby," said Rick. "And as I said... I have experienced some things... that can't compare to our little war."

"What about Glenn? And Abraham? And Sasha?" asked Negan unsurely.

"You didn't kill Sasha."

"I didn't, but that's on me too," said Negan. "With many others."

"I won't forgive you, just like Maggie won't forgive you either. But as I gave you a chance back then, I'm giving you a chance now. For Carl."

Negan nodded.

"Thank you, Rick."

Rick nodded too and headed to the door. He opened it and let Negan walk out first.

"So... will you introduce me to your daughter?" asked Rick with a slight smile.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" said Negan as they walked back home.


I was pacing in front of the window, nervous as hell when I saw Negan and Rick walking towards our house smiling... Smiling???? I opened the door before they even reached the porch.

"Hello, Quinn," said Rick with a smile.

"Hello?" I said unsurely.

"He wants to see Carla," said Negan.

"Okay, but what happened?" I asked impatiently.

"It's okay, everything's okay, we stay," said Negan and kissed my forehead gently. A huge weight has been lifted off my chest but I couldn't say a word yet. Rick walked to the crib and held our daughter in his arms, Negan smiling next to him.

"She reminds me of Judith," said Rick smiling. "How tiny she is... Hi Carla, I'm Rick."

Carla touched Rick's chin which made him chuckle. After a couple of seconds, he gave Carla to Negan and turned to me.

"Would you take a walk with me, Quinn?" he asked. I was taken off-guard but agreed of course. I followed him outside.

"What the fuck is going on???" I whispered to Negan, which made him chuckle. Rick didn't hear it. I followed him. It was late afternoon, the sun was about to go down.

"So what did you say to Negan? What will you do to him?" I asked.

"I'm not doing anything to him," he said simply. "I told him you can stay and live here in peace."

"Okay... thank you, I guess... but...?"

Suddenly he stopped and turned to face me.

"It's good to see you, Quinn," he said smiling slightly.

"Good to see you too... but a lot has changed," I said.

"I know."

"I'm really happy you are back. And you are alive. Which is a miracle. I really am happy for you and your family... I'm just... I'm concerned abot what will happen to my family now."

"Nothing. I promise you. I talked to Carol and Maggie and Daryl. Everything's okay," he said as he smiled at me.



I let out a huge sigh, which made him chuckle a little bit.

"I felt like I was sitting for an exam," I admitted.

"I have more important things to do than thinking about the past," he said.

"I know. It must have been incredible to see your family after such a long time," I said.

"Yes, it was. There wasn't a day going by without me thinking about them... but I always saw them in my head as I saw them last time. Judith was a toddler. RJ hasn't even been born yet... And now... they are so grown up. There are no words for it how happy I am to be with them again."

"I can imagine."

He continued walking and I followed him.

"You know... I have no idea how you managed to fall in love with Negan... but I'm happy you're happy."

"Thank you. I'm happy for you too," I said.

We smiled at each other. I still felt a bit awkward. I didn't see him for years and back then, I didn't talk much with him either. It was strange.

"You seem to be nervous," he said.

"Yeah... I just... didn't know what you want to do with Negan."

"I get it. But you can calm down now. Nothing's changing. Actually... I'm the one who has to adapt to everything. A lot has happened..."

"Yeah. Aaron and Jesus got married," I said.

"Yes, and Eugene is going to be a father soon... Daryl is engaged to Carol... amazing..." he listed while he couldn't stop smiling.

"It was long due," I stated which made him chuckle.

We walked for a little while in silence, until we arrived back home. We stopped in front of my house.

"I really appreciate the name choice," he said suddenly.

"Oh, yes. Thank you. Carl meant a lot to Negan," I said.

"Judith loves this name so much. She talks about Carla a lot," he said smiling, which made me smile too. As we arrived back suddenly Michonne appeared by our porch.

"Hey, Quinn," she said with a gentle smile. I smiled back at her.

"Hi, Michonne. I'm happy you are back," I said.

"I'm glad to hear. It wasn't the happiest last time we saw each other."

"Don't mention it," I said waving it off. She nodded and smiled. "Come on, I'll introduce you to our daughter."

Michonne and Rick played a little bit with Carla, they told us again how surprised they were to hear what Maggie told them about Negan and they reassured us we don't have to leave Alexandria. Soon they left and I hugged Negan strongly.

"I'm so relieved," I said. "I thought it would start all over again."

"No... we came too far to go back," he said gently.

"See? Even Maggie said you should stay. You are unbelievable," I said.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"The way you saved everyone several times to prove you are a good man... It's unbelievable. You are amazing," I said and kissed him. He was surprised but kissed me back. We were making out for a while then backed away and looked each other in the eyes. "I'm so glad you are my husband. I'm so proud of you."

He didn't say anything just smiled. I could see he was moved. After a couple of minutes, he looked me in the eye again.

"You know what's funny? Seeing Rick... felt like seeing an old friend. Isn't that strange?"

"No... I think he felt the same way," I said.

"That bastard... He is the only one who would survive an explosion like that."

We smiled at each other. We still held each other in our arms. I would never let him go. Ever again. We won't be separated and we won't look back. That's my promise.


Author's notes: Listen to "Gone forever" by Three Days Grace. Negan's glad his old self is gone. I know this song is about break up but think about it as Negan's old self is gone. ❤

Also, listen to "Coming Home" by Justin Mo male cover (original by Skylar Grey). Goes for Rick. ❤❤❤ Am I lame if I made myself moved by writing this chapter? Lol...

Thank You for reading!  ❤❤❤

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