I fell in love with the devil...

By IHadaDreamLastNight2

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"I felt like I couldn't think straight. I couldn't breathe. What should I do? No one has control over their f... More

I fell in love with the devil - intro
Chapter 1 - The beginnings
Chapter 2 - Mad
Chapter 3 - Now or Never
Chapter 4 - Feeling Down
Chapter 5 - Storm
Chapter 6 - Runaway
Chapter 7 - Confession
Chapter 8 - Desperate
Chapter 9 - Trouble
Chapter 10 - Confused
Chapter 11 - Intruder
Chapter 12 - Sentenced
Chapter 13 - Lost
Chapter 14 - Last Time
Chapter 15 - Inside Hell
Chapter 16 - Angel Winged Vest
Chapter 17 - Aggression
Chapter 18 - Live or not
Chapter 19 - Thoughts
Chapter 20 - The Beast
Chapter 21 - Daydreams and Nightmares
Chapter 22 - Girls' night out
Chapter 23 - The Bully
Chapter 24 - Vacation
Chapter 25 - Camping
Chapter 26 - Marshmellows
Chapter 27 - Hilltop
Chapter 28 - Bonds
Chapter 29 - Taste of freedom
Chapter 30 - Cemetery
Chapter 31 - Destruction follows
Chapter 32 - Back to Hilltop
Chapter 33 - No Redemption
Chapter 34 - The Cut
Chapter 35 - Alive
Chapter 36 - Spider in the corner
Chapter 37 - Fairy-tales
Chapter 38 - Left alone
Chapter 39 - Complicated
Chapter 40 - Forever Alone
Chapter 41 - The Fair
Chapter 42 - Departure
Chapter 43 - Breaking news
Chapter 44 - Burden
Chapter 45 - Autumn melancholy
Chapter 46 - Fallen Kingdom
Chapter 47- Priorities
Chapter 48 - The butt freezing party
Chapter 49 - Vote
Chapter 50 - Don't belong here
Chapter 51 - Ghosts
Chapter 52 - Heroes and Villains
Chapter 53 - "Friends"
Chapter 54 - Catch me if you can
Chapter 55 - Chained
Chapter 56 - Shattered
Chapter 57 - Still a prisoner
Chapter 58 - Return
Chapter 59 - Suffer Together
Chapter 60 - Giant
Chapter 61 - Broken again
Chapter 62 - Alliance
Chapter 63 - Ashes
Chapter 64 - The Saviour
Chapter 65 - A long night
Chapter 66 - Moment of Peace
Chapter 67 - This Moment Should Last
Chapter 68 - Honest
Chapter 69 - Family
Chapter 70 - Distance
Chapter 71 - His Demons
Chapter 72 - Don't leave me
Chapter 73 - Calm after the storm
Chapter 74 - Maggie
Chapter 75 - Torn Hearts
Chapter 76 - Apart Again
Chapter 77 - Issues
Chapter 78 - You're the reason I smile
Chapter 79 - Daryl!
Chapter 80 - Dreams come true
Chapter 81 - Your Arrow Through My Heart
Chapter 82 - Something always comes up
Chapter 83 - Just Another Dark Night
Chapter 84 - By the candle
Chapter 85 - Morning After Nightmare
Chapter 86 - Stagnant
Chapter 87 - Please forgive me
Chapter 88 - Forgiven
Chapter 89 - Quiet
Chapter 90 - Doubts
Chapter 91 - Nervous
Chapter 92 - Push me
Chapter 93 - Another kind of heartache
Chapter 94 - On the run again
Chapter 95 - The jealous idiot
Chapter 96 - Tension
Chapter 97 - The Prey
Chapter 98 - Learn to walk
Chapter 99 - The truth always comes out
Chapter 100 - Fireworks
Chapter 101 - The Nurse
Chapter 102 - Moonlight
Chapter 103 - Home
Chapter 104 - (Not so happy) Reunions
Chapter 105 - Shattering slowly
Chapter 106 - Walk away
Chapter 107 - Pressured
Chapter 108 - Lost and Found
Chapter 109 - Distanced
Chapter 110 - Waking up next to you
Chapter 111 - You keep my heart warm
Chapter 112 - In Love
Chapter 113 - Peace and Quiet
Chapter 114 - Redemption
Chapter 115 - Fallen Devil
Chapter 116 - Heal, please
Chapter 117 - Sci-Fi soldiers
Chapter 118 - Decision
Chapter 119 - Goodbye, Alexandria
Chapter 120 - Sentenced to Peace
Chapter 121 - Procession
Chapter 122 - Free our souls
Chapter 123 - First Day
Chapter 124 - Calendar
Chapter 126 - Losing grip
Chapter 127 - Masquerade
Chapter 128 - The bad boy
Chapter 129 - Appointments
Chapter 130 - Announcement
Chapter 131 (short) - Seductive demon
Chapter 132 (short) - The squeak
Chapter 133 - Invitation
Chapter 134 - See you at the altar
Chapter 135 - Party!
Chapter 136 - Let's go home
Chapter 137 (SHORT) - Hold me tight
Chapter 138 - Carol's Christmas Party
Chapter 139 - Poors and Riches
Chapter 140 (short) - New Home
Chapter 141 (SHORT) - Stagnant
Chapter 142 - Visitor
Chapter 143 - Going back
Chapter 144 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 145 - My Dear Friend
Chapter 146 - The husband
Chapter 147 - That Day
Chapter 148 (Short) - Happy Circle
Chapter 149 (short) - Cozy
Chapter 150 - Epilogue

Chapter 125 - A regular afternoon

179 12 11
By IHadaDreamLastNight2

Quinn, Commonwealth

1 week later

It's October 14th, Friday. I cannot believe I can tell the time and dates. Feels so strange yet so familiar. My life just continued the exact same way as it was before. My job was the dullest of them all. I was thinking about asking Carol to teach me how to cook and bake so I could join her, but then, I changed my mind. Maybe I shouldn't depend so much on Carol. Anyway, my job was boring. And everything was the same as before except... I had a hot-ass boyfriend. Now that was still new to me.

Negan seemed to be tired of being a gym teacher. He wasn't so happy about it when he first learned he had to teach again. And he definitely didn't ease up since then.

I was just finishing up my work for this week and was getting ready, 'cause I had a date with Carol. She asked me to spend a girls' night out like we used to do in the Kingdom. I couldn't say no of course. I needed it too. It was so strange to have a life like this again. We were neighbors but the first week was so busy we barely saw each other.

I didn't go home I headed from the office straight to the square. Carol suggested a coffee shop. It was buzzing with life even though it was late afternoon. She wasn't there yet so I sat down in the corner, waiting for her. I started checking out the menu. It felt so fucking strange. The most usual thing someone could do and yet... after the fall everything changed. I have never thought I would do such a thing and be at such a place after all that happened. As I was lost in my thoughts suddenly I snapped out of it when Carol sat down in front of me.

"Hi!" she smiled at me happily.

"Hi!" I replied and placed the menu on the table.

"Did you order?" she asked, placing her coat over the chair.

"No, not yet" I answered. It was such a hilarious conversation. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"What?" asked Carol smiling.

"I just can't believe any of this. Have you ever thought we would be sitting in a café together? After everything?" I asked. Carol chuckled.

"No. But here we are. We have to grab every opportunity while we can" she said smiling as she grabbed the menu and ran her eyes through the list.

"That sounds a bit depressing, but I agree."

A waiter appeared soon enough and we ordered two cappuccinos.

"How's the office?" she asked while we were waiting.

"You know... it's awkward. And just between us... I have a feeling by preserving everything... they preserved the bad things too" I said quietly.

"You mean the social crap?" she asked quietly too.

"Yep, exactly," I said. We stopped talking when the waiter brought our drinks. We continued when he walked away. "I didn't miss this at all" I added.

"Yeah, I know. I got a client this week. She ordered a barbie doll cake for her daughter's birthday and yelled at me because it wasn't all pink but had some blue candies on top as well. I thought I would go nuts. She acted like this was the most important thing right now and the dead weren't eating the living at all. She even asked if I knew who she was in such an arrogant way. And when I said I have no clue, she stormed out of the shop offended. Ridiculous" she ended the story.

"I didn't really want to come here and I'm not sure I want to live in a place like this. I mean all of this is exciting and unbelievable, but... keeping these social defects too... We dropped this shit so easily" I said thinking out loud.

"Well, not everyone is like us, apparently" she said as she took a sip of her cappuccino. I did as well and it tasted so good.

"I mean... This cappuccino is so yummy but it doesn't worth humiliation" I said.

"Were you humiliated on your first week at the office?" she asked.

"Of course, it goes with the job. Boss orders and yells and I have to do all that crap which is so pointless... so fucking pointless... I don't think I would stay here for long, really."

Carol nodded, thinking.

"You still thinking about the house Negan told you about?"

"Yeah. Given this crap... It destroys the illusion so quickly. The way they behave. I mean we figured it out in one week."

"Yeah, I know. I don't really like it either. But I want the best for the kids" Carol said. I nodded understandingly but still, I felt like I should leave this community. I just didn't feel that crap anymore. What's the point in working a job and earning money in the apocalypse? Especially how pointless my job was. Keeping track of events and documenting shit with Maxine for Pamela Milton. It sounded so ridiculous.

When we finished our drink we headed home with Carol. I started to feel the cold coming nearer as it was already the middle of October.

"Do you feel better?" I asked suddenly changing the topic referring to Sophia.

"Of course" she replied, smiling. Her smile seemed honest this time. I hope she can finally get over the loss of her children. If that's even possible. But I mean I hope she feels better now.

"How are things going on with you and Daryl?" I asked to change the topic quickly again.

"Oh, you know him. It's not easy. It feels like we have been together for years and yet it feels so new. I still feel the little butterflies" she said with rosy cheeks.

"I know exactly what you are talking about. Negan has such an effect on me I can't even describe it."

"I'm not sure I want to hear it" Carol stated making me chuckle.

"Yeah, okay. I won't go into details" I ended the thought, smiling.

"Thank you" said Carol smiling too.

After a little bit of silence, I spoke again.

"You know... You made me think about birthdays. Negan was staring at the calendar realizing how old he was... First I thought maybe we should celebrate our birthdays now that we know when they actually are but... seeing Negan I don't know if that's a good idea."

Carol seemed to be thinking about this.

"Yeah, I had the same thought but then... I just realized we have no idea when Judith and RJ were born."

"Oh my god..." I said completely taken aback. "You are right. I never thought about this."

"Yeah, it just occurred to me too."

"We should avoid birthdays then."

"Yes. What I had in mind instead of birthdays... you know... if we are still here in December... maybe we could celebrate Christmas" Carol suggested smiling.

"This is the best idea ever, Carol! I'm so in!" I said happily.

When we reached our doors we said good night and entered our own apartments. It was a little bit late and I found it strange that Negan wasn't home yet. I headed to the kitchen to grab a bite while I was waiting, but an hour passed so I had dinner on my own. When I finished, he still was nowhere. I started to worry. But what on earth could happen to him behind the walls? Did someone recognize him and he's sitting in jail or what? Where could he be?


"You're fuckin' kiddin' me" said Daryl completely shocked. Negan chuckled embarrassed.

"I don't really have a good connection with anyone here..." started Negan but Daryl interrupted him.

"You don't have it with me either" he stated grumpily.

"I know," Negan let out a heavy sigh. "But I have no idea who should I ask. Please? I know Quinn means a lot to you. Would you help me out, man?"

Daryl was confused and confronted by his feelings.

"Why don't you ask Carol about this? She's a woman, she knows these things" he suggested.

"I don't think she would come with me," Negan admitted. "And now's the right time, because she's distracting Quinn without knowing."

"What makes you think I'd go?" Daryl asked.

"What's going on?" asked Judith appearing behind Daryl by the door.

"She's a girl too!" Negan said. Judith frowned her eyebrows offended and like she found this conversation really strange. Daryl let out a sigh.

"Negan wants to ask Quinn to marry him and wants to buy a ring... but he doesn't know what kind of" Daryl summarized. Judith covered her mouth excitedly finding out the news, then she became serious and looked at Negan.

"And you thought Daryl would be the best person to help you with that?" she asked disbelievingly.

"What's he doing here?" Henry asked as he and Lydia appeared behind them too. Judith quickly summarized the situation. Both of them looked lost and confused.

"Okay, okay, you know what? I'll go by myself. Just... don't tell Quinn" said Negan and wanted to turn his back on them, but Judith stopped him.

"I'm coming with you" she said smiling slightly. Daryl threw his hands while he glanced at Henry and Lydia.

"I don't think I would be much of a help, but I'm coming too" Lydia stated.

"What do you say, Dixon?" Negan asked with that impish smile of his, enjoying the situation. Daryl glanced at him.

"Fine" he said giving in, shrugging his shoulder.

"Where's RJ?" Negan asked.

"He's playing in our room" Judith answered. "Someone should stay with him."

"I'll stay then. I have no clue about this stuff anyway" Henry said.

"You think we have?" Daryl asked. Henry chuckled and headed to the kids' room.

"Alright, let's go then" Negan said and led the way, Judith, Lydia, and Daryl following him.


They were standing in front of the jewelry shop, staring at the shop window completely lost.

"There are so many" said Judith wondering.

"How will we pick the right one?" asked Lydia.

"That's what I thought you could help me with" said Negan smiling, glancing at the girls.

"I bet Quinn would be happy with any of 'em" said Daryl.

"Yeah, I don't think this matters very much. The fact that you want to ask her is what matters" said Judith.

"Thank you, but this doesn't really help" Negan admitted gently.

"What about that one?" asked Lydia pointing at the shop window.

"I don't feel it" said Negan grimacing. Judith and Lydia then kept pointing at several rings but Negan didn't really like any of them.

"We should go inside, maybe they have more" suggested Judith. So they entered. They kept looking around with the two girls suggesting almost every ring to Negan but he didn't really "feel like" any of it.

"What about that one?" Daryl asked finally after not talking for an hour.

"I was eyeing that one too" Negan said. He picked up the tiny, thin ring with just one stone in the middle.

"That's so pretty!" Judith said taking a closer look.

Negan paid for it, then they left the store.

"So... what's a real wedding like?" asked Judith curiously. Lydia was listening interested too.

"You'll see" Negan smiled at the girls. They were disappointed by the answer, but they left the topic eventually.

They brought the two excited girls back home. When Daryl wanted to close the door in front of Negan, he stopped it with his hand.

"Do you wanna have a drink with me? I'll pay. I wanna thank you for coming" Negan said. Daryl glanced at the kids. Lydia was having a shower, RJ and Judith were eating dinner and Henry was washing the dishes. Daryl turned his eyes back to Negan and nodded.

"I'll be right back in a few, a'right?" he announced. All the kids nodded and said goodbye to him.

As Negan and Daryl were walking on the street towards the pub Negan glanced at Daryl.

"Didn't you wanna buy a ring too?"

Daryl looked at him.

"None of your business," he growled. "We're still not pals. I did this for Quinn. And for the free drink."

Negan chuckled at his answer.

"Alright" he said. But then he noticed a little, slight smile on Daryl's face. He reached into his pocket and held up a ring in front of Negan, then he quickly slipped it back into his pocket.

"You stole it?" Negan asked smiling impishly. Daryl looked at him meaningfully.

"What are ya talkin' about?" he returned the question, his barely visible smile vanished entirely but had an impish sparkle in his eyes too. Negan laughed.

"Cool" he said. Daryl scoffed.


Later that night

After a few drinks, Negan and Daryl felt the effects of the alcohol and quickly left the bar. They didn't want to get wasted and they weren't completely wasted, but... just a little bit.

"So admit it, you do like me" said Negan with a wide smile.

"Nah" Daryl replied while they were walking back home in the dark. Negan chuckled at his answer. A few sci-fi soldiers walked past them, they kept quiet while they were in ear sight, then they continued.

"If I haven't killed your friends, you would have liked me" stated Negan quietly as his smile faded away.

"Don't start shit now" said Daryl warning him.

"Look, man, I'm sorry things turned out like this," Negan said as they stopped and turned face to face. "And I wanted to say: I do like you. I'm sorry for what I did. For what I did to you."

Negan said then suppressed a burp. Daryl was standing his gaze.

"I know" that's all he said and continued walking. Negan nodded and followed him.

"So... when will you ask Carol?" Negan asked.

"None o' ya business" Daryl replied.

"Oh, come on" Negan said.

"When will you ask Quinn?" Daryl returned the question.

"You know... when the time comes" Negan replied. Both of them chuckled a little bit. Daryl stopped in front of their house.

"We still not pals" he stated pointing at himself and then at Negan.

"Yeah, I know" Negan said rolling his eyes but smiling.

"Thanks for the drink" Daryl said as they walked upstairs.

"You're welcome" Negan replied. They stopped dead when they reached their floor. Quinn and Carol were standing at the top of the stairs, waiting for them.


Author's notes: Listen to "The End Is Where We Begin" by Thousand Foot Krutch.

Thank You for reading! ❤

Merry Christmas to all of you!! ❤ Thank You very much for still being around! I'm getting closer to the end of the story. It has been going on for two years... Unbelievable. So really, thank you very much for being here!!! I'm so grateful to all of you! I hope I can finish the story soon, but I keep getting ideas when I realize just how many time jumps they had on the show. Anyway... I'm not rushing, I'm still prioritizing to deliver quality and I still put my heart into each and every chapter. Also, I feel like my writing is improving with time, so I'm glad you are here with me on this journey! ❤

Thank You very much for this year too!!! ❤

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! ❤

Best wishes to all of you! ❤

(Probably I'm writing this late as most of you already read this chapter, but I just created a song list on Youtube for this entire Fanfiction. 

So here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5Esm-esr5D0pPTSAYyQtRKq1BJ1hnfz

The songs are in order. ^-^ Thank You RavenRose_18 for suggesting it!)

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