Trolly Genderbend Tales

By Supertrollfan1

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Basically my genderbend short story ideas will be written here for all readers to read!I love Genderbends and... More

Genderbend Characters List
The Bullying Gone Too Far! - Part 1
The Bullying Gone Too Far! - Part 2
Fashion Emergency
Second Date
Drunken Pack
Going To Love Fest - Part 1
Going To Love Fest - Part 2
Going To Love Fest - Part 3
Going To Love Fest - Part 4
Sick on Prank Day
How Biggie got Mrs Dinkles
Random moments
Angel of Survival
Angel Of Survival: Sing For Me
True Love Is Worth Saving - Part 1
True Love is Worth Saving - Part 2
Branchella - Part 1
Branchella - Part 2
Branchella - Part 3
Branchella - Part 4
Bonnie Glam
If Poppy Could Tell Branch
On The Dating Tree - Part 1
On The Dating Tree - Part 2
Branch and June
DJ Needs A Win!
The Invitations
Meeting June
It's Just You and Me - Part 1
It's Just You and Me - Part 2
It's Just You and Me - Part 3
It's Just You and Me - Part 4
A Fairytale To Remember - Part 1
A Fairytale To Remember - Part 2
A Fairytale To Remember - Part 3
A Fairytale To Remember - Part 4
A Fairytale To Remember - Part 5
Woman Of My Dreams
Heat,Love and Desire
Family History
Unwanted Attention
Our Forbidden Love - Part 1
Our Forbidden Love - Part 2
A Relaxing Massage
It's A Beautiful Day
Production Moments
Music is in the heart - Part 1
Music is in the heart - Part 2
Bad Memories - Part 1
Bad Memories - Part 2
Bad Memories - Part 3
Surprise Visit
Haunted house - Part 1
Haunted house - Part 2
New Parents
A Nosy Intruder
Going To The Vet
At A Rocking Party
Two Worlds Meet
In Ancient Greece
Rewrite The Stars
Prom Night
Lady Star - Part 1
Lady Star - Part 2
June Doesn't Like Everyone
Heartbreak to New love
Unknowingly Popular
Two broken hearts
Match Making From The Grave
Love Potion - Part 1
Love Potion - Part 2
Love Potion - Part 3
Love Potion - Part 4
Love Potion - Part 5
Love Potion - Part 6
Hidden in the Underworld - Part 1
Hidden in the Underworld - Part 2
Pregnant,Not incapable
A Choice and Losing game
Two Poppies,two different lives - Part 1
Two Poppies,two different lives - Part 2
Two Poppies,two different lives - Part 3
Two Poppies,two different lives - Part 4
Two Poppies,two different lives - Part 5
Two Poppies,two different lives - Part 6
Electric Sparks - Part 1
Electric Sparks - Part 2
Electric Sparks - Part 3
Electric Sparks - Part 4
Brotherly Duty
Rockstar Meets Popstar Queen

Lady Star - Part 3

69 4 0
By Supertrollfan1

Poppy looks at Branch's dressing room tent hearing her cry. It wasn't loud but, he could easily hear it travel softly. Sandy and the pack notice Poppy isn't with them so they turn around. The king is ten feet away from them. Sandy notices he is looking at Branch's dressing room which confused her. According to Penny's daybook Branch should be on the stage finishing up her first song before getting off to prepare for the next.

Poppy slowly steps closer to the dressing room not saying a thing. He continues to hear Branch cry. Then he slowly opens the closed makeshift room by pulling  the one side aside. As the Pop King does so he notices Branch sitting on her star chair with her back facing him.

She looks down at her dress as she cries and her hair is all over and down covering her back. Her hands sit on her lap. The star had heard the tent be opened but, doesn't looks up at all continuing to cry. She asumes it's her manager. Branch tries wipe away some of her tears. Seeing Branch like this breaks Poppy's heart.

" Penny, I know this is my first tour but, I can't do it... everything is basically a disaster... I just can't... It was stupid of me to think it would go so smooth and that I could do something great for once...", Branch slowly and softly upset as she cries.

Poppy feels bad for Branch. It sounds like she felt this pain for a very long time. Poppy   couldn't stand seeing Branch like this so he slowly walks into the tent. He frowns sadly a little afraid that she will push him away but, is going to try to comfort her anyway and talk to her.

" Branch? It's me,Poppy. ", Poppy says concerned softly.

Branch's perk in surprise at the sound of the king's voice then looks up him shocked to see him. There are still few tears running down her face. Branch couldn't believe that Poppy is here.

"Poppy? What are you doing here? ",Branch says softly.

Then the distressed star gets up from her chair and stands facing Poppy. Poppy notices her messed up makeup and her ruined dress. The king gasps worried and is taken back by she looks like something bad happened. He is just about to say something when Sandy and the rest of pack enter the dressing room but, are shocked by Branch's appearence!

Satin and Chenille both put their hands on their mouths once they see her dress! Branch tries to hide her exposed tummy but, stops with in a minute finding it useless. She let's out a heavy sigh.

" I know I'm a ugly mess...",Branch says softly and lowly.

" Branch, your not ugly... What happened?", Poppy says softly and concerned.

"Penny probably wasn't happy...",Sandy comments to herself.

Branch didn't want to talk about what happened. How her first big show here became a mess. She feels like she had jinxed herself by believing that the show would be success. She looks down at the ground hesitantly avoiding eye contact. Sandy and The Snack Pack frowns feeling bad for Branch. Poppy walks over to Branch and just hugs her for a moment.

Branch looks at him confused and taken back a little but, doesn't say anything as he hugs her. Then Poppy gives Branch a soft look saying unspoken thing implying that he is here for her. Branch turns her head away from him and let's out s soft sigh to herself. She feels more guilty for how she treated Poppy earlier. Her heart feels heavy. Then she told everyone what happened. From the first accident that torn her train to the increase of said accident then to how everything else started falling apart and her sudden anxiety.

Satin and Chenille both faint dramatically at how Branch's fashion disaster event happened! Gal Diamond gasps dramatically while striking her usual dramatic pose! Biggie higs Mrs Dinkles ready to cry as Mrs Dinkles complains about how tight the hug is with her usual " Mew" and "Meep"! Smidge let's out a shocked "Oh My God!"! Poppy pulls Branch into another hug as the rest of the Snack Pack are quiet and wide eye with shock! Branch looks down at her feet awkwardly.

Sandy frowns sadly at Branch and Poppy. She understands that there is a lot of pressure on the new stars especially on the first tour. Penny always makes them stress out more than normally over performance and image. The rest group join in the hug and comfort Branch after Satin and Chenille woke up again. Then after the hug continues for a extra thirty seconds they let's go of her. Branch actually missed their hugs a little,especially Poppy's hugs.

" Why are you all still so nice to me after what I said and did? I was a jerk and let everything go my head...", Branch says confused and honestly still feeling guilty.

" Well we weren't exactly being good friends either before you left the village...",DJ says honestly,guilty and softly.

" We forgotten... I forgetten to show you appreciation... ",Poppy says softly and honestly feeling guilty.

" Branch,we do appreciate you and everything you did for us...Isn't that right,Mrs D? ",Biggie says honestly.

Biggie holds out Mrs Dinkles giving her the spotlight. The worm gives Branch and sincere look while saying a blank "Meep". Mrs Dinkles is apologizing for Biggie instead of herself. Mrs D honestly didn't think her role in this is as big as the other trolls around since she never had asked Branch for something.

" Yeah... You stepped in when we needed a fashion model.",Satin and Chenille say honestly and happily.

" When I was terrified of asking Millie on a date. ", Smidge adds honestly and happily.

" Freed my head a staircase after I got it stuck. ",Coop adds cheerful.

" Cause of you I won a tap dancing contest.", Fuzzette adds in her mumbling voice.

" You helped Poppy save us from the Bergen Chef...",Gal Diamond adds honestly and softly.

" Their right. Branch,you did do great things even know most of them were for us. ", Poppy says honestly.

Branch looks at her friends dumbfounded by them. She couldn't believe it... Branch's heart becomes warmer. For the first time in a long time she feels valued and like she is something to them. All Branch wanted was to be valuable and important.

" We're sorry,Branch. We should had told you had told you. It was mistake...",the Snack Pack apologizes sincerely.

" We love you,Branch, just the way you are. And nothing can or will change that! I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us... to forgive me for everything...",Poppy says sincerely.

Poppy had put more emthesis on "love" and "me". He felt more guilty than everyone else. Poppy was mostly referring to himself when he said " We love you,Branch.". Branch always had a special place in his heart. Branch smiles at them softly with a soft and happy look in her eyes. All the negative feelings she was feeling before are gone.

" No. I'm sorry. I should had just said something back then too then we wouldn't be in this mess. ",Branch apologized sincerely.

The friends smile at each other warmly and happily. Their hearts are lighter and happier to have each other back. Neither of them wanted to lose each other,especially Branch and Poppy. Then all of the Hug watches of the Snack Pack goes off making a small musical ding. Branch and the Snack Pack look down at the Hug Watches then back at each other. Then the group happily hugs each other without needing to say a thing. Sandy has a few tears of joy go down her face as a soft smile appears on her face.

Then suddenly the moment is spoiled by Penny marching into the dressing room upset! The manager becomes angrier when she spots Branch and her friends break their group hug and look at her. Branch still being in her ruined dress didn't make her any happier.

" Branch! First your dress gets ruined,then the opening act starts failing me, the crowd is upset, the flipping music is mixed up,a speaker is damaged, the backup dancers are gone and now Your Still Looking Like A Ugly Mess! Why Is It That I Have To Do Everything Myself? Now Your 'friends' better leave then You Get Dressed and get your Stupid Butt OUT THERE OR ELSE YOU WILL BE NOBODY AGAIN! YOU WERE JUST LUCKY THAT YOU WON THAT COMPETITION!!! I'M THE REASON YOUR A STAR! THE ONLY REASON! YOUR NOTHING BUT, A GOOD VOICE WITH UGLY BODY! NOW GET GLAMOROUS AND GLITZY! SANDY GET RID OF THEM OR ELSE YOUR FIRED!",Penny yells angrily increasing her volume.

Branch's ears drop as she flinched at Penny's yelling! The Snack Pack gasp shocked at how Penny is talking to Branch! Poppy takes hold of Branch's hand to subtly tell her that he's not going anywhere as an angry look appears on his face. The rest of the Snack Pack have angry looks appear on their faces as they continue to stand surrounding Branch.

" Forget It!",the Snack Pack yells back upset.

" NO! I quit...",Sandy says firmly and strongly.

Penny feels like she might explode again! Her hands turn into fists as her glare becomes deadly. She yells at Sandy for a moment abusively but,it takes no effect on Sandy. Then Penny turns Branch.

" Nobody Needs BRANCH! LADY STAR is all I need to make my money and you signed a contract so you can't just quit!",Penny says upset smirking.

Sandy quickly grabs the original and only version of Branch's contract from her hair the throws it to Branch! Penny's eyes widen in shock. Penny haven't made a copy of the contract yet because, she didn't feel like wasting her time on that when Lady Star just be getting her stage name out there. That was her big mistake! Branch looks at Penny with a serious look on her face.

" Actually you are the only troll who needed Lady Star but, I don't need you anymore to be someone. I'm not Lady Star! I'm just me and that's good enough for me... ", Branch says softly with confidence.

Branch torn the paper into many little pieces fast as she spoke. Penny had lost all of her power. Now she is unable to say anything. Mrs Dinkles meeps " Kick Penny o
Out!" making Biggie look at her surprised! Penny tries to come up with reponse but, when she opens her mouth nothing comes out.

" What is that? Oh sorry. I didn't catch that.",Sandy says smugly.

" Aggh!",Penny says upset.

Then the former manager storms out of the tent and away from the concert like she is the angriest troll in the world! SANDY turns to the group of close friends and smiles at them. The Snack Pack now complete once again smiles back at her.

" Man! It feels good to be free. ",Sandy comments.

" What now?",Poppy asks simply.

" Well... I'm pretty sure my whole tour will be cancelled, my singing career is probably gone and all those trolls waiting for me are going to be disappointed that there won't be a concert. Honestly it's a bit of shame that my first and only concert turned into flop before I could go on stage... ",Branch says softly and honestly.

Branch's friends and Sandy feel bad for Branch and those trolls waiting for her. Poppy frowns thinking about what Branch said. If her career as Lady Star is truly over then she should at least have her first concert. Then the Pop King gets an idea! A big smile appears on his face and his eyes light up. He quickly turns his head to Branch.

" What if there is a way for you to still perform your concert?",Poppy says eagerly.

" That would be a miracle and impossible. ", Branch says blankly.

" Then you can call me the " Miracle Maker"...",Poppy says cheerfully and knowingly.

An hour later The Snack Pack and Sandy somehow made the concert possible again. Poppy had used all of his connections from the village. DJ had prepared last minute and some new music with Branch. Satin and Chenille had made her a whole new wardrobe which she actually liked and wanted to wear. Sandy had became in charge of backstage. Biggie,Gal Diamond,Fuzzette and Coop became Branch's new backup dancers along with the boys of course. Everything is fixed and working.

Branch couldn't be happier and more grateful. Now Branch is on stage sitting in front of a piano. She is wearing a simple black shirt with short sleeves,simple necklace,bracelets with subtle flare around both her wrists, purple skirt that looks similar to a flower bud upside down and a little and subtle makeup. Branch didn't want to wear lots of makeup so her natural beauty shines through. Her hair neatly brushed and tied into ponytail with a purple hairband. Branch plays the piano slowly as the spotlight shines on her. She is performing her first song.

" I'm here to show you who I am
Throw off the veil, it's finally time
There's more to me than glitz and glam, oh-whoa...", Branch sings beautifully.

Poppy stands backstage watching Branch from the side of the curtain where nobody could see him. He smiles softly as his heart skips a beat. There is a loving look in his eyes. He doesn't see Lady Star on stage. He sees the troll he fell in love with... He sees the real Branch.

" And now I feel my stars align
For I had believed what I was sold
I did all the things that I was told
But all that has changed, and now I'm bold
'Cause I know
That I am just a troll
I make mistakes from time to time
But now I know the real me...",Branch sings beautifully.

Branch keeps her eyes on the music notes written on paper sitting on top of the piano. She continues to play them out on the keys slowly and gently. She is completely lost in the music and is content with it.

When Penny had control over Branch she believed everything Penny told her and allowed her to brainwash her. Leaving Pop Village and becoming blind to her heart were mistakes but, now Branch isn't going to make those mistakes again. Branch knows who she truly is now.

" And put my heart out on the line
And let the magic in my heart stay true
And let the magic in my heart stay true
Just like the magic inside of you
And now I see those colors
Right before my eyes
I hear my voice so clearly...",Branch sings beautifully.

The crowd watches and listens to her singing quietly. They are in awe by the song. The song Branch is singing is one of the new songs Branch wrote with DJ's help. The lyrics are all from her heart. The rest of the Snack Pack and Sandy watches Branch perform with Poppy. They all are smiling softly and happily to see Branch like this. She seems so happy being herself on stage.

" And I know that it is right
They thought I was weak, but I am strong
They sold me the world, but they were wrong
And now that I'm back, I still belong
'Cause I know
That I am just a troll
I make mistakes from time to time...",Branch sings beautifully.

Branch does feel like she belongs again. She belongs here in the Pop Village with the Snack Pack and especially with Poppy. They are her family and she wouldn't have it any other way. Branch's pace with the piano doesn't change. Her eyes become softer and her singing is more filled with heart.

" But now I know the real me
And put my heart out on the line
And let the magic in my heart stay true
And let the magic in my heart stay true
Just like the magic inside of you
Just like the magic inside of you...",Branch sings beautifully.

The spotlight becomes a little brighter and makes Branch look elegant underneath it. Faint shades of blue can be seen in the spotlight and it seems to sparkle subtly and beautifully around Branch. The music slowly ends after Branch sang last lyric beautifully and elegantly. The trolls in the crowd claps for the song. Some of them even have tears in their eyes.

The concert had continued til midnight. It was a big success. Branch had sang a few diets with Poppy and the final song was a big group song with the whole Snack Pack. Branch couldn't imagine her first and last concert being better than that.

Months later; Sandy became manager herself and vowed to make dreams come true and actually care for her clients. Penny had went back to her city but, was sent to jail after Sandy had revealed all of her scandal secrets and massive tax fraud. Branch had ended her career as Lady Star and moved back to Pop Village. E

veryone was happy to have her back and greeted her with a warm welcome. Branch,Poppy and the Snack Pack especially couldn't be happier and their family bond was stronger than ever before. Branch and Poppy even admitted their feelings for each other and started dating. Nothing felt more perfect to Branch than being home with her family and her boyfriend.

AN: I don't own " Magic Inside"! A request by broppy25love

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