A Choice and Losing game

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Guardians of the Galaxy AU/Ttbgo AU/crossover

Thanos ,with his two daughters and son walking behind him,walks straight to the Queen sitting on her throne. Queen Peppy glares at Thanos as her own son, Prince Poppy, stands next to her throne worried about what might unfold. The Royals are dressed in their formal clothes while their guests were dressed in normal clothing. Thanos has been seeking allies to help him fight in his war for the universe. Nobody knew why but, he had killed half of many planets and did anything he had to do no matter what it was to get what he wanted.

The Prince troll notices the teal skin daughter of the villan that was distancing herself the most from her father,Branch... He recognized her the most. Branch id known to be the most deadly woman assassin in the whole galaxy! Her assassin codename was Lady Badguy. Poppy never met her before but, he heard from many other trolls and aliens that she worked for her father and was his prized child for her work apparently. She was bad news acoording to everyone who had met her.

Branch simply looked up at the royal family portrait. She looked just as threatening as Poppy thought she would but, surprisingly to him she was also a beauty as well even with her small subtle scars. Then she turns her head slightly to the Prince who quickly looked away in time so she wouldn't know that he was staring at her.

" What is that you want from us?", Queen Peppy says seriously.

" I am seeking an addition to my army you could say and I hear you are seeking allies to help with your troubled kingdom. I offer my daughter, Branch, hand in marriage to your son in exchange for your alliance... ", Thanos says seriously.

Poppy's eyes widen in shock while Branch just looked blankly at her father not phased at all. It almost like she was bored or knew what he was doing. Peppy however wasn't so happy about the offer.

" My son will be arranged to be married to whoever I choose but, I will never arrange for your cold hearted killer of a daughter to marry my son and we will never help you with continuing your path of destruction! People like you and your family only cause trouble and take lives for your selfish,evil wants and needs.", Queen Peppy says angrily and seriously.

Thanos's eyes narrowed as his expression become more serious. This scared Prince Poppy but, he kept quiet not wanting to cause any problems like he usually did when his mother was dealing with serious matters like this. It was clear they just became a part of the massive space war currently becoming more dangerous.

" Remember this moment when you fail to win the battles you fight with us... ", Thanos says threateningly.

Then the large alien walks off. Branch glances at the Prince and the Queen before she and her siblings joined their father. Poppy just watches quietly. He had a bad feeling about the war they now became apart of. Peppy turns her head to her son with a calm expression.

" I don't worry about it. I'll handle the war... ", Peppy says calmly.

A month later... Thanos has been busy fighting whoever was getting in his way currently and luckily that kept him away from planet Trollstopia. Poppy didn't get involved in the war in anyway like his mother wanted. Peppy wanted to protect him but, failed to see that her excluding him from many things was only keeping him innocent and wouldn't help him when it will be his turn to rule.

The young adult troll walks into a pub under the cover of night. The only reasons he came here was that he just wanted to leave home and simply be alone for a while. His mother can be too much sometimes and cause of that Poppy needed some time to think for himself. He sits down at a random table in the dark corner hoping to not get any attention. He is only wearing blue shorts.

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