Two Poppies,two different lives - Part 6

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High School AU/Fanasty AU

Blue Branch is just sitting on her couch texting on her phone. It keeps on dinging as she tries to reply to everyone currently messaging her. Poppy was sitting on the floor at the coffee table trying to finish the other him's homework. He was on the last question while Branch already finished hers. She even helped him with a few of the questions.

" Agh! Why can't that idiot just take the hint and leave me alone?!", Branch complains lowly to herself.

Poppy had just made a full stop when he heard the change in Branch's voice. She didn't sound simply annoyed but, it more like she was frustrated. He had heard his Branch have similar complaints but, this was different. He knew that her ex was now still bothering her and was acting like what happened between wasn't a big deal. The male troll looks up at Branch as blocked her ex's new number for the second time.

" Your ex?", Poppy asks.

" Unfortunately Yes... ", Branch replies unhappily and annoyed.

Branch couldn't understand why her idiot ex - boyfriend wanted to get back together with her so bad all of a sudden. He had made it clear to her on the night she caught him cheating that he didn't care about her and that he could get what he "needed" from any other girl. All he wanted was just to take her V card and could never convince her into agreeing to do it. They had a big fight about it before Branch caught him in the act.

" Didn't you already blocked him like three times?", Poppy asks.

" Josh had started using his friends and got a new number... ", Branch replies annoyed.

She rolls her eyes at the thought of how her ex refused to believe that their relationship sparks had died out. It's not like they were actually in love for crying out loud! If anything it was a case of having a crush. Crushes aren't deep and they certainly don't last either. Branch rather not take part in this battle with Josh since it wouldn't achieve anything but, highlighting why things would or will never workout between them.

The blue teen slumps back into the couch a little more as her hand held onto her phone tightly. Her gripe didn't loosen as more new notifications caused it to buzzed. She wasn't going to check her device. It didn't matter if it wasn't her ex. Branch didn't feel like talking to any of her friends on her phone. Her thumb decreased her phone's sound to the mute notifying buzzing sound by simply pressing one of the side buttons until the sound was gone.

" Why did you date him if you hated him so much?", Poppy asks calmly.

" I didn't hate Josh in the beginning... He was just like every cheater in movies. Their all nice and sweet giving you attention until you stop giving them everything they want from you then become their real asshole selves! The only reason he 'cares' now is cause nobody wants to be his girlfriend anymore... He went after my girl friends...", Branch explains unhappily.

Poppy,being a boy, did not know the girl code. Usually exes are completely off limits and plus nobody likes a cheater. He just guessed that her girl friends didn't like the guy for cheating on Branch which is true. There was talk about revenge but, Branch convinced them to not take revenge knowing full well that they would only get into trouble. Then Branch remembered in that moment Poppy didn't actually know the full story about her relationship with Josh. That's why he was asking questions.

" Let's just move on to another topic before I start boring you with the story and my complaints. ", Branch suggests calmly.

The grey troll could tell that she still wasn't okay but, this time around he wasn't sure what to say to cheer her up. He wanted to help her feel better cause it was in his nature to do so but, he didn't always know the right thing to say. His mind was basically blank.

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