A Fairytale To Remember - Part 5

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Fairytale AU

Smidge,CJ, Branch and Poppy sit on Millie's back as she flies takes off! In the process of taking off the dragon picks DJ up with her front claws gently fast. The Zombie didn't make sound. Millie flies high in the air for the first time. Surprisingly to Millie and Branch they actually started enjoying this. The sky is blue and clear. The sun shines and warms them gently. The wind is gentle. The view over the forest is amazing!

"Wooo!This Is So Dope!", CJ shouts happily loud with his arms up above him feeling the clouds.

" Awesome!",Smidge yells happily.

Poppy let's out a happy laugh. Branch just smiles with her eyes closed. She is enjoying the moment. Soon Millie sees their kingdom outskirts and smiles. She flies down lands in the outskirts gently. Flying wasn't so bad for the first time for her. The trolls and donkey get off Millie's back.

The dragon puts DJ down. Smidge walks to Millie's head as CJ walks over to his uncle. Smidge smiles at Millie happily. Poppy takes a hold of Branch's hand making her slowly turn her head to him. Suddenly they hear a loud dramatic and frightening sound coming from the kingdom!

Poppy,Branch, Smidge, Millie and CJ immediately start running to the kingdom! CJ pulls his uncle behind him who let's CJ do so. Screams of trolls fill the air along with some sound of destruction! When they enter the kingdom they see lots of damage but, no trolls and the noise has stopped! It is creepily dead quiet... Soon the group splits up into three teams of two looking for trolls. They walk quietly as they look around.

"This is so creepy...", CJ comments softly to himself uncomfortable.

A head peeks out from a corner and sees DJ and CJ. It's a Zombie like DJ. Meanwhile a little later with Branch and Poppy, they walk into the main area of the kingdom then so do Smidge and Millie. Something about this area is especially weird. The two teams stop and look at each other as CJ and DJ enter the main area too.

" Where is everyone? ",Poppy asks confused.

" I don't know but, I have feeling we will find out very soon...",Branch says worried.

Suddenly a large army of Zombies start surrounding the whole group pushing them together! It scared them to see the whole kingdom as Zombies! Then the Terrors and Creek magically appear in front of the scared and worried group!

"Well,Well,Well...", Christ says evilly.

" Like what we did to everyone? ",Creek says evilly.

Terence smirks at the group of heroes. He likes how helpless they seem. The male starts rubbing his special stone with his thumb as he smiles evilly.

" What have you done to them?",Poppy asks shocked.

"Just a little spell.", Wendy replies.

"That turns trolls into mindless Zombies. ", Willow adds.

" And they are under our control as we have our stones!",Christ adds.

"All thanks to our magic stones.", Jordan adds.

" Do you still think you can beat us?", Creek and Terence say together evilly.

The heroes know that they are in a tight spot and their chances of winning are slim but, their not going to give up. Little did the villains know that the heroes may have something up their sleeves.

" What if we get their stones?", Branch whispers.

"That way they won't have power...",Poppy whispers catching on.

" But how?",Smidge whispers.

"We fight...", CJ whispers.

" Up to getting out of your comfort zone, Millie?",Branch whispers.

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