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Trolls: The Beat Goes On AU

Branch and Poppy are walking to beach together. Poppy is wearing his yellow swim trunks. Branch wears a one piece and black costume with red swimming shorts and a yellow tank top covering it. Branch can be very shy about her body sometimes.

Then suddenly they bump into three bird eggs. Branch freaks out immediately getting behind her boyfriend. She growls upset as she hides behind him. Poppy didn't get why she is so upset with the bird eggs. Branch had never told him why she hates birds. Poppy stands back up.

"Branch,their just bird eggs.", Poppy says.

" Do you know what comes out of them?",Branch says upset while getting back up.

Poppy turns around to face his girlfriend. He is a little confused with her now.

"Baby birds?", Poppy says confused.

Branch crosses her arms. When Branch was ten years old she had an horrible encounter with a bird.

" No! Pure Evil Flying Monsters!",Branch says upset.

Poppy face palms at her response. What is her problem with birds? Why does she think they are pure evil monsters?

"Not this again! Branch,why are you so scared of birds and hate so much?", Poppy says a little annoyed at first.

Branch just sits on a mushroom with her arms folded. She her upset expression is clearly shown on her face. She is not upset with Poppy.

" I don't wanna talk about... ",Branch says stubborn.

Poppy let's out a sigh. He sits next to her on the mushroom. Poppy tries to get her to talk. He doesn't like see his girlfriend upset like this! And he also wanted to know why she has a problem with birds.

" Oh come! You can tell me anything,Branchie...",Poppy says

Branch sighs then looks at her boyfriend while unfolding her arms. Poppy gives her an encouraging smile.

"I was ten years old...", Branch says.

Flashback; it's night. A ten years old grey Branch is lost in the forest. She holds a stick with fire at the top to light up the dark. Then suddenly a large and scary bird lands right behind loudly. The fire goes out completely! The moon light shines both the troll and bird. Branch slowly turns away scared and sees the bird looking at her hungrily. The bird let's out a terrorizing sound!

Branch drops the stick in her hand and starts running away. She knew that she was not going to win if she tried to fight the bird. The bird tries to grab Branch but, misses!

Branch fast runs through the forest scared ! The giant bird chases her wanting to eat her. She trips over a rock then rolls down a steep hill. She lands on her side hard. Her arm hurts from the impact.

"OWW!", Branch screams in pain.

She immediately tries to get up while holding her hurt arm. It feels very sore to use. The scary bird let's out a call. Branch runs while panting in terror. She doesn't know where she is but, anywhere away from the bird will be fine. The giant bird throws a rock at Branch. It lands in front of her making her fall and scream.

" AHH!",Branch screams.

She gets back up while still holding her hurt arm. She runs in a different direction. The bird terrorizing her continues to chase her. Soon Branch finds a hallow tree stump. She runs in and hides from the bird. She quickly stands next to the opening as the bird lands loudly creating a 'THUMP!' sound! The bird bends down looking into the tree stump with one of it's big glowing yellow eyes. It looks around while Branch stays completely still and quiet. The bird can't see her at all. After another scary and long minute,the bird goes away.

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