Going To Love Fest - Part 2

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Fairytale AU

The next day it had stopped raining. Repuzztroll with a yellow glow bug on her head, Poppslot and his horse;Max walk out the now open door. King Poppslot has his armor back on with his vizier up while Repuzztroll is wearing another brown patchy dress with only two patches,leaf vest,a backpack on her back and had her hair tired up in a big thick braid that almost touched the ground. She had some help from Poppslot. Repuzztroll hopes the band will hold for a while without breaking during the trip. Repuzztroll locks her tower door while Poppslot prepares his horse for travel. The yellow glow bug,Flare, flies next to Repuzztroll.

He has known Repuzztroll since she was a little girl and calls her "Branch" in his language. He got his name cause on the night she met him he glowed so bright while flying up to the balcony that he almost looked like a real flare.

Poppslot is done with preparing Max for the trip. They should be back in Pop kingdom very soon if they take the short root Poppslot always takes to visit Repuzztroll.

"Ready?", Poppslot asks.

" I guess...", Repuzztroll answers unsure.

"You be fine.", Poppslot says encouraging and sure.

Poppslot gets onto Max's back and helps Repuzztroll get on too. She wasn't sure whether she should wrap her arms around Poppslot or just sit. Flare lands on her left shoulder. Music starts playing in the background then Poppslot starts singing "Get back up again" with the words 'we' instead of 'I'.

Max walks slowly out of the area and into the other side. While they go on the normal root Max stops! Poppslot and Repuzztroll look at the fallen trees blocking their path! There is no way around the trees! Looks like they have to take long way...Poppslot continues his song as makes Max turn away.

"We will get back up again",Poppslot sings confidently.

Soon they stop by a little restaurant, Starbunkles's Snuggling Duckling. Poppslot had been there a few times. Maybe Repuzztroll would like it and actually relax if they take a break there... They have been traveling for hours and it looks like it's noon. Poppslot gets off of Max. Repuzztroll gets off next.

"I know this place. You'll like it!", Poppslot said cheerful.

Repuzztroll wasn't sure but, she guess a break from the path won't hurt. They leave Max by the door. Poppslot opens the wooden door excited revealing a restaurant full of scary looking Bergens and random trolls. Everyone look at them. Repuzztroll gets scared as the Bergens look at her and Poppslot but, to her surprise the whole room became very warmly welcoming.

" Poppyslot! ", everyone greets happily.

" Hi everyone! ",Poppy greets warmly back.

He takes Repuzztroll's hand pulls her along as he walks through the crowd talking up storm with everyone. Flare follows the two trolls. The grey troll and glow bug look around still surprised by all this friendly attention towards Poppslot. Most of the crowd had their attention on the king but, some of them fully notice the grey uncomfortable and nervous female troll and her glow bug friend.

Then Poppy sees one of his best friends with his girlfriend at the bar. He continue to pull Repuzztroll to the bar. The short male Bergen lowers his hand to the ground. The trolls get onto the hand and are lift to the bar table as Flare follows. The trolls get onto the table and Poppy let's go of Repuzztroll's hand. She gives him a unhappy look but, he doesn't notice.

" Poppy! ",Bridge happily greets.

" Sup!", Queen Gristlette happily greets.

" Bridge, Gristlette! I didn't know you will be here!", Poppy excitedly greets.

Trolly Genderbend TalesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang