True Love Is Worth Saving - Part 1

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(Sort of) Madagascar 2 AU

Branch sits alone by the tree. Then a troll comes running to her panicked!Branch's eyes widen in shock. Many scary thoughts fill her head. Then the troll stopped in front of and takes a minute to catch his breath.

"I need help...I was told that you know a lot about romance...Please help me.," the troll said.

Branch is surprised by this then calms down. This guy must be in a really tight spot if he came running all the way here just for advice. Not many trolls know about Branch's love for romance and how romantic she truly is. Branch gives the best romance advice but, she and many others don't know it. The male troll sits on the small mushroom in front of Branch.

"What happened?", Branch asks him.

" Well,there's this girl I know and I have been in love with her for a while now but,she doesn't know that. We have been friends from the moment we met but, what if by asking her out I will destroy our relationship? And she also seems to be crushing this random guy and I don't know what to do. I want us to be more than 'just friends'...," the male explains.

Branch understands how he feels. She is in a similar situation herself. Branch is in love with Prince Poppy but, they are just friends and he has a crush on Creek. Branch starts thinking about what the other troll should do.

"You should go tell her how you feel while she is still single. Speak from the heart and tell her that you love her...Then you will find out if she feels the same or not. Maybe she does but, if you don't tell her she might not tell you either.", Branch tells him.

" And if she doesn't? ",he asks uncertain.

" Then at least you know how she feels and that you tried to do something about your feels for her.", she replies.

Later, it's now night time and Poppy and Creek are on their first date. They are next to the river in the moonlight. They dance while Creek sings about what Poppy likes about her. The glow bugs sing along as back up. Poppy just listens while dancing to the beat not really realizing how full of herself Creek sounds. Creek wasn't wrong about the reasons why Poppy liked her but, he didn't know that what he saw was just the front she puts on to get attention. As the beat continues to play in the background Poppy wanted to talk to his date.

"So Creek,what do you like me?", he asks curious.

Creek only liked Poppy because, he is royalty,have money,will believe all her tricks and lies and is also handsome... She is just a power wanting, full of herself and good at acting gold digger! She didn't really like Poppy for him or truly knew him despite how close Poppy and her are.

" I like that your a prince.",she tells him.

"Okay,Anything else?", Poppy replies thinking it was a joke.

" Your handsome...", Creek says.

Poppy blushes and smiles at her words. Then his blush and smile fades away as Creek adds another thing. Creek usually has the right thing to say but, she was too busy thinking about getting powerful that she got stuck! The music had stopped and Creek did not know what to say.

" Hmmm,your royalty?",Creek adds.

"You already said that...", Poppy said blankly realizing it wasn't a joke.

The mood is officially killed by the awkwardness . Then Poppy notices Branch walking towards them while looking at the flower in her hands behind Creek. She is looking at and holds a pink glittering rose like flower in her hand hands. She had decided to take her own advice. Branch knew it was Poppy's favourite flower so she picked it thinking it would be a good romantic gesture. Plus she remembered he wanted it for something earlier. She looks up and stops only to see Poppy with Creek. It looked like they are on a date which broke her heart in seconds. It sounds like glass breaking in her head.

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