Electric Sparks - Part 2

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Modern AU/Superheroes AU/Human AU

Poppy nervously stared at the door of the small rental house Branch now called home. Dr Austin knocked on the door as the outside lights suddenly flickered rapidly amd repeatedly. The lights weren't even on when they arrived so she must had heard them. The thought of actually seeing Branch again formed a knot in Poppy's stomach. His anixity over the situation doubled the second he heard the door unlock from the inside.

This was it...

The moment Poppy feared to face for years...

The possibilities of how Branch would react were very vocal in the superhuman's head. Most of them were negative or would turn negative and against him real quick. Poppy was still afraid of the idea that she hating him now for what happened to her and his guilty conscious made him believe that he did deserved it. Was it just his Hero's guilt that he carried or was it actual fear of the possibilities? It was a mix of both...

The lights stopped flickering as the door opened widely but, slowly. Dr. Austin smiled as he opens his arms for a hug. The older man stood in front of the door way as Poppy was further away from it on the side. He didn't need to be able to see Branch to know that she was there. Her uncle's reaction only confirmed what he already knew.

"Uncle Tony?", a familiar voice said surprised.

" Are you going to give your favourite rich uncle a hug or not?", Dr. Austin joke.

A now fully grown and almost unrecognizable Branch came out and happily hugged her uncle like she hadn't seen him in months. It was actually only a week but,that didn't matter to them. They had a strong and unbreakable bond. Tony and Branch had gotten very close over the years after he took her away for special treatment. Tony was always the fun uncle to Branch when she was small but,now he was her aftermath hero. Without him she probably would had been locked away from the world completely with her power only turning against her.

Poppy watched two family members silently admiring their wholesome moment. Branch looked so different from how he remembered she did back in school. It wasn't like she turned out awful. It was quite the opposite actually. Branch was ,in the most simple term, beautiful. Puberty must had decided to be play more nice with her after everything that had happened. Poppy still thought that she looked cute during her awkward phrase. He wasn't looking his best during his either.

With the happiest smile still on her face, Branch broke the hug. Her uncle visits always made her days better. Even though the checkups at her house weren't needed she still appreciated him. Then Branch finally turned her attention away her uncle and noticed her other guest. Not knowing what to do,Poppy flashed her a friendly and innovation smile. Branch's smile however faded away as she backed up a couple steps away from him. She didn't take her eyes off who she believed could possibly be a dangerous person. A threat...

Her eyes told Poppy everything he needed to know. It was clear that she didn't recognize him either. Her reaction was a little disheartening to Poppy since he was afraid that she would want nothing to do with him but, why would automatically welcome a stranger into her life? What could he say to help her remember him? His mind immediately went blank as he felt like he had completely lost his ability to talk in that moment. Branch turned back to Dr. Austin with a nervous smile and gave her old friend the not very trusting side eye before she started talking again.

" Why did bring some stranger to my house? You how I feel about other people knowing where I live. ", Branch whispered unhappily.

" Do you really think that me, of all people, would bring an kidnapper straight to your doorstep?", Tony asked rhetorically.

Poppy could hear everything Branch said. The second side eye that she shot at him only continued to clarified how she felt about strangers. Branch wasn't a people person anymore and that was no surprise when you consider the fact that past trauma doesn't just magically disappear after years of therapy and care. The lights above Branch's head started flickering again as she continued to voice her discomfort. All the younger man could hope for was that Tony could smooth everything over cause there was no way Poppy could do that now by himself!

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