Angel of Survival

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Two teenagers,Prince Poppy and Smidge, are the Pop Village library. They are looking for a legend for the trollings' story time. Prince Poppy thought they would enjoy a good legend. Then Smidge comes across a very old ,more book like than scrapbook like, scrapbook. Smidge takes it off the shelf.

"Hey Poppy! Look what I found!", Smidge calls out.

Poppy walks over to Smidge. Smidge hands the Prince the book.

" The Angel Of Survival: A Legend", Poppy reads out loud enough for him and Smidge to hear.

Poppy and Smidge walk to a table. Poppy sits down while Smidge stands on the chair next to his best friend. Then Poppy opens the scrapbook and flips forward to the first chapter, " Chapter 1: Survival Angel's Appearance". The first page had drawings and scrapbooked version. The second page has a text written on it.

"Based off the descriptions given by the witnesses. It is believed this troll is a female troll with big dull white Angel wings. She has blue eyes,grey skin,short black hair,dull purple nose and pointy but, round ears. It is said that some trolls had seen some marks and maybe even scars on her body that are either very faint and healing or fresh and not healed. She was mostly seen wearing clothing made of natural materials and fabric. Sometimes she wore a cloak or armored clothing. Male trolls who had a good of her and put the fact that she was grey aside claim that she was alluring natural beauty.", Poppy reads out loud.

Poppy grows more curious about her. He moves forward and reads " Chapter 2 : The Angel of Survival's Legend".

"A long time ago,there was a troll known as the "Angel of Survival" or "Survival Angel". She was a warrior and survivalist who is said to live in or close to a abandoned troll village far away from other trolls. Innocent trolls who get lost in the forest or face are with or in danger some way in the forest claimed to be saved by her but, that's not all.

She also saved them from her evil rival, Creek the shape shifting half snake and troll, who uses and control her victims... The feud between them has been going on for years and it is unknown how it started...They also say that she is not like them at all. They say that she doesn't sing,dance and hug but, also has a voice of Angel and big Angel wings.

Her name is a mystery... Many trolls had went searching for her to see if the stories were true... As a result many did not see her but, some were lucky. Not all of those of trolls had good intentions. There was a group of trolls,the Snake Squad, who wanted to use her as weapon and take over other trolls.

They took other trolls who went with them hostage and forced the Survival Angel out. The Snake Squad attacks her and tried to take her away forcefully but, she fought back angrily. The fight was long and hard but, in the end the Angel of Survival had won. During the battle the Snake Squad tried to use magic to defeat her but, she uses their magic against them and banished the group so far away from other trolls they couldn't return.

The Survival Angel frees the hostages then takes them back to their homes safely. The trolls she saved that day asked if they could do anything to return the favour.

She asks them to stop their tours about searching for her to prove that she is real and not to try to find her unless it was necessary. They agreed to her terms but, felt they should do more so they gave her fabric, necessaries and new items that could make her day to day chores and actions easier. She thanks them then she disappeared back to forest...", Poppy reads out

There are scrapbook made pictures with each paragraph. Poppy looks at the last picture showing the Angel of Survival disappearing in the forest. Poppy smiles at the end of the tale. He wished he could had met her. Little did Poppy know that he will meet her soon...

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