Sick on Prank Day

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Genderbend Trolls The Beat Goes On AU

It's Prank Day and Branch is sick!Out of all the many holidays it's her favourite holiday that she misses out on! The teal skinned troll has a fever,headache,dry throat and running nose. Why did she get sick? She was babysitting a sick trolling for a troll couple yesterday. They had something to do that was very important and could not cancel at all even know they wanted to take care of their sweet little trolling so badly!

Branch lays in her bed snuggled up in her warmest,coziest and fluffiest blanket with her stuffed crocodile, Croco, in the arms. She sleeps comfortably like an angel still in her pajamas. A tissue box surrounded by tissues is one the left night stand while some medicine and her favorite empty mug is on the right night stand. Branch should be fine in a day as long as she rest and takes care of herself.

In Troll Village, Poppy spent the whole morning pranking and watching his back. He feels angst as he waits for Branch to try to prank him but, she never did! It put Poppy on edge! Many thoughts and questions float in his mind...

How could he become this year's Prank Master if she doesn't try to compete with him for the title? Where is the fun in that? Did she give up? No, Branch did not give up the last few years so why would she now? Could this be apart of her prank? Could Branch be planning something so big that she would be busy trying to set it up all morning? Or was this suspense part of getting him to come to her so she could get him good? If that is how she wants to play then all Poppy will say is "Game On!". Two can play in this game! But,little did Poppy know that this mind set would not help him with Branch in anyway...

Poppy rounds up the rest of the Snack Pack,minis Branch, and prepares for pranking. Soon Poppy and the rest of his prank team stand outside Branch's Bunker. They have water balloons with freezing cold water stored in their hair along with ice packs to keep them cold. Poppy starts knocks the door mat loudly.

Branch wakes up as she hears the knocking as clear as day in her bedroom. The noise makes her small headache worse! She wants to continue sleeping in peace in her warm bed with Croco! She did not want to get up but, whoever was knocking was not giving up!

" This better be important! ",Branch complaints.

Branch gets up and out of her bed. The knocking still continues on. Then she grabs her robe and puts it on. After she tied it Branch walks out of bedroom then to her elevator. Once on board she pulls the lever causing her elevator to goes up to the top level. The knocking stops at this point.

Once Branch is at the top level she slowly unlocks her " Welcome " door mat. Poppy hears Branch unlocking the mat. The group of pranksters pull out their water balloons from their hair and hide in the bushes. Branch's door mat lowers fast and comes back up with Branch standing on it unhappily. To Branch's dismay,she didn't see anyone but, then Something unexpectedly happens!

"Now!", Poppy yells.

Then Poppy and his team jump out from their hiding spots. They immediately throw their water balloons at Branch so fast that Branch couldn't think. She screams as she gets hit with every single freezing cold water balloon! Then it all stopped!

"Happy Prank Day,Branch! I got you so good that I sent you to the Ice Age!", Poppy exclaims.

The pranksters laugh little about how they got her good then fully put all their attention on Branch. They are shocked to see that an angry Branch is in her pajamas and robe! It's already noon!Branch sneezes loudly as her body shakes a little. Her body temperature decreased fast!

" Haha...", Branch sarcastically laughs.

Branch throat is a little sore so she does not plan on talking for a long time. Her voice sounded horse and faint as she talks.

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