Lady Star - Part 2

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Famous Star AU

The Snack are sitting somewhere quietly still processing everything what Branch said. They never saw it coming or thought that she would say it! Poppy stares at his feet and sighs to himself. They feel guilty like a part of them knew that they did something wrong.

Does she really think that they never appreciated her? Does she really think she did nothing important before? Is that what everything is all about? The sudden move? Sudden change and attitude? What in Pop village gave Branch that big idea? Did none of them tell her or showed her that they valued her? Did he not show her that he valued and loves her?

" I should've just told her... ",Poppy says quietly and softly to himself.

The most of the Snack Pack didn't hear Poppy but, Smidge did. He turns his head to Poppy and notices how Poppy seemed to feel more guilty than everyone else. It was also like the King believes this is all his fault. Then suddenly the whole group hears Peppy's voice as she comes out of the bushes. The young adults all turn their heads to the elder taken off guard.

" Heard what happened and everything you all said before you went so very quiet. Sometimes you mean well but, you can accidentally hurt someone without knowing. Maybe you all and everyone else should had just said "Thankyou" every once in a while or just showed we cared about her more instead of assuming she knew but, she didn't say anything before about it either. You both said and done things shouldn't but, that doesn't mean you should give up on each other. Some reason I can't help but, feel that Branch isn't only upset that we didn't seem to show we valued her. Something little deeper is going on and her new life might only cause it to stir more making her the shadow she is now... So really talk to Branch and work things out before it's too late. Who knows? Maybe the real Branch is still hiding behind the curtains...",Peppy says softly,honestly and wisely.

Then Peppy slowly walks backwards into the bushes behind her. The Snack Pack all share the same look as they think of what the elder said. They have no idea why she was ease dropping on them so long but, she is right. They can't change what they did but, they can still fix it. A subtle determined look appears on Poppy's face as he is the first troll to get back up. He isn't going to let Branch down this time...

Meanwhile Branch is in her dressing room. She sits in front of her large mirrors washing her face with a wet cloth. The star is wearing a white robe over her body. The star removes the cloth from her face then looks at herself in the middle of her dressing table mirror. All of Branch's makeup and glittery and glamorous clothes is gone. It is just her. A frown appears on her face as more guilt slips in. She sighs quietly to herself then looks away from her reflection.

Then Penny walks into the dressing room busy like a bee. She gasps when she notices Branch isn't wearing makeup or anything glitz and glam! The shock changes into anger in the manager! Branch turns her head to her manager still frowning and feeling guilty.

" Where's your makeup? Your Glitzy designer dress? Your hair is mess! Look at yourself! Do you really think every single fan is going love you looking like this? Nobody noticed you before you were liked this all the time so why would that all of a sudden change now? I told you before. No Glitz and Glam? It's game over! Your lucky that you got your singing voice or else you will still be a nobody... Remember your a famous star now. Not that same weak girl stuck at the same level you were! I'm your manager so you do what say so get dressed and fix your face...",Penny says coldly and seriously.

Right outside the dressing room Penny's assistant stands still and holding a clipboard in her hands. She frowns as she stares at Branch dressing room with a worried look in her eyes then sighs. The female K - Pop troll had heard everything Penny said.

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