The Bullying Gone Too Far! - Part 2

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Human Genderbend AU

After Branch had ran away crying,Poppy had confronted Creek and the Terrors!He was furious with them,especially Creek!

The principal had heard the commission and had came out to see what happened. Mrs Danny had ordered them into her office and asked for explanation. Creek and the Terrors began lying about what they did and as a result Poppy questioned their lies and explained what he had saw. Mrs Danny didn't believe Creek and the Terrors either so she logged into her computer and went into the video feed. She checked on the inside exit and entrance security camera which had a clear view of the whole sector. Then she reserved it to before Branch got attacked so she could make sure she knew everything that really happened. The Terrors and Creep grew worried because, they totally forgotten about the camera!

Mrs Danny paused the footage and turned her computer around to the teen standing in front of her. She then got up from her seat and walked around her desk then hit play and walked to the teens and stood between Poppy and Creek and the Terrors.

"Now we will see the whole event.", she said seriously.

Everyone were completely silent as the video began to play. Some the Terrors gulped afraid of what will be revealed. Poppy hoped that the truth would be revealed and tried to mentally prepare himself for what he was gonna see.

The footage showed:Creek and the Terrors blocking Branch from leaving then them making fun of her and being verbally abusive as Branch was pushed to the ground.

"Hey!Just leave me alone!", Branch shouted trying to be strong.

" No!Why?",said Jordan.

"Cause we are in the mood for this!", Terence and Creek added together evilly.

That's when things got worse!The group, minis Creep and Terence, began beating Branch really hard and badly as Creep and Terence watched while being verbally abusive to Branch. Branch tried to punch back but,she missed since most of her attackers attacked her at once making it really hard for to defend herself. She really tried to block their hits but,it didn't work very well. Branch's nose began bleeding as Christopher punched her nose. More emotion and mental abuse was spoken towards her as she cried out in pain!

" Go head and cry,you weak freak!", Terence said .

"Even if you told everyone in school nobody would believe you because, nobody will care. Why would they believe you,an ugly,worthless and friendless nobody and outcast,over their beautiful, popular and future prom Queen.", Creek said smugly.

" It so much fun beating her up until she can't move or black out.",Willow joyfully commented.

"Especially when Creek and Terence team-up like they do most of the time.", Wendy happily added as she punched Branch in the face.

" Nobody in Trollworks will believe you if you told them the truth about me or what happened to you on any day. Nobody needs you!",Creek added.

Then Poppy came walked into the scene and stopped. He gasped in shock at horrible scene but,it wasn't noticed by the group.

"I love hurting that freak's feelings in the right places and destroying her self-esteem!No matter how many times we do this, it never gets old like how I use,trick and control Poppy most of the time just to get everything I want!He is so stupid! ",Creek commented proudly.

Poppy was shocked, hurt and angry! He felt betrayed by Creek !How could he be so blind? But,that wasn't the main matter right now. He needed to put a stop to their actions against Branch!

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