Woman Of My Dreams

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Genderbend human AU

Poppy lives life how he wants to. Everything is all smiles and hugs for the guy. He didn't seem to have a care in the world. Then one day he started having weird dreams. Poppy sleeps peacefully in his bed then suddenly a dream starts.

In the dream,Poppy looks around. He is in a bright white room with only a brown wooden bench. He sits then a woman he never saw before walks up to him and sits next him. Poppy can't really see her very well but, he knew it was a woman. She looks a blank piece of white paper shaped like a woman wearing a dress. Poppy could not see what her features were or anything certain like that but, he did know she is shorter than him by a few inches it seemed. She does not say a word but, she just looks at him. Poppy smiles at her very happily like he knew her then holds her right hand.

Then Poppy wakes up from the dream. He slowly opens his eyes as he rise from his bed. As he wakes the dream itself starts floating in his mind. Poppy didn't understand why but, the dream was fixed on his mind. After he got ready for the day he decided to scrapbook the dream in a empty scrapbook.

Poppy still couldn't figure out his dream. Who was the woman? Why couldn't he see how she looks? Why did she sit with him and allow him to hold her hand? Why was he so happy to see her?

The next few nights later, Poppy has another dream.

In the dream,Poppy is in the white room with a bench again. He sits on the bench waiting for someone. Then the same woman sits down next to him. She wears a brown dress with a camouflage jacket. She still looks like blank paper. She just looks at him. Poppy smiles at her happy to see her again.

The mysterious woman starts pulling on her jacket sleeve. Poppy notices the simple action. The jacket seems familiar like he saw it before but,he can't figure out where he saw it. After a minute,she gives Poppy an smile. It looks weird at first then it becomes perfect, subtle and real. Poppy doesn't know why but, he adores her smile for some reason.

Back to reality,Poppy slowly starts waking up in his bed. He has a sleepy smile on his face. As he gets up and rubs his eyes the dream details floats around in his head. And something about the jacket seemed important. Later that morning Poppy scrapbooks his dream.

Then next week Poppy had another dream about the mysterious woman. The man is now sleeping on the couch with smile on his face.

In the dream,The mysterious woman is wearing the same jacket from the last dream but, her hair fades from black to Royal Sapphire blue and is long and loose. That surprised Poppy. The woman takes some of her now blue hair then moves it back to rest on her back as she sits on the bench.  Poppy talks her about an High School Party. The situation feels familiar to Poppy.

Then the woman looks at Poppy and rolls her eyes. She crosses her arms and leans back against the bench. Poppy takes note of it. The woman's actions reminds Poppy of someone but, he doesn't know who.

"Oh come on... It will be fun! Must I sing the "Loosen up " song I sing when you take too long playing Mini Golf?",Poppy says encouragingly and playful.

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