A Fairytale To Remember - Part 2

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Fairytale AU

Creek leans forward to kiss and touch Poppy while Poppy is leaning backwards not wanting this at all! He doesn't like Creek like that! She is just a friend to him. Sure he had a small crush on her as a teenager but, by the time he turned nineteen he didn't like her that way anymore! Poppy naturally grew out of it. Now Creek is inches away from kissing Poppy! Poppy falls onto his back avoiding her lips flinching! Creek is upset and shocked by this! Poppy gets up uncomfortable. He looks down at Creek.

"Look Creek. It's not that I don't like you I just don't like you like that! - ", Poppy says trying to let Creek down gently.

Creek gets up and walks closer to Poppy. She smirks at Poppy thinking that he is just scared which he is but,not for the reasons she is thinking of! Poppy doesn't want to sleep with Creek! He never had sex with anyone before unless you count his secret naughty dreams of Branch and him.

" Don't be scared, Poppy. I'll take care of you...",Creek says seductively.

Poppy gets more scared and uncomfortable by Creek.

"Creek,I'm not interested in -", Poppy says but, gets cut off by Creek planting her lips on his!

Poppy's eyes widen more and doesn't kiss back! Creek is a horrible kisser! Poppy grabs her arms and gently but,quickly pulls Creek off of him! He also realized something else. He's not going to wait for near future just to ask Branch to be his! Another guy could try to swoop Branch away like Creek trying to do with him! Poppy has to tell Branch when he sees her again!

Creek is shocked by Poppy's actions! Poppy let's go of her then quickly grabs his stuff and leaves immediately! He is going to Branch's bunker to see if she is there. Now Creek is upset and angry. She screams frustrated as Willow and Wendy laugh at her failure.

Meanwhile; DJ,CJ,Millie and Smidge are at the outskirts. Millie sits on her knees surrounded by few glowbugs and puppies. CJ picks one up as one puppy jumps into Smidge's arms. Millie giggles as she watches her boyfriend gets his face licked by the puppy. She finds it adorable. DJ pets the puppy in CJ's hands. A glowbug nuzzles CJ making him laugh.

Unknownly to them Christopher, Jordan and Terence watch in the forest. Terence laughs evilly and loud enough to get the other trolls' attention. The glowbugs get startled and fly away! The puppies growl at the direction of the evil of laugh. Millie looks around confused. Smidge puts the puppy down and gets into a defensive position. DJ pulls CJ close to him.

Terence snaps his fingers then Jordan forms magic green ball of energy. Jordan throws the ball at Smidge. For anyone could do anything Smidge gets hit by the magic ball sending him flying into the village! The puppies run away into the bushes scared.

"SMIDGE!", Millie shouts worried.

CJ hugs his uncle scared. Suddenly DJ is hit by a green magic ball send flying into a bush screaming. CJ falls onto the ground and sees his uncle fly.

" UNCLE DJ!", CJ screams.

Millie gets up and runs to the scared child on the ground. She helps him up and pulls him behind her. Terence, Jordan and Christ start coming out from the forest.

"CJ Run And Hide!Now!", Millie says worried softly.

CJ runs into the same bushes the puppies are hiding in. Terence,Jordan and Christ stand threatening looking at Millie. She didn't know what to do! DJ runs to Millie panicked then notices  the three evil men. Millie laughs nervously.

" Millie,where's CJ?",DJ asks worried.

Jordan laughs evilly at DJ.

"The kid run away.", Terence says amused.

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