It's Just You and Me - Part 1

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Modern AU/Kidnapped AU

Poppy walks on the beach searching for clues. Branch has been missing for a half a year now! Poppy is doing his own investigation since the police has been getting nowhere and won't let him help. This is the second time he visited this beach. Branch had been last seen here and the area has changed very little.

Then suddenly Poppy is grabbed by a Bergen hand! He fights back but fails as he does so. Soon he is thrown into a small cage with lots of force! Poppy hits the floor of the cage then blacks out from the impact.

Poppy slowly wakes up in pain in a dark and different cage. The whole room is dark and cold! Suddenly the Bergen Chef opens the door and comes in with an evil smile.

"You are going to be my prisoner til the day you die!", Bergen Chef says evilly.

Poppy gulps while looking at Chef in fear. He needs to escape! A year later, Poppy hits the troll proof Cage bars with a piece of rock. It does nothing but, make noise. His blue shorts and vest are dirty,faded and raggy. His hair is a mess and Poppy had lost his headband. His body is a little dirty and pale but, he still has his colours. Poppy wants nothing but, his freedom and his old life back and to find Branch! Then suddenly Poppy hears the door unlocking so he hides the rock in his hair.

One of the Bergen Chef's goons come in with a female troll in his hand. Poppy immediately recognized the troll! Poppy's heart beats faster. It couldn't be her,could it? Poppy didn't take his eyes off the troll! Poppy feels so happy to see Branch again! He missed her! It had been a long time since he last saw her and talked to her!

" Well, 'Miss One Year And Six Months' is not so tough now. Try escaping this room...",the goon says evilly.

Then the Bergen opens Poppy's cage and roughly puts Branch inside. Poppy gasps in shock. Is she okay? Is she hurt? Why is she grey again? She had been here?! THE WHOLE TIME?! The goon shuts the cage door as Poppy helps Branch get up on her feet. The Bergen leaves the room and shuts the door. Poppy has tears in his eyes.

He has been in love with her for a long time and still is. The thought of finding her and seeing her again always kept him going during his time here and before. A year and a half ago before Poppy was going to tell her that he loves her but, then she had been declared missing!

"Poppy?", Branch asks surprised and weakly.

Branch is just wearing a raggy brown dress. Her hair is a mess and she looks like she went through hell. Without thinking, Poppy hugs her tightly. Branch is confused and concerned. Why is Poppy here? She thought she was the only troll left! The Bergen Chef had killed the other trolls captured or they died in their cages or while escaping! Some trolls had even died after being tortured or epairmented on!

" I Missed You!",Poppy whispers in her ear.

Branch starts blushing as her heart skips a beat and hugs back. Branch cries as well while she and Poppy embrace. They slowly end up on their knees but, don't break the hug. Branch has been missing Poppy a lot too! She has been in love with Poppy for a long time as well. Her love for him never went away after she was captured. In a way it kept her warm during the cold nights.

"I Missed You Too!", Branch admits.

A few hours later,the Bergen Chef himself comes into the dark and cold room. He looks evilly at the two trolls.

"Well,Well,Well... So these two are the only ones left? I have a job for you two...", Chef says evilly.

The trolls did not like the sound of that! The Bergen turns around and yells something that scares and shocks them.

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