The Invitations

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The Bergens and Trolls have made peace weeks ago. Everything was almost cupcakes and rainbows. Why almost? Cause something is bothering Branch. Branch have been feeling bad about how she treated Poppy before for a long time. This wasn't new. She felt guilty when and after destroying some of the invitations in front of him and after doing other mean things to him...

During those times she was pushing everyone away because, she was and still is afraid of losing someone she cares about and thought that would happen again if she let anyone get close to her. Branch is in her Bunker. She sits at a table staring at the newest invitation. She leans her head into her right palm while her other arm lays in front of her.

"Celebrate Freedom From The Bergens", the little invitation Branch said.

Branch let's out a sign then decides to write in her journal. She pulls it out from her hair along with a black pen. She puts the journal down on the table with the pen. Then Branch pulls out two certain keys from her hair and uses them to unlock her journal. She does not like the idea and possibly of someone finding her journal, opening it easily and reading all her secrets and private thoughts! She puts the keys on the table then starts writing her feelings out.

Meanwhile, King Poppy is walking through the Village happily. The new king is enjoying his afternoon. He greets some trolls passing by and they greet back. His first few weeks of being king has been going well. The new king is still not use to his new routine.

Then he sees some of the Snack Pack. He smiles at his friends as he walks to them.

" Hey! What's going on?",Poppy greets cheerfully.

The king's closest friends turn to Poppy with big smiles. They greet their best friend happily. The Snack Pack share a share a quick group hug. The friends start talking. Soon Poppy starts wondering about Branch. He had not seen her at all today! Maybe the others might know where she is...

"Do you know where Branch is? I haven't seen at all today...", Poppy asks.

The other trolls think for a moment. They honestly had not seen her at all either. They tell the king that they had not seen Branch. Poppy decides to check Branch's bunker hopeful that she is there. He feels a little worried about her.

Soon Poppy reaches Branch's survival bunker. Poppy notices that Branch still has her Not Welcome Mat. He knocks loudly on the door mat. Branch slowly opens the peek hole.

" Who is it?",Branch asks neutral.

Poppy immediately smiles at the sound of Branch's voice. He puts his hands behind his back then leans his top body half forward. Branch notices Poppy's face appearing with a smile. He very happy to see her.

"It's me!", Poppy says playfully.

Branch immediately closes the peek hole as Poppy straightens his body again. He hears Branch unlocking a lock then she slides the door mat away. The king happily jumps into the bunker. Soon at the bottom floor, both trolls walk off the lift.

" So you been here the whole time? ",Poppy asks curious while looking around the bunker.

Branch looks at Poppy. Poppy brings his attention back to Branch.

" Yeah, I didn't feel like going out today... ",Branch says honestly.

Then Branch hears the timer in the kitchen go off loudly. She was making some home made juice earlier. She felt like having some to drink. Branch looks towards the kitchen then back at Poppy. Poppy looks at her curious.

" Oh, I made something to drink. Do you want to try some?",Branch says a little awkward.

Poppy nods his head to Branch. The blue goes into the kitchen and the timer stops making noise. Poppy starts exploring a little. He walks up to a table in a open section of the room. The are a bunch of small curtains on the wall hiding things from the king's view. Poppy admires the bunker as he looks around then suddenly he hears a faint familiar sound coming from a certain closed built in storage department. Poppy goes to it curious. He pulls the curtain and a invitation falls out! It lands on his feet and opens by itself!

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