Bad Memories - Part 1

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Genderbend Human AU

Poppy steps out of his house happily. He walks into his front garden. The man picks up a watering can. He waters the patch of Poppies humming a little song. Then he looks up and sees a certain woman is walking by as usual. She seems to be wearing a green skirt and dark grey hoodie with the hood up. She stops at the flower stand and picks up small bouquet of flowers. She smells them then pays for them as usual.

Poppy had saw her do this many times. Sometimes he doesn't see her. He doesn't know who she is but, he would like to know who she is. Poppy knows everyone in his neighborhood but, he has a feeling that she is not from here. Something about her seems so interesting and mysterious. Poppy tried many times to get her attention so he could talk to her but, she would always be out of his sight fast.

Poppy is about to call out to get her attention but, she is already walking away out of his sight. Now she is gone again but, that doesn't bother Poppy too much. One day he is going to actually meet her and talk to her. Then the man leaves his house after the watering can down and walks over to the flower stand across the street.

"Hey Andy. ", Poppy greets.

Andy turns to Poppy and smiles at his friend.

" Oh,hey Poppy. Is there something I can help you with? ",Andy says friendly.

" Do you know that woman who just brought flowers from you?", Poppy asks curious.

Andy is surprised by Poppy. He sells flowers to the woman but, he doesn't really know her. He wonders why Poppy would ask him that.

"Why? Do you do want to meet her and ask her out?", Andy asks curious.

Poppy's eyes widen in surprise. Why did Andy think that? He doesn't even know what she looks like!

" Woah! It's not like that. I don't even know what she looks like",Poppy denied blushing.

Andy looks at Poppy unconvinced.

"Well I do. She's hiding beauty under the hoodie.", Andy replies honestly.

" Do know anything else about her?",Poppy asks curious.

Andy thinks for a moment.

"She buys flowers every time she comes this way. She doesn't talk much. I think the flowers might be for her family cause I heard her say something about her grandpa or something like that. I'm not sure...", Andy admits.

A few days pass and Poppy had not seen the woman walk by again. He is outside in his garden watering his poppies. Then Poppy looks up and sees the mysterious woman walking to the flower stand but, someone is following her!

The man behind her pushes her to the ground hard and grabbed her hood. The man pulls down her hood then pulls out his gun! Poppy drops his watering can and jumps over his fence. He gets over to them and punches the man. The man with the gun falls down.

" You just made a big mistake! ", the man growls while getting up.

Then suddenly a plank of wood hits the gunman hard on the head! The man falls on his side unconscious dropping his gun. Poppy sees the woman he have been wanting to talk to standing up while holding the wooden plank as she looks at her attacker shocked and breathing heavily. Soon she relaxes as she looks at him. Andy calls the police. After the police took the attacker away,Poppy decides to check if the woman is okay. She stands by the flower stand.

" Are you okay?",Poppy asks concerned.

The woman let's out a sigh then nods her head to Poppy. Poppy notices how beautiful she is. Andy was right about her beauty. Poppy smiles at her happy that she is okay.

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