On The Dating Tree - Part 1

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Human Genderbend AU

Poppy is at DJ's place helping him to set up his profile for a dating app,The Dating Tree. They sit on DJ Suki's couch in his apartment while looking at DJ's smartphone. Then once he was set they look at different profiles of female trolls. Then DJ swiped left and the profile sent both trolls in shock,especially Poppy!

The profile was Branch's! The profile picture and the name shown are dead giveaways that it is her! And the date that marks the time she joined said that she joined a few years ago! Branch had never told Poppy or the pack about this!

Why didn't she tell anyone? Why didn't she tell Poppy?Why did Poppy feel so jealous that Branch is going out on dates with random guys?Why did it bother him so much? He knows that he should be happy that she is trying to find someone special but, he had difficulties adjusting to the  idea of Branch being with other guys and he didn't understand why he felt like this! It's not like he and Branch ever dated  or anything like that but, his heart feels like it just broke...Poppy didn't fully understand his feelings about Branch but, she always had a special place in his heart.

Poppy's mind started scheming about how to get Branch to be honest with him about this. The next night,Poppy walks through the streets as it rains to his car. It was parked close by in the street. He had went to visit a friend and couldn't park at the building. The man held with an open umbrella above his head in his left hand and his smartphone against his right ear.

Then Poppy stops in his tracks! He was shocked by what he sees! What did he saw? He sees a certain mixed race female sitting on the bench at the bus stop. It was Branch! She has no umbrella with her. She is sobbing in the rain. Her light green dress,black flats,hair and body are completely wet cause of the rain. Her black hangbag has the rain drops slide down as it sits next to her.

" I'm so stupid! No guy will ever like me! Why do I even try?", Branch says between her sobbing.

Poppy's heart breaks! His happiness and smile turns into sadness and concern and a fron. He had saw Branch cry before but,this is the first time he saw her sobbing!

" I'll call you back...bye.", Poppy tells the person on the other side.

Poppy ends the call and turns off his phone then puts it away in his pocket. He walks up to Branch but, she didn't notice him until he starts speaking.

"Hey...", Poppy greets softly.

Branch looks up to her left side to see Poppy.

" Hey...How much did you hear?", Branch says softly.

Branch wipes her tears away from her eyes. Poppy signs then sits right next to her so she can covered from the rain. Branch didn't make any eye contact with Poppy. It breaks his heart even more.

"Enough to know that something happened...Where's your car?", Poppy asks.

"At my Apartment building...", Branch answers.

Poppy frowns at her response.

" Let's get out of the rain. My car is close by...", Poppy says.

Branch just nods her head. Poppy and Branch go to Poppy's car under the umbrella. Soon they are both in the car and Poppy is drives Branch home. Poppy given her his jacket. Branch is quiet throughout the whole drive.

Soon they reach the apartment building. Poppy parks in the parking lot by the entrance. Poppy walks with Branch inside. It is still raining. Branch is still not talking and unhappy. In Branch's apartment, Poppy makes some Hot Chocolate while she freshens up.

He wonders what happened to Branch.  Did the dude not show up? Did he ditch her after meeting her? Did he want to use her? Did he treat her horridly? The questions burn in Poppy's mind. Poppy wants and needs to know what the jerk did to her!

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