Prom Night

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Human AU/High School AU

At Trollworks Prom everyone is there having fun. Well almost everyone. Poppy sits at a table unhappily and watches his friends dance with their dates. He is wearing a dashing black tuxedo with a nice bowtie and smart looking shoes. His pink hair brushed nicely. Poppy doesn't have a date... Today was a bad day so he isn't really as happy as he thought he would be at Prom. He sighs sadly feeling like he is the only person here who doesn't have a date.

Then when he turns his head slightly his jaw drops. He sees his best friend,Branch, looking so beautiful and stunning! She is the most beautiful girl he ever seen. His heart skips a beat as the cheerleader walks up to him. Branch is wearing stunning beautiful and subtly sparkling red dress with a long following skirt,silver sparkling belt and simple and modest sweetheart neckline. Her Royal Sapphire blue hair is wavy and rests perfectly on her shoulders. Her silver flats allow her to walk nicely.

Then Branch stops in front of Poppy with soft smile on her face. A smile spreads across his face making Branch's heart skip a beat. He is the most handsome boy she knows and have ever met. She sits down next to him happily. Branch and Poppy are in love with each other but, they never admitted their feelings to each other. It has been this way for a few years now.

"Hey Cheerleader.", Poppy greets playfully.

" Hey Class Present. ",Branch greets playfully.

Branch and Poppy are very happy to see each other. They have their own playful banter. It does make some people wonder if they are a couple. The two teenagers just always have that special bond. Branch wonders why is Poppy by himself. She thought he would have a date.

" So why are you all by yourself? Where's your date?",Branch asks confused.

Poppy let's out a sigh. He actually wanted to ask her but, when he saw her being asked by another guy and realized that he took too long. It broke his heart to see her with another guy. After that it was already too late to get a date so he decided to go alone.

"Well...I actually don't have a date. The girl I wanted to ask was already going with someone else...", Poppy says honestly and sad.

Branch frowns feeling sorry for him. She could tell that he is hurting even know he is trying to hide it. A part of her is secretly happy that he didn't go with someone who isn't her but, she is more concerned about his feelings. She puts an hand on his shoulder.

" I'm sorry,Poppy. She has no idea what a great guy she is missing out on...",Branch says softly and honestly.

Poppy smiles at her softly. She could always make him feel better even when she breaks his heart.

"Thanks. So where is your date? ", Poppy says honestly and curious.

" Oh,I don't have a date. ",Branch admits honestly but,not sad.

Poppy is now confused. But,what about the guy he saw her with before? Didn't the guy ask her or did he misread the situation?

" But, what about the guy I saw talking to you before in the hall? He had a rose in his hand,wore a Rugby Jersey, had brown hair,tan skin and you were smiling at him...",Poppy says confused.

Branch blinks at Poppy confused. Is he talking about Felix? Oh he must had saw her helping him practice his Prom Proposal. He needed help asking out his crush so he came to her cause he thought she is the Queen of Romance. Poppy must gotten the wrong idea! She has zero romantic feelings for Felix that's for sure!

"You mean Felix? Poppy,he was worried and scared about asking Bluebell to be his date for Prom so he came to me for help! He was practising saying his Prom Proposal speech to me and was pretending that I was Bluebell as he was telling to me over and over again. I have no feelings for Felix! Poppy,you gotten the wrong idea about the whole thing...", Branch explains honestly and shocked then softly at the end.

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