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Queen Gristlette wants more than anything to be with Bridge for the rest of her life!To be his wife and queen will be a dream come true! Bridge and Gristlette have been dating for a few years now but, now she wants to their relationship to go to the next level. She wasn't sure if Bridge felt the same...

Branch, Gal,Biggie with Mrs Dinkles, Fuzzette and Coop came over to the Bergen Castle to have a girls night. Bridge and the other guys had told the women that they are ' going out to the forest to for a boys night.' The troll men are actually helping Bridge with his surprise for Queen Gristlette.
The women hang out in Gristlette's bedroom. They all sit on her bed. Gristlette sits by the pillows while the troll girls sit by the foot of the bed. They all drink mocktails. The trolls have shot glasses while Gristlette has large glass. There will be no drunks tonight. They are having their usual girl talk.

"So how you and Bridge doing?", Biggie asks.

Biggie takes a sip of her Dusty Sunrise. Gristlette looks at Biggie. It has been a while since they had a girls night. Biggie is a little curious about how their relationship has been doing. She hopes that they don't have any relationship problems.

" Everything is going great. It's just that...", Gristlette said.

Things have been great. She just wants to get engaged and married soon but, she didn't know Bridge's feelings about that. She tried talking to him about it earlier when he was about to leave to the 'forest' but, she backed out when she noticed the time! He would had been late cause of her... That wasn't the only reason. Gristlette was scared and nervous too.

"Never mind," she said dismissively.

The troll girls notice what Gristlette just did. They start wondering what she was not telling them. Why did she dismissed a part of what she was saying? Something is up but, the trolls didn't know what it was. Branch decides to ask Gristlette a question.

"Gristlette, are you and Bridge having problems again?," Branch asks worried.

Gristlette and Bridge had some relationship problems before. They got through it and made it work in the end. Sometimes Branch and Poppy had to help them out,along with the other trolls.

"No!It just that - how do you say this? - ", Gristlette replies.

Gristlette takes a moment to think of what to say. This feels harder to talk about than she thought!

" I want to take things to the next level but, I don't know if Bridge is ready for that. I want to get engaged and marry him...," Gristlette explains honestly.

She had said the last sentence with a dreamy look. Her heart beats happily at the thought. The troll girls were shocked then they squeal in excitement!

"Are you gonna ask or are you waiting for him to ask?,"Gal asks excited.

" I don't really know...I tried to talk to him about where we are in our relationship earlier but, he had leave or else he would had been late so I dropped it...," Gristlette uncertainly replies.

Branch frowns as she looks up at the Bergen. She understands that Gristlette needs help with this.

"Gristlette, how much do you want for you and Bridge move to the next level?", Branch asks.

Gristlette didn't need to think to answer Branch's question. She knows how she feels.

" I want that more than anything I ever wanted in my whole life!I want it to happen very soon...," Gristlette answers honestly.

Branch smiles up at her friend. She thinks of something to tell Gristlette to help her. The Bergen seems like she really needs help and advice.

"Then you should go ask him the question if you don't feel he's not gonna ask anytime soon. It's not going to be easy but, you should at least try...", Branch advises.

Gristlette listens to Branch and gives the advice some thought. A thought starts floating in her mind. What if it is too soon? What if Bridge rejects her?

" But what if he's not ready and rejects me?", Gristlette asks Branch.

Branch takes a moment to think of a response.

"Then you wait for when he's ready. Look Gristlette,sometimes you just have to ask if you truly want to know the answers now...It's going to feel hard to but, maybe you will be surprised by the end result...",Branch says.

Gristlette thinks about Branch's words. Branch is right! Branch gives the best romance advice. The Bergen Queen is going have to get an engagement ring.

Meanwhile with Bridge, he and his male troll friends are at a jewelry shop. The guys are helping Bridge with his proposal. Bridge wants to ask Gristlette to marry him but,he needs a little help. Bridge doesn't like lying to his girlfriend but,he didn't want to ruin the surprise.

The group look at different rings. The male trolls stand on the glass display and counter. Then a Bergen comes out with a bunch of rings. He shows it to Bridge and the trolls. Each ring is gold and has a different coloured diamond. Each ring looks pretty. Poppy pulls out one of the rings. It has a white diamond on it.

" How about this one?",Poppy says as he looks at the ring.

Poppy gives the ring to Bridge. The Bergen takes the ring and looks at it. The ring looks okay to Bridge. It is not really what he is looking for.

"It's okay, I guess...", Bridge comments.

Then the seller comes back with two black ring boxes. She puts the ring boxes down on the display counter. She opens the ring boxes one by one. One of the rings immediately stand out to Bridge. He just found the perfect ring for Gristlette.

The next few nights, Bridge and Gristlette are having a date at a fancy restaurant. The Bergen couple let out a laugh. They are having a good time. The Bergen Queen takes a sip of her drink. Gristlette is wearing a new red dress with her Queen crown and red heels. Bridge is wearing a nice light blue suit and black dress shoes.

Gristlette is still working on her proposal but, Bridge has his ready to go. Either of them knew about each other's proposals. Bridge feels that now is the perfect moment to propose. He smiles at his girlfriend.

Then the male Bergen gets out of chair. Bridge gets onto one knee in front of Gristlette. He pulls out the ring box and opens it. Gristlette gasps in surprise as she sees the beautiful ring. The ring is gold with a silver heart shaped crystal.

"Will you marry me?", Bridge asks.

The Bergen Queen is very happy! This is like a dream come true! She immediately answers her boyfriend.

"Yes!", Gristlette yells happily.

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