Two Worlds Meet

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Wall E AU

Earth was once healthy and green but, then a large natural changed everything! Many trolls and Bergens were in big despair over how everything was basically destroyed. Soon the troll leaders and the Bergen leaders came up with plan. Most the Bergen and most of the trolls got on a very,very super large holiday advance spaceship with all the leaders on board. As the remaining populations stayed on their planet to take care of all the damage more disaster came! Bergen Town was flooded by a great flood! Most of the trolls managed to survive but,most of the Bergens didn't...

Soon the Bergens on the planet all died but, the trolls managed to keep themselves alive and had did their best to honour the dead Bergens. The planet was still a big mess. After a very long while, instead of the Bergens and trolls who went to space coming back they never returned... Soon as the new troll generations grew up their history became forgotten...

A century passes, the whole planet has gotten better naturally but,Bergen Town still messy. All the trolls in the world had moved into Bergen town long ago. The trolls became one mixed music tribe. Many trolls ( AN: but is still small compared to those living in space) are busy keeping the plants alive. The town looks better than before but, there are still bricks all over and most of the buildings are still being redone. The town is being shared with all the different kinds of trolls. Nobody lives in the large Pop Troll Tree but, it is treated with care and love.

In the large Bergen castle, many trolls walk around and are working. It has been turned into a castle version of an bunker. The Queen of all the trolls,Queen Branch, walks to the front door. She is wearing a patchy dress and leaf vest. The blue troll is going to help with putting new plants in to fix the still a disaster of a town. The woman leaves the castle and stops to take in the view.

"Time to get my hands dirty.", Branch says to herself.

This Queen isn't the type who sits around afraid to get her hands dirty. Branch always made time for the projects she has in motion and to spend time with her people. Soon the Queen is planting flowers and medical plants in the large Garden park. All the trolls tend to the plants quietly and caring. Branch turns her head to see a young couple laughing softly. She smiles at the sight.

Nobody knew this but,the Queen is lonely with a passion for romance. For a long time she would wonder if there is someone for her... She feels alone in this world even know she is surrounded by trolls. The wind starts to pick up and the Queen notices this. The blue troll looks up and sees a signs of a big storm! Suddenly a funk troll runs over to Branch panicked!

" Queen Branch! A very powerful big storm is coming! It will be the biggest one this year! You need to get everyone to the castle! ",the funk troll says panicked.

Branch's eyes widen in shock and worry! The Queen gets up fast and pulls a megaphone out of her hair.


Every troll runs to the castle scared. Pets,babies with their injured mothers or injured fathers and injured trolls are carried into the castle on June's back,Branch's unofficial pet. Branch and a bunch of other trolls quickly close the doors as the storm hits. Doctors take the injured to the medical section. The Queen looks at her people still in the room. June walks over to the Queen's side.

"Is everyone here and okay?", Branch asks concerned.

Most of the trolls nod their heads slowly. A few hours later,Branch walks through one of the halls. The storm is still raging outside. She sees a door open slightly then walks to it. She opens it a little more then tries to turn on the lights. The lights don't work at all so the Queen makes her hair glow bright. She notices that she is in the messy storage room with stuff found all the large town. The trolls had brought all this random stuff here and leave it in hopes it could be fixed or reused one day. There are few other rooms like this.

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