Two Poppies,two different lives - Part 1

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High School AU + Fanasty AU

Poppy is happily leaves Trollworks with a smile on his face. He wears blue shirt,cool aqua baggy pants, Jean jacket and a couple small silver earrings and a Hug Time bracelet. Random trolls greet the popular boy happily as he passes them. The teen girls giggle to themselves as he replies back. The pink boy has a really good life and there is no denying that. The Pink troll wouldn't change life,except for one detail. Making his best friend,Branch, happy again and finally getting her talk more.

A grey girl with patchy black skirt with a green shirt and dull red jacket sits on the bench preparing to walk back to her bunker as he spots her. Poppy's smile becomes fonder and immediately walks over to her. Branch has always been a mystery to him but, that only made him more curious.

" Hey Branch!", Poppy greets out happily.

" Oh... hey Poppy. ", Branch says softly.

The grey girl smiles softly as she gets back to standing. Then the happy teen notices some marks on her arms like look like bruises. These marks would appear every now and then but, Poppy never knew why though. It worries him actually.

" What's that mark on your arm?", Poppy asks concerned.

" It's nothing... ", Branch lies not wanting talk.

Branch would always keep things like this secret from him. No matter how hard he tried Branch would never open up like the way he hoped she would. It both annoys him and make him feel like he is doing something wrong. Before the popular boy could press any further Branch quickly greeted him then walked away awkwardly. Poppy let's out a sad sigh then turns around to walk home. As he walked he couldn't stop thinking about Branch.

" Why can't Branch just talk to me? I wish life was different...", Poppy says softly and honestly.

Little did he know that wish would change everything... Suddenly a wormhole opened up out of nowhere and pulled him in! Then he fell onto the ground in a world that seemed almost identical to his! Poppy gets up and notices a mirror in front of him floating. On the other side it showed a grey version of him wearing a dark grey hoodie and simple blue jeans. They both share the same shocked expression. Then suddenly and magically their clothing and appearances switched within a few seconds!

" What the heck is the going on?", the other Poppy says confused and unhappily.

" Easy. You both made the same wish so I put you both in each other's worlds and take on each other's lives. Neither of you said how you wanted your Life to be different. ", a mysterious voice says calmly echoing around the empty area of green.

Both Poppies look around for the source of the voice but, couldn't see who was talking. Then they both looked back at the magical mirror and realizes it was from the mirror. The mirror glows goldenly and reveals a female Trairy. She smiles at them softly.

" This is of course temporary. You each experience your new lives til this mirror starts glowing again becoming a portal but, I won't tell you how long that will be. The way I see it you both need some help and only yourselves can fix that. I'll be watching to make sure nothing extreme happens. ", the Tairy says calmly.

Then the Trairy disappears and the mirror becomes so small it fits in an hand. It has stopped glowing as Poppy holds it looking at the other version of himself who looks like he wants scream.

" Why does this have to happen?! How could this get any worse?", the other Poppy says unhappily.

" Relax. I'm sure it won't be so bad. ", Poppy says hoping for the best.

" Yes. It will! My life which you are taking on isn't a piece of cake! We should probably tell each other our lives and pretend to be each other so nobody gets suspicious. The last thing I need is trouble! ", the other Poppy says seriously and awkwardly.

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