In Ancient Greece

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Ancient Greece AU

AN: Poppy = Poppyleus
Branch = Branchilless
Biggie = Biggaleus
Gal Cloud = Heavens
Gal Diamond - Queen Galdis

A long time ago in Ancient Greece,there was solider named Poppyleus. He is said to be one of the greatest warriors. One day,he went to train with one of the other great warriors, Biggaleus. At the training field both warriors had their large scissors. Poppyleus is wearing Roman soldier armor.

Their training fight is good but, soon it comes to an end. Poppyleus had won. Heavens up above claps for great battle with some popcorn with her. Then she sees a certain female warrior who basically walk very gently into the training field.

"Oh so now Branchilless is here? How long will it take for her to hurt her feet this time? ", Heavens comments entertained.

Branchilless is ,almost, a invulnerable warrior. Every part of her body,except for her feet, can't be harmed at all no matter! Her feet are known to be weak and very sensitive but, she still manages to keep fighting. Branchilless is wearing a white Roman dress with very soft and cozy socks and sandals. She has a wooden sword in her hand.

Poppyleus turns around and sees the beautiful warrior standing near by putting her bangs out of her eyes. He had never seen her before. Her beauty catches his eye like nobody else. A smile spreads across his face then without thinking Poppyleus walks over to Branchilless.

" Hadn't seen you here before. Hi I'm Poppyleus... ",Poppyleus introduces himself.

Branchilless turns around and sees him. A small smile spreads across her face as she's looks at the handsome troll. She had seen him around before but,he never noticed her and they never talked to each other. The female warrior folds her arms as she smiles at the male warrior.

" Well,I have seen you. The name's Branchilless...", Branchilless introduces herself.

Poppyleus is a little surprised by her then smiles happily at her. She is the legendary Branchilless? The invulnerable Branchilless? How have he not seen her before?

"Well it's nice to meet you. Do you fight here often?", Poppyleus says happily.

" I do every now and then...",Branchilless says honestly.

Then another warrior gets between the two warriors. He is one of newer ones and very cocky about how the other warriors he fought in training didn't beat him yet. Now he is pushing for big and the best leads.

" Look who it is. Poppyleus and Branchilless. Well isn't that nice?",the younger warrior says.

Branchilless and Poppyleus both become annoyed in that moment. This guy has been trying to get them to fight him for a long period of time but, they have refused him of what he wanted.

"Not him again...", Branchilless comments annoyed.

" Wait. Does he bother you for a fight too?",Poppyleus says a little surprised.

Branchilless nods her head while giving him a look that says an not thrilled "Yes". He gets the message quickly. Both great warriors turn to the rookie between who is being on purposely annoying.

" I bet I can take on both of you at the same time right now... ",the Rookie warrior says cocky.

Branchilless and Poppyleus share a look and a smile having a short conversation. They both are thinking of the same idea. Then they quickly nod to each other. The Rookie is going to get what he has been asking for.

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