June Doesn't Like Everyone

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Branch is hanging out with the rest of the Snack Pack and June. They are in the outskirts of the village playing with the dog. June rolls over near Branch then rubs his large head against her standing body gently. He is trying to get her to pet him. The others are in awe by how cute the dog is being. Poppy chuckles knowing June's tricks well.

" Okay,you overgrown puppy. ", Branch laughs happily.

The blue troll starts petting her dog making his tail wag and stopping him from constantly rubbing his head against her. Poppy and the others join in the petting happily. They love having June around. He is so adorable and lovable unless your on June's bad side. That only happens if he finds out or sees you hurting Branch. There are only a few trolls on June's bad side.

" Aww! He's so cute!",Poppy says happily and adoringly.

June happily barks at all of the affection. He likes the Snack Pack. They always play with him and sometimes give him treats. Their treats weren't as good as Branch's treats but, he still liked eating them. Biggie stops petting June as Mrs Dinkles meeps at the dog happily. June sniffs Fuzzette. The fuzzling's hair tickles his nose making him sneeze. Everyone had stopped petting the dog when he sneezed.

" Hey Branch? Where did you find this cutie?",DJ asks curious.

" Oh, I had heard him make a sound close by one day when I was in the woods. It sounded like someone was hurt or in trouble so i just followed it since i don't usually hear that. Then i saw this big guy as a puppy between two trees with a hurt paw and scared. I couldn't just walk away and leave him there so i just helped him out... Since that day he just kept on coming to me whenever he caught my scent or saw me in the forest and just stayed . At first it I found it annoying but,after a while we started bonding then I started training him. ",Branch says honestly and calmly.

June looks at Branch smiling happily then moves his head around slowly curious. Branch had trained him to spot danger so if anything was coming he could warn her or protect. The Snack Pack find Branch and June's first meet cute but,when they hear about June being trained it makes their ears perk! Some of them even gasp in delight  wondering what June can do.

"Can he do any dazzling tricks? He could  maybe make my fantastic shows greater!",Gal says curious and proud.

"He's not a show dog,Gal.",Branch says blankly.

June isn't paying attention to the trolls around as he looks around. An confused and suspicious look appears on the dog's face as a faint and familiar scent of lavender and strongly ,toxic to June's level of smell, scented mediation candles! The male dog growls to himself lowly and his eyes become sharper as he looks at the direction of the village. He recognizes the horrible scent putting him on alert! June hates the troll coming any moment! The Snack Pack notice June's sudden behaviour and look up at him confused. Branch immediately recognizes June's behavior so she looks at him concerned and serious knowing  something is wrong!

" What's wrong,Bud? Where's the danger?",Branch asks on alert.

The rest of the Pack looks at Branch confused and unsure about what is going on. None of them had picked up something bad so they wonder what is ticking June off. Branch turns around to the direction June is looking at. June slowly stands up as the scent gets stronger! The Snack Pack follows Branch's example to see what is bothering June. Then suddenly they see Creek being carried by a beetle meditating coming their way.

"For the love of everything good...",Branch says lowly annoyed.

June growls angrily becoming protective. He never liked Creek from the first moment he saw her and sniffed her! He could sense that something about her wasn't good and was proven right after he saw what Creek did to Branch! The Snack Pack see Creek but, don't understand what is the problem. The bug brings Creek over to the group and it puts her gently on the ground in front of them. The guru opens her eyes with a big attention loving smile. Branch just ignores her rival as she turns back to her pet dog shaking her head.

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