Drunken Pack

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Warning:A Lemon is a in part of this but not very detailed. Just hinted.

The Snack Pack have went out to a party but, things got a little out of hand...Alcohol was introduced at the party which is very rare in Pop Village. The alcohol was not very strong. The drinks were in the weak sections when compared to others. The group never had tried this kind of drink before...It tastes different to them. Then they all started drinking too much when they were talked into playing a simple drinking for a few minutes. They all got drunk so faster. At the end of the party they are very drunk,especially since they all have a low level for drinking. The Snack Pack had drunkenly said good bye to most of each other as the group split - up.

As they leave party it was clear that they are drunk. Satin and Chenille have each other's arm around their shoulders. It is a attempt to balance themselves as they walk. The twins still are walking off balance as they walk to their pod.  The alcohol had especially brought out their loving sides.

"I love you", Satin told Chenille.

" I love you too,brother ",Chenille tells Satin.

Smidge have walked to Millie's pod wanting to hug her and not let go. When he reached the door he almost lost his balance as he knocked on the door. Millie is surprised to find her drunk boyfriend at door. She quickly picks him up and puts him on her couch. The moment Millie put him down Smidge hugs and does not let go.

" Your so beautiful ",he says.

Gal Diamond, Coop and DJ Suki wonder around Pop Village. Looking for something funny to do. They keep on laughing. Then Gal buys a big Smidge sized bag of marsh mellows from a salesman in the market.

"Coop, I dare you to do the marsh mellow challenge!", Gal dares.

Fuzzette drunkenly dances and sings to her pod. Soon she reaches her pod and tries push her pod door open. It didn't budge. Then she slips and lands on her but. It didn't hurt since she is drunk. Her keys fall out her hair making her laugh. She picks them up and uses them to open her door. Once she does unlock it and she pushes it open. Fuzzette is pulled by the door as it moves forward.

Biggie tries to open her door but, fails. It was locked... Then Mrs Dinkles suggest she get her keys. Mrs Dinkles is a little drunk cause Biggie gave her a few sips from her drink earlier. Mrs Dinkles is not as drunk as Biggie. She almost drop Mrs Dinkles as she tries to get her pod keys from her hair. Then she pulls them out.

" You should stay in one place when I put you in my hair...",Biggie tells her keys.

She tries to put her pod door key in the key hole but,misses a lot. Biggie brings her keys to face. She's little upset with her keys.

"Stay still,please.", Biggie tells her keys.

Biggie tries again to get of her keys in the key hole. She manages to get it in this time.

" Good Job,keys",Biggie cheers.

Branch and Poppy get into Branch's Bunker. The couple makes out heatedly in the evaluator as it went down. Poppy has his arms wrapped around her waist keeping her close. Poppy deepens the kiss loving and passionately. Their desire for each other increases. This moment feels so right to them. They are going to feel each other's love tonight...

The next morning the whole group has an hangover! Last night,Branch and Poppy had a very good and loving night! Poppy and Branch happily and peacefully sleep in Branch's bed without any clothes on. They are only covered by a green blanket. Their clothes laid on the floor by the bed. The couple is cuddling as they sleep. Then as Poppy slowly wakes up his head immediately starts hurting! On a scale from 1 to 10,Poppy will give it a 20!He immediately reacted causing Branch to wake up!He groans in pain. Branch opens her eyes and feels her hangover hitting her brain like it has nothing to lose. She groans too from the pain. Neither of them felt like moving cause of the hangover.

Millie stands next to her bed in her yellow nightgown. She lightly shakes Smidge while telling him to wake up. Smidge wakes up in Millie's bed. He slept in his clothes. Smidge was hugging Millie all night. He feels the hangover begin!He wants to die! Smidge groans as she talks cause even her soft voice made his head hurt.

Satin and Chenille wakes up on their couch as the sun shines on their faces. The window was wide open. They wake up and let out some groans. Their heads hurt like crazy. They immediately shut their eyes as quickly as they open.

"Satin,please close the window", Chenille begs.

" okay",Satin replies.

Satin tries to get up but, falls off the red couch. He lands on the floor hard. As a result Chenille falls off too cause their hair is conjoined. He lands next to Satin. They both groan in pain at the same time after it happens.

Coop,DJ and Gal wakes up on the floor of Coop's pod. For some reason Coop was using the empty Marsh Mellow bag as a pillow? They didn't want to get up. Their eyes stay close and they groan. Coop's head starts feeling dizzy and starts feeling sick so she quickly gets up and runs to the kitchen sink. She throws up heavily. DJ suddenly feels his tummy turn. He gets up and runs to the bathroom to throw up.

Fuzzette wakes up on the floor by her closed pod door. Her buttom feels sore. Her head feels dizzy. She tries to get up but, once she was standing she could not walk properly. Fuzzette lost her balance as she tries to take one step and falls down.

Biggie wakes on her bed with Mrs Dinkles sleeping in her hair. Biggie feels sick like a dog! She makes a run for the bathroom. Mrs Dinkles wakes up and feels dizzy.

Then an hour later the Snack Pack and Millie meet up in the outdoor section of an coffee shop. The whole Snack Pack is wearing sunglasses. Some of them rub their foreheads. The hungover trolls mostly stay quiet. Everyone had a Breakfast meal in front of them.

"Never again", the Snack Pack comments.

" Wow,you guys really went for it at the party...",Millie comments softly.

The pack nods their heads up and down. Branch pulls a small container of painkillers from her hair. As she opens it the others look at her. Branch notices them.

" Want a painkiller? ", she offers.

The other hungover trolls nod. Branch takes one painkiller then hands the container to her boyfriend. Then she takes her coffee and drinks down the pill. The drinking game was fun but, the hangover is horrible...

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