Two Poppies,two different lives - Part 4

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High School AU/Fanasty AU

The pink Poppy sits on the couch of the living room in the house angstly. School should be over by now so Branch should be on her way here. That made him feel more scared and worry if doing this was a mistake. He couldn't stop himself from second guessing himself and his choices that brought him to this point.

" I chose to do this so... I gotta stop being such a chicken...", Poppy says to himself unhappily.

Then he heard a knock at the door! His ears perk a little as he turns his head to the door. It must be Branch. The troll slowly gets up and nervously walks over to the door. He stares at the door for a second then let's out a breath he was holding in unknowingly at first. There is no turning back now.

Poppy opens the door slowly and nervously revealing the troll he was waiting for. Branch had a light folder in her hands. It was all the work that he had missed and today's homework. She thought that by bringing him this he will be able to catch up. Poppy awkwardly invites her to come in. Branch wonders why he has been so awkward lately as she walks in and takes a seat on the couch. She knew that something was off about him and felt that for a while now.

" Is your mom home?",Branch asks simply.

" No. It's just us... She had to do some stuff to do.", Poppy replies awkwardly.

He closes the door behind then awkwardly joins her on the couch. Branch watched him expecting him to say something but, there was just awkward silence for a few seconds. Branch coughs feeling uncomfortable with all the silence.

" So what was it that you wanted to talk about?", Branch says softly and calmly.

" Hmmm... You know how I have been acting kind of different lately? ",Poppy says a little nervously.

Branch raises an eyebrow at Poppy. Kind of different? He act more than just a little different when compared to the Poppy she knew! The pink troll notices the look she is giving him as she spoke. It was clear that she noticed more than he thought she did.

" Kind of?", Branch questions.

" Okay. A lot but, there is reason for that... I - I - I'm not who you think I am... ", Poppy replies honestly then nervously and softly.

" What do you mean?", Branch says confused.

Meanwhile in the other world... The grey Poppy is simply hanging out with the popular Branch. They are in her house completely alone. Branch gently and neatly places her bag on the couch. The house was modest and simple on the outside but, the inside is more loud and proud. Branch's parents didn't care if their different styles in a home combined weren't perfection. It is their home and will always be their family's home.

" Do you want anything to drink?", Branch asks politely and kindly.

" Nah. I'm good. ", Poppy replies honestly.

Branch sits down next to her bag as she rests her phone on the coffee table. It starts to ding receiving texts and messages as she takes out one of her school books from her bag. Poppy noticed how she didn't even bothered to check her phone but, he didn't think about it much. It is probably some of her other friends. Then when Branch finally picked up her phone she became very annoyed.

"I thought I blocked that idiot!", Branch exclaims annoyed.

" Who are you talking about?", Poppy replies confused.

" It's just my ex... He decided to quote " Forgive me for breaking up with him and that he will take me back"... Can't believe that I actually dated him. ", Branch replies bitterly.

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