Electric Sparks - Part 4

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Modern AU/Superheroes AU/Human AU

A cat chased a ball of yawn Poppy was using as he updated an old scrapbook. A scrapbook he made to remember Branch by when he thought he would never see her again. He cut a small piece not taking a break to breathe from talking. Coop who looked almost identical to her twin,minus the longer and dread locks hair, grinned listening to her friend's story. She sat across from the couch on a beanbag. Poppy's mouth fired words at record breaking speeds.

" I was like! I forgetten how to person! In front of her several times! That isn't like me. Why am I so freaked out? Branch wasn't mean or anything. Really understanding. Not that she wasn't understanding or nice before. She's just so- and is so beautiful - I mean - It's just- AGH! "

" Bro,chill! So what if you didn't know that she was giving you her number? You still got it. I call that a score on it's own. " A male voice spoke up from the kitchen.

Poppy turned his head towards it to see one of his best friends,Barbaro or Barb for short, raiding his fridge for beer. Barb was somewhat taller with a damaged ear and tattoos on his arms. His hair was dyed red but, his roots revealed his orginal hair colour which was black.  He pulled out a six pack ,which Poppy only got cause he knew Barbaro was coming over, breaking out one can from the plastic.

" Just don't be a creep or a weirdo and you'll be fine. " Barb advised.

" You make it sound simpler than it is. " Poppy commented.

Barb placed the rest of the six pack back into the  fridge. " And your overcomplicating it. " 

Barb walked out of the kitchen dragging a chair. He flipped it around so the back support would be facing both Poppy and Coop. Not caring how it looked from others perspectives,the man sat down on the chair opening the beer with his legs straddled. His left arm rested on top of the chair. Poppy's cat, Perky jumped into his owner's lap then stretched before laying down. The pet owner petted and stroked Perky from his head down to his back. Perky would happily pur occasionally.

"You should ask her out." Coop suggested.

" What? No! I'll scare her away and she'll have another target on her back. I'm surprised that she doesn't hate me. I hate me!"

" You need help,bro. Seriously. Therapy. " Barb rested his right arm over his left one.

" Why do you keep saying that? You don't even get it for yourself. " Poppy stated.

" One. Your walking baggage of guilt. Two. I actually do but, that's none of your fucking business. Three. I'm saying this one time only. Therapy. Get it,check yourself and figure your shit before Branch is a link on your arm. " 

As Barb listed the parts of her reponse,he lifted a finger for each point. He didn't like telling people he was in therapy due to the pity looks that he would get but, now he needed it to prove his point. His best friend wanted to hear that he practiced what he preached? Fine but, he wasn't going to give up details. Somethings should stay private.

" I'm not that bad... " Poppy paused. " Am I?"

" What  I said earlier. " Barb took another sip of his beer.

Poppy sighed still petting Perky. " I'm not asking Branch out. We just met yesterday."

" Then be her friend and get your shit together anyway. " Barb advised.

" I get it! I get it... Therapy. Maybe later..." 

A message alert ding went off lighting up Poppy's phone. Unable to move Coop grabbed it handing it over to him. She understood the cat rule of if they declare you their seat or bed don't move. Poppy gratefully nodded his head accepting her assistence. Tapping on the message Poppy found himself under Branch's contact. His eyes widen laying their sights on the text.

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