Branchella - Part 4

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Fairytale AU

Branch has been going to the next balls in secret. She and Poppy have been spending lots of them together at the balls. The two trolls had talked so much that they have gotten closer with sparks flying between them. Branch has become happier and smiles more often. Her grey appearance had become faint and greyish version of her true colours. The critters have noticed that Branch has been acting differently but,they  weren't the only ones.

Creek and Mr Guffin had noticed this as well. The two trolls are a little supisous of this. They also been trying to spy on  the mystery troll who has been taking the Prince's attention away every time she steps into the ball for six nights straight! Mr Guffin tried to talk to her but,Branch always manages to avoid Mr Guffin. She didn't want him to figure out it was her because, she knows he has gotten a little suspicious of her at the balls. Luckily for her he wouldn't think it was her cause she has her true colours at the balls.

Branch sweeps the attic floor with dreamy look in her eyes. There is a smile on her face. She daydreams about Poppy. Without knowing it Branch starts waltzing with the broom as she sweeps. Some of the critters help her sweeps but,then they slowly stop as they notice Branch waltzing. She moves gracefully with her eyes closed.

Meanwhile in the castle garden,Poppy sits on a wooden bench. He has a dreamy look in his eyes and smile on his face as well. He daydreams about Branch. The Prince let's out a happy sighs.

"Can't wait to see her again...", Poppy admits honestly and in love without knowing that he is in love.

Soon it is night and ball has started. Branch walks into the ballroom in her special clothes. Prince Poppy quickly walks to her excited. He immediately hugs her while greeting her happily.

" Poppy,you act like you have not seen me in long time." Branch comments playfully.

Then Poppy let's out a laugh as he breaks the hug. The Prince takes a hold of Branch's hand with a sweet smile. Soon they start dancing getting lost in their own world. Queen Peppy notices that Poppy is with Branch again with a look on his face that she immediately recognized. Peppy is no fool to what is going on. She had noticed the two have something going on between them. It is clear that her son has fallen in love with Branch. She smiles at how happy they look together.

"There's something I want to show...", Poppy says excited.

The blue troll looks the prince confused. Poppy takes her to the Royal garden. Branch is even more confused. She didn't understand what Poppy wanted to show her here. The Prince guides her to the middle of the garden to a secret place of the garden.

" Poppy?",Branch asks confused.

The troll Prince turns to her with his smile still on his face.

"Close your eyes!", Poppy says softly.

" Why?", Branch asks confused.

"Just trust me...", Poppy encourages.

Branch nods her head then closes her eyes. Poppy is still holding her hand. He guides her into the most beautiful part of the garden. They in front of the bench. Poppy smiles as he tells Branch to open her eyes. She is amazed by the beauty of the garden.

" This is beautiful! ",Branch exclaims.

' Not as beautiful as you...',Poppy thinks.

The two trolls look around at the garden a little then sit on the bench. They talk for a hour completely lost in their own world.

" I honestly forgotten that I have to pick girl at the end of the ball.",Poppy admits.

"Well,whoever you choose will be lucky.", Branch replies honestly.

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