Haunted house - Part 2

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Human AU + Horror AU

A few scary moments later;Max,Randy,Belle and Peppy run into Branch's room worried and scared! Max turns on the lights and what they see shocks them! They see Branch and Poppy hugging each other while sitting on the floor against the wall. The children are shaking in terror and crying with their eyes closed as they hold onto each other for dear life! There bodies are covered in deep scratches all over,their clothes torn and their hair messy! They look pale too in that moment. Branch and Poppy don't even look at the adults since they are still in shock and terrified.

The adults runs over to the children worried. When Peppy tries to pick up Poppy he holds on tighter to Branch and screams in fear! Branch does the same as Max touches her shoulder! It breaks the adults' hearts and freak them out. Peppy gets on her knees next her son concerned. She has some tears in her eyes.

"Poppy... Shh! Sweetie,it's okay. I'm here. It's me,mom...", Peppy says trying to comfort her son.

Poppy opens his eyes and looks at his mother. He immediately let's go of Branch and tackles his mother with a hug while yelling " MOM!". He continues to cry as Peppy hugs back and tries her best to comfort him. Branch curls up into a ball fast not wanting to be touched at all!

"Branch, what happened?", Max asks concerned.

" GO AWAY! ", Branch yells upset.

Max,Belle and Randy are taken back by her reaction. They didn't know how to help Branch. They look at Peppy then all the adults share a look of concern.

Several moments later, Branch and Poppy sit on the bed in the bedroom. Belle and Peppy are treating the children's wounds. Branch hisses in pain as Belle puts some alcohol on one of the open scratches.

Meanwhile down stairs, Randy and Max are in the kitchen. Max paces back and forth trying figure out what happened. Randy listens to Max as he makes something nice for Branch and Poppy to drink. Randy hopes it will make them feel a little better.

" How long was I outside? Who did it to them? How did they get in the first place? Where did they leave go? Why did whoever attack the kids attack them? This doesn't make any sense! ",Max says upset.

Randy let's out a sigh. He has theory of what happened. He had watched many ghost shows and even had his own encounters. Based off how freaked out the children are and their scratches Randy has a bad feeling there's a evil ghost in the house now... And it has a thing for children...

" How about I just talk to Branch and Poppy after they calm down a little? It will help us find out what happened and who did it... ",Randy suggests.

Max stops pacing then looks at his brother. He isn't really sure if it would work. Talking about what happened might be the last thing Branch and Poppy will want to talk about.

" Do you really think that they would open up about it?",Max says unsure.

" You won't know if you don't try...",Randy replies.

A few more moments later,the women and the children slowly come down the stairs. Branch and Poppy have bandages on their bodies and a few plasters. They don't say a single word as they walk. When Branch and Poppy see the living room they quickly share a look and back away into the kitchen. Peppy and Belle didn't know what to make of their behavior but, they knew it wasn't normal.

Peppy is just about to talk to Max about the children's safety but, Randy accidentally grabs her attention as he tries to comfort Poppy and Branch. Poppy and Branch sit next to each at the table. Poppy is the first one to try the warm relaxing tea. Branch is a little hesitant about the tea at first. Randy sits down at the table and so does Belle and Max. Peppy frowns as she sits down at the table close to Poppy. She had never been in this situation before...

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