Hidden in the Underworld - Part 2

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Greek Mythology AU/Hercules AU

AN: Poppy - Popsephone
Branch - Brades
Peppy - Pemeter
Gal Diamond - Galionysus
Creek - Crercissus

Thanatos had brought Popsephone to and into the Underworld. Popsephone gets into a small boat with Thanatos. A servant of Brades rows the boat across the River of souls. Popsephone notices how dull and depressing Hades looks. It is nothing like Mount Olympus.

As they went further Popsephone notices and looks at the three headed massive dog with orange and yellow fur they slowly passed. The dog watches them standing still. It was the closest to bright Popsephone saw so far. Thanatos notices his small reaction.

" That's June. He's Brades's guarddog and pet. As long as your with me or you don't do anything stupid he will be nice or won't bother you.", Thanatos explains.

" He doesn't look scary like Cerberus. ", Popsephone comments quietly.

The servant rows the boat closer to the side then stopped. They had reached their stopping point. Thanatos steps out of the boat onto the smooth rock sidewalk as Popsephone realizes that the boat had stopped. Soon they find the throne room where Brades sits. Popsephone could see her sitting down reading a book. To his surprise her hair looked more black than blue and her skin was a little more grey however her nose was lighter blue.

" Why does she look different?", Popsephone says quietly to himself.

" That's just the lighting making her look more dull. It hits different from sunlight. You look more dull too. ", Thanatos explains.

The pink immortal looks at his arms. They do look more dull like Brades. Looks like this world does make everything look more depressing. Popsephone starts wondering what it is like to be here for so long like Brades did. It doesn't seem like there are many fun things to do down here.

"Brades! Guess who?", Thanatos calls out.

Brades lifts her head from her book surprised to hear Thanatos. She isn't wearing her cape and crown. The Queen has tall candle holders behind her comfortable and black and grey throne. There is a small table with a bowl of Underworld fruit next to her. This room is the most bright out of all of Hades. Then Thanatos and Popsephone happily walk into the room surprising the Queen more. Popsephone has a big friendly smile on his face.

" What's going on? Why is Popsephone here? ", Brades says confused.

" I want to invite you to my party. It's this afternoon. ",Popsephone says happily as he walks closer to her.

Popsephone takes her crafted invitations out of the basket and shows it to her. Brades looks at the invitation then back up at him. She didn't understand why an handsome God like Popsephone would want her at his parties. She didn't even have a parent who was a god or godness.

" Why do you want me to come to your parties so much?", Brades asks.

" Cause you deserve to have fun like everyone else. Maybe even more since your always working. ", Poppy says honestly and happily.

Brades just blinks then turns her head towards Thanatos. Popsephone seemed to know much more about her than most of the other Gods and Goddnesses which he did. He would ask Thanatos questions about Brades a lot. He really wanted to know more about her.

" How much have you told him about me? ", Brades says seriously.

" I answered all of his questions. I was the only one he could ask anyway. It's not like he knew how to reach you. ", Thanatos answers honestly and amused.

The God of Death laughs at his own words while Brades just glares at him. Popsephone looks at the Underworld fruit in the bowl. It looked different from what he is use to. Then without thinking he picks up one of them curiously but, it didn't go unnoticed by Brades and Thanatos! It caused both of them to panick immediately.

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