Lady Star - Part 1

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Famous Star AU

Branch puffs upset as she walks through the village. Everyone is doing something great but,not her! The Snack Pack were talking about their great achievements but, at this point it just sounds like "rubbing it in your face" bragging to Branch! Everyone has done something important that makes their lives special. Branch is tired of being the only boring troll that did nothing special or achieved nothing! She is jealous of everyone.

Then suddenly a flyer flying in the wind hits her face! Branch stops in her tracks and takes the flyer off her face. She crumbles it into a ball of paper and throws it into the near by bin. She starts walking away from the bin still upset. Another flyers flies to her and gets caught in her hair. Branch stops walking and grabs the flyer angrily but, instead of getting rid of it she calms down and decides to look at it.

Branch opens the flyer and reads it quietly to herself. It shows another village. A village with a great singing contest. The best singer wins a chance to sing at the other village's greatest stage. In that moment Branch gets an idea and decides to use her angelic singing voice to finally achieve something. A small smile that says "I have a plan" spreads across her face. Her mind is now made up.

Days later,Branch takes a lot of her stuff to sell in the market. She is going to move away and this stuff won't be necessary to keep. She has her booth set and her stuff set out. Soon most of Branch's things are sold. A male troll named Baha walks up to her.

"Hey Branch. Why are you selling your stuff?", Baha says friendly and confused.

" Hi Baha. I'm moving away to another village so everything I'm not taking has to go!",Branch says blankly.

This shocked Baha and the other trolls at or near the booth! They all look at her shocked and wide eyed! They couldn't believe what they heard! Everyone who heard Branch gasps in shock! Soon the news quickly spreads to the whole village and everyone is talking about Branch moving.

The next day,Branch is about to leave the bunker with more of stuff to sell. When she steps out she sees the Snack Pack. They look at her shocked.

"Your Moving Away!", the Snack Pack say together shocked.

Branch just gives them look. She knew this would happen. The blue woman ignores their shock as she responds.

" Yes,I am.",Branch says blankly.

She starts walking away to the village with her big box of stuff. Poppy and the rest of the pack run after her quickly. They block her path wanting answers. Poppy is the most shocked out of the whole group. It breaks his heart at the idea of her leaving.

" But,why? When did you decide this? ",Poppy asks shocked and unhappy.

" 1) To make a name for myself. 2) Eight days ago. Now can you please get out of my way. I'm moving away and you can't change my mind. ",Branch says honestly softly.

Then most of the group frown and stepped aside. Branch walks passed Poppy then the rest of them. Poppy turns around with the most unhappy expression. They turn around and watch her sadly. They couldn't just let her leave. Poppy especially couldn't let her go. The king starts running after her again.

After two long weeks everyone in the village have been trying to convince Branch to stay. Especially Poppy and the Snack Pack. None of them understand why Branch would want to leave but, her mind is set on moving. No matter what they did or said nothing worked. Soon almost everyone stopped trying to get her to stay. They just figured that Branch will eventually come back.

Poppy is the only one who didn't give up on her but, in the end when it was time for Branch to leave he let her leave. Poppy wanted her to be happy and hopes with all his heart that she will come back. It hurt both of them to say " Good Bye" to each other but, Branch and Poppy stayed quiet about their sadness and heartbreak during the moment.

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