Two Poppies,two different lives - Part 2

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High School AU + Fanasty AU

The grey female troll eats her lunch in peace as the other troll at the table does the same. He simply enjoyed the silence with her. Branch notices how he hadn't said a thing. It's that there is something wrong with him not talking. It's just it rarely happened and cause of that Branch found it a bit strange.

" Are you okay?", Branch asks calmly and concerned.

" Yeah. Why?", Poppy says calmly and honestly.

" Oh nothing. I'm not use to you being so silent. Are you sure you don't want sit with some of your other friends? You don't have to always sit with me or invite me everytime your sitting with someone...", Branch replies honestly and calmly.

Poppy notices that she just said the same thing he did last week with his Branch. He recognized the same subtle emotions in her voice despite her voice being calm. He relates to her in that moment. He felt like he was burden sometimes and clearly to him she felt something close to that.

" Well I just like hanging sitting with you. We don't have to talk unless you want to... Is there sometimes you want to talk about?",Poppy says calmly and caringly.

Branch temporary paused in that moment. The way he spoke it was sounded a little different from the way he usually spoke. It was more calm and soft like he was more willing to listen than cheerful with talkive energy and always something to add. She wasn't sure if she wanted to say something or go back to the silence.

Then the grey teen just went back to eating trying to ignore the thoughts in her head. Poppy just does the same instead of trying to get her to talk. That caused grey Branch to look at him when he wasn't looking then back at her food. The awkward silence just stayed for a while.

Back with the grey Cheerful Poppy... The blue Branch was simply sitting down after spending a minute vouching for Poppy. Some of the other popular trolls had left the table because, they didn't want to sit with the grey one. This incident reminded Poppy of when he had to do this just to sit with his Branch at lunch. He liked the fire this world's Branch had in her.

" Hm... Branchiegirl? Felix is coming over...", one of the other popular girls warns.

Poppy wonders who is Felix as Branch didn't seem happy at all! She groans under her breath hoping God heard her. Felix is one of those very annoying guys from the parties she went to who strongly believe they have a chance with her but, she doesn't even like him at all! She was just being polite whenever they talked!

Sadly seems like God didn't hear her. Felix sits on the other side of Branch. Poppy had a feeling that he was the one the other troll was referring to. He looked like he could be basketball player and made Poppy feel small in comparison. Branch didn't seem fond of Felix as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

" Hey Beautiful. Where have you been this morning?", Felix flirts.

" Let's see I had to help a friend, cheer at the School Spirit Pep Ralley and had classes... Don't you have somewhere else to be? I'm sure your team will like you to sit with them. ", Branch says with a mix of politeness and confidence.

Felix didn't take the hint. The longer he stayed the more Poppy wanted to say something. Then Felix put his hand on Branch's thigh and said something that triggered both Branch and Poppy,especially Poppy. Branch was just about to slap him when Poppy beat her to chasing him off! It shocked everyone at the table!

" Dude, take the hint and leave or else I'm gonna remove you myself!", Poppy says angrily with a fire in his eyes.

" And what are you do to do that? You can't even bring yourself to punch someone even if your life depended on it. Face it, Shrimp. You got no balls. ", Felix says mockingly.

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