Electric Sparks - Part 3

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Modern AU/Superheroes AU/Human AU

Poppy caught Branch as her body became heavier and collapsed from the unusual outburst of electricity! She never used so much of it before due to how draining it could become sometimes. Her body wasn't used to outputing massive amounts so of course it would take away a large portion of her energy from her. Branch was a litteral battery that could recharge and store an unlimited amount.

The cable was already put back into it's proper place so Darnell and Poppy were sololy focused on Branch and her worrisome state. To say that they were both panicking over Branch's current state was a correct assumption to make. Darnell ran into her house to get something for her drained friend to eat. Anytning would do. Poppy gently lowered Branch to ground as she rested her head against his chest. He had his arms wrapped around her and continued to hold Branch as she closed her eyes laying still. Branch felt completely safe in Poppy's arms. It was so familiar and yet also foreign to her.

The hero looked down at nearly asleep woman he was holding worried. He didn't know what to do. Poppy's heart beated rapidly from the stress of the situation. Was she going to be okay? Was this normal for her? He hoped not but, that also made the situation worse. What if Branch ended up falling into another comma or sick? What if she accidentally harmed herself internally or physically? The nearest undercover superhuman hospital was miles away!

Darnell rushed back to the two with first edible thing she managed to find. She got on her knees breaking the wrapper apart as Poppy positioned their friend into sitting up. Branch's eyes kept opening and closing like she was fighting to stay awake but, her body demanded sleep. Feeding the living battery didn't have an immediate on surface affect however the leftover unstable and subtle sparks from her finger tips stablized ending the tingling feeling in Branch's hands. Soon Poppy and Darnell had moved Branch to the guest room of Darnell's house so she could sleep comfortably. 

Poppy stared Branch as she peacefully slept lost to his mind with memories playing like a movie. Memories that gave the hero an sense of savior's guilt. How he failed to save her sooner. He could still remember and invision her laying in a hospital bed trapped in a coma. He had visited her everday until she was awake and discharged but, then she was taken away by her uncle. Poppy knew that Branch sleeping right now wasn't the same as a coma. However the same unwanted feelings and thoughts lingered never disappearing. 

" This is kinda normal for her. She just over did it this time. It's my fault that it happened,Pop. Branch should be okay when she's up. " Darnell interrupted Poppy's thoughts.

Poppy moved his gaze his friend's sister nodding his head. " So how did you meet Branch again?"

" I was a intern and found her in the testing room. She was out of the standard test subject or patient clothing and looking through the research papers on the table so I just assumed she was an intern too. She never really agreed or disagreed with my assumption. " Darnell explained again.

" How long have you been doing this?"

" Doing what?" Darnell seeked clarification.

" Helping Branch. You know. Being there for her and stuff. " Poppy stated.

" Well maybe a few years now. More or less. I say we are good friends. " 

" I know this may sound random but, did she ever menation me?"

The taller woman paused for a moment thinking. Branch didn't like to share most of her secrets but, the one she didn't mind sharing was her relationship with Poppy. Her High School best friend. However Darnell still felt at certain points that her friend wasn't telling everything as she claimed. She didn't dig too far into Branch's past but, considering Branch's best guy friend was still here maybe he could fill in some gaps. Branch probably wouldn't had liked it if she dug too far so a select few details will have to do. 

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