Chapter Sixty Nine

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Harper unwillingly untangled herself from Jay as she heard a knock on the door. What they did was platonic in her eyes, but she would never tell anyone about it. They would never admit out loud how much they enjoyed being tangled with each other like that. Both of them were too badass for that. 

As he watched her go, he sighed, still feeling guilty about lashing out at her last night. He got up to assist her, taking all the dishes and there was a bouquet. Jay looked at the bouquet scanning it for any card. Harper narrowed her eyes, grabbing Jay's bare shoulder and standing up on her tippy toes, looking over his shoulder.

"You're so short," Jay smirked while Harper punched his arm, she was small but mean. "There's no note," Jay said, shaking his head, handing Harper the bouquet. She took it from him, ripping it up until she got to the middle where there was a note while Jay looked at her quizzically, "Guys use to send notes to me like this when I was undercover to hide them," she explained and Jay nodded, his eyebrows screwed together, already worrying.

"What does it say?" he asked. "Missed you in my room last night, and at the end there's an R," she said uncomfortably. "That's definitely him," Jay said, already angry. "How the hell does he know our room number?" Harper asked since they had been pretty discreet about going up to their rooms. "Damn it, we need to call Voight," Jay said, picking up the phone and calling him.

"Voight said to just go with it, Roger isn't in his room right now so we can reinstall the bug Jay explained while Harper nodded. "And then we're going for a swim," Jay said. "He's at the pool?" Harper asked grimacing at the thought of Roger White shirtless. "Yeah that'll be a sight to see," Jay smirked while Harper shook her head, nudging him, "I'm sure you'll enjoy it," she said while Jay playfully pushed her, "Says the one who got flowers from him," Jay smirked while Harper scoffed.

"Okay, let's go to his room, I'll be back up," Harper said, "Yeah you're so short you couldn't even reach the fan if you stood up on something," he smirked while Harper shook her head. "A couple of inches makes a lot of difference, doesn't it?" he smirked looking down at the petite brunette in front of him, she was 5 foot seven but Jay loved to tease her about it.

"Come on, come on," she said, hurrying Jay as they walked out of Roger's room, running down the hall, "His associates are coming up here, let's take the stairs," Harper said, grabbing Jay and showing him the way. "Fuck," Jay sighed, once they came back to their room, panting hard. "Thanks," Jay said.

Harper patted his back, "That's why you have back up," she panted but the look in her eyes showed Jay how grateful she was that they were both okay. They nodded at each other with looks of relief and thankfulness, something they usually did after raids or shootouts, it was professional but deeper than just that.

"Come on we have to get changed, his associates aren't with him so maybe we can see more," Harper explained while Jay nodded. "Kim said she sent me a swimsuit from the undercover wardrobe, do you know where it is?" she asked, looking around until Jay handed her a bag. She quickly thanked him before proceeding to the bathroom, when she opened the bag she was expecting a one piece swimsuit, but of course, Kim thought it would be a good idea to give her the skimpiest two piece one, she sighed, shaking her head and when she saw the cover up she cursed, it was a slip, it wasn't going to cover much up either, she sighed she knew exactly what Kim was up to but she couldn't be mad at her.

She quickly changed, throwing on the coverup and when she walked out Jay was already changed, they were respectful of each other's privacy and they trusted each other which made sharing a room so much easier. She had to bite her lip so she wouldn't make a sound when her eyes landed on Jay's abs because she needed to be professional, again, no matter how many times she saw him like this, her reaction would never change.

"You ready to go?" Jay asked, turning around, eyes widening before he gathered himself, she looked hot, he knew she was hot but this, this was beyond words. "Yeah," she said, walking over to the door and guiding him out. Sensing her discomfort, Jay pulled her into his side, gently tracing soft circles in a respectable place.

She thanked him with her eyes, leaning into his touch. It was crazy the looks they gave each other could say more than words ever could, the way they could make eye contact and not feel weird about it. The connection they had couldn't even be put into words but it was there, they could read each other's thoughts and send signals with their eyes because they were meant to be, it was just a matter of time, waiting for everything to align in their favor.

At the pool, Kim gave her a note on a napkin, take off your cover up, he's eyeing you. Harper glanced once more in Roger's direction, smiling when he noticed her before taking it off, revealing her toned stomach and perfect legs and exposed skin of her cleavage. When she wasn't looking, Jay let his eyes longer over her body, kicking himself because now really wasn't the time to be checking her out but he couldn't help himself, he knew she had a nice body, their job required a certain level of fitness but seeing it was totally different.

At this point most of the men were eyeing her like vultures, wishing they could touch her silky brunette hair and rip off the swimsuit on her toned body. They looked at her longingly, knowing they didn't have a chance up against Jay. Harper was pretending to read a book, pencil in hand, in case she needed to tell Jay something. Roger walked over to her, looking her up and down, "Hello," he said, sounding like a psycho.

"Hi," Harper smiled. "You didn't come to my room yesterday," he said, twirling the strand of hair that was in close proximity to her chest, she could practically feel Jay tense from where he was behind her, but he knew they could get more information this way. "I can't go to a room if I don't know its number," Harper said, flashing a sultry smile at him that without doubt brought blood straight to Jay's groin.

"Room 247," Roger smirked before leaving. Harper turned to Jay, looking at him, that wasn't the room they were given to install bugs in. "I'm guessing room 311 is for his associates and room 247 is for him," Jay said as they walked into their room. "We need more bugs, I'm going to call Voight, order fried rice from room service, that's the code word for Kim to come here," she said while Jay nodded, both of their minds speeding a mile a minute, getting to work.

Jay didn't know what he was more mad about, the fact that Roger had another room they didn't know about or how all the men eyed Harper, his Harper, like she was an object ready to be taken advantage of. "You good?" Harper asked him, taking note of his tense body. "Yeah," he nodded as she squeezed his shoulder before calling Voight.

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