Chapter Thirty Four

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As soon as Harper woke up, she got ready and drove to the district. She needed to find her sister. "Traffic cams picked up Lily's car on a street, she wasn't in it, but there were two men, Mouse is running facial rec right now" Hank said as Harper nodded. "The two men are Troy Walton and Eric Vore, two known associates of Jason Diggs, they've been on SVU's watch for years for statutory rape of woman and children, they just couldn't prove it, and they're on the FBI's wanted list for running a pedophile ring and women's trafficking ring" Mouse explained.

"No one has been able to get close enough to gather information" Harper said as she thought about it. "If no one could get close enough and they're so secret, why are they showing up on traffic cams?" Hank asked. "Because Jason got snatched up by the police again and they know why, they know we're looking for Lily" Harper said.

"Call SVU and patch them in" Voight ordered Mouse. Jay closed his eyes, letting his head fall back. This was beginning to look a lot like what happened to Nadia, but way worse, they barely had any leads. He opened his eyes, furrowing his brows, "We only have 6 hours until we have to let go of Diggs, can we take another run at him Sarge? Jay asked Voight.

"Yes, don't let her do anything stupid" Voight whispered to Jay so Harper wouldn't hear. Jay nodded and gestured for Harper to follow him. Harper tried to calm herself before entering the interrogation room but she was already pissed, angry and scared that they couldn't find her little sister. When Jay looked into her eyes, they didn't look like the familiar, beautiful, emerald green eyes that belonged to Harper, the same eyes that looked into him and could almost find his every thought.

This time her eyes were dark like the light had been turned off in them, he had seen that expression in them only a couple of times, but he knew what it meant, Harper was slipping. "Ready?" Jay asked Harper and she nodded, he opened the door and they proceeded into the interrogation room. "No luck finding Lily? I'm sorry" Jason said insincerely. "Your two associates have her, where the hell is she?" Jay said with the deep intimidating voice he used on criminals that could even scare Harper.

"I don't know what you're talking about," the man said, sneering. After 20 minutes of interrogating, Jason, Jay was at his wits end and Harper was livid despite the fact that Jay had done most of the talking. Jay stood up, leaning over the table, "Where is she, you sick, sick bastard?" Jay yelled at him, grabbing him by the collar. "I don't know," Jason said with a shrug.

Jay was pissed, he was pissed that Jason had taken Harper's sister because he knew it would ruin Harper, he was pissed about the fact that this man had his hands in a pedophile ring and trafficking ring. Jay slammed the man against the brick wall of the interrogation room. He repeatedly punched the man in the face, Harper wanted to tell Jay to keep going but she didn't want Jay to get in trouble at the cost of her, so she rested her hand on Jay's shoulder a silent signal that told Jay he needed to back off a bit.

"I swear to god I will kill you if you don't tell me where she is or why you have her" Jay said using one of his cliche but effective Ranger tactics. Jason believed Jay after receiving an onslaught of punches from him, "It's her fault I took her, she said she didn't want me anymore and I had no choice but to take her, this is all her fault for deciding to be a goody two shoes teacher, she said she didn't need my drugs anymore, if she didn't want me she wasn't going to get anyone else, so I took her and taught her a lesson and right now Troy and Eric are teaching her a different lesson" Jason said smiling as blood came out of his mouth.

"I would wipe that smile off of your face, you're going to jail for the rest of your life" Jay spat at Jason. "Just tell us where she is and where Troy and Eric are so they can go down with you" Harper said, crossing her arms, trying to stay calm.

"They should be at Troy's house unless they bolted" Jason said, Harper and Jay stayed in the interrogation room because they knew someone was listening and finding his address. As Harper walked out she saw Olivia Benson, "Hey Sarge" her and Jay greeted her.

"Hey, we flooded Troy's neighborhood, there's been no sign of Lily or the children and women, Troy, Eric and Jason are apparently the only three people who work in that group, no one else knows about them, they like to keep their network tight" Sargent Benson explained. "Yeah, none of our C.I.s knew anything about them," Harper explained, exhaling. "Lily's car was found torched on the side of the road, no sign of anyone in it" Adam explained while everyone nodded.

Harper walked into the locker room trying to think, "Fuck" she yelled punching the wall.

Jay walked into the locker room, pulling her away from the wall. "Hey, hey, we're going to find her, don't do this to yourself, this is not on you" Jay said, Harper was angry, she couldn't see where he was coming from.

Her eyes shot daggers at his hands on her shoulders until he released them. Harper's eyes lit up, not with joy, but with the recognition of knowing something, "If they're not at Eric or Troy's house, there's only one other place they can be" Harper said, running out of the locker room.

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