Chapter Twelve

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As soon as Harper had arrived at the district that day, she knocked on the door to Hank's office. They hadn't spoken about her past life in years, what would Hank say? 

Come in, Voight said, interrupting Harper's train of thoughts. She opened the door, walking inside. "Sit down," Voight demanded. Before he could ask her why she needed to talk she said, "Savannah showed up at my apartment."

"Okay, what did she want?" he asked sitting up straighter. "She was offering me drugs but Halstead and I told her to leave," Harper said. "What did you do with the drugs?" Hank asked her, making her angry.

"I flushed them down the toilet, I'm not my seventeen year old addicted self, you can trust me, I'm a detective, I wouldn't do drugs" she explained already frustrated. Why did Hank even have her in his unit if he couldn't trust her? "I never said I didn't trust you, I know how you slip down a hole on your birthday week and make bad choices" Hank said.

"Harper, I know you were closer with Camille, but I want you to know I'm here for you, you're all I have left, Justin is in the Army and Erin's gone to New York, I want you to know I'm here for you, we all are" Hank explained truthfully, his confession bringing tears to Harper's eyes.

It was a hell of a thing for Hank to make confessions like this, he was usually a tough love kind of guy. Before Harper could say anything, Adam knocked on the door notifying Voight about a new lead on the case they were working. Hank stepped out of his office to give everyone orders and Harper followed behind him. 

Always Here: A Jay Halstead fanficWhere stories live. Discover now