Chapter Thirteen

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A/n: I just wanted to thank everyone for showing interest in my book and voting on my chapters. I also wanted to let you guys know that constructive criticism, thoughts and/or questions are welcome in the comments. 



A couple of days later, Jay was wondering where Harper was because she wasn't at Molly's so he knocked on the door of Harper's room and waited. When she didn't answer he opened the door thinking she was ignoring him or didn't hear him.

His heart broke when he saw her room. There were tissues scattered everywhere and empty beer bottles clustered on the nightstand, he walked in and sat on her bed holding his head in his hands. This was not good. How was Harper having such a hard time and he hadn't even noticed? How did he not notice all the time she would spend in her room after they had come home from work? Was he really that bad of a partner?

He looked to the side and saw pictures scattered next to a box of tissues. He knew he was overstepping boundaries, but his best friend was in pain and he hadn't even noticed. He was supposed to have her back. He needed to help her. He gathered the photos in his hand and looked at them. The first photo was a picture of Harper with a younger girl who he guessed was her sister and an older woman and a man. Were they her parents?

Harper had looked almost exactly like the woman in this photo, they both had green eyes and beautiful features. In that photo, Harper looked about seven or eight, she looked genuinely happy, but there was a hint of fear in her eyes. Jay looked closer and saw that there was a dark purple bruise on her right leg. He was filled with anger, her mom probably wasn't the only one being abused by her dad.

The man in the photo had hatred in his eyes but at the same time he looked totally gakked out of his mind. It was probably her dumbass, addict father Jay thought to himself. He put that picture down gently and carefully pulled out another picture, this time there was another woman in the place of her mom, Savannah. What had happened to her mom? Her dad looked even more evil and angry and he was holding a bottle of whiskey. Harper and her sister's body were littered with even more bruises. Both of the two kids looked sad and scared. He couldn't help but be more angry.

The next photo surprised him, it was Harper when she was a teenager, she was with Voight and a woman he had recognized as Camille from the photos in Voight's office. Harper looked angry but the fear in her eyes was gone. This picture confused him to no end. Why was she with Hank?.

But curiosity got the best of him and he took out the next picture. Harper looked happy, she looked beautiful he thought. It was a candid of Harper and Camille with a Christmas tree in the background. Both of them had their heads thrown back in laughter. He could almost hear her laugh. Harper's bright green eyes were lit up with joy. It reminded him of the Harper he knew who was an amazing person.

Still puzzled by the last two photos, Jay turned to the last one, it was Harper, she looked way older and she was wearing clothes that were two revealing for his liking, but there was still happiness in her eyes and even hope.

She was wearing a very short skirt with a lace top and her arm was around another girl who was dressed the same way. Jay turned the picture around and looked at the date, it had only been a couple years ago. Maybe this had something to do with her being put undercover as soon as she graduated the academy he mused. Who was that woman in the last photo?

Where the hell was Harper anyway? He instantly felt guilty for looking at Harper's photos without asking but he was beyond curious. How the hell was he going to tell Harper that he had gone snooping through her stuff? Was Harper going to ask him to move out for overstepping boundaries? Or even worse, was she going to lose her trust in him?

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