Chapter Thirty Three

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Whenever Kevin and Adam brought Jason in, Harper had to restrain herself from slapping him across the face if she even wanted a chance at interrogating him. "Sarge, I need to interrogate him, I have an angle no one else has, it's our only chance at finding her" Harper said and both of them knew it was true. Hank nodded, "Go with Halstead and don't try anything stupid like Erin" Hank warned as Harper nodded, grabbing Jay and putting her gun in the safe.

As they were putting their guns away, Jay grabbed Harper's shoulders, turning her so she could look at him, "Harper are you sure your head's in the right place, I don't want you to---" Jay started off before being interrupted by Harper, "This is our only chance at finding her if he has her" Harper said, exasperated already. As she walked in, it was like her teenage years all over again. Jason's cheap cologne burned her nostrils and his annoying sneer offended his eyes.

"Harper Sky, I didn't know you were a police officer, you went from running from the police, to being the police" Jason said, smirking while Harper looked at him blankly. She knew that he was just trying to get to her and she was not going to let that happen. "You know I always liked you better than your sister, she was always my second choice" Jason snickered. Jay was angry, this man had been one of the reasons why she didn't trust men and he was done with Jason's bullshitting.

"Quit bullshitting and answer our questions, when did you last see Lily?" Jay said angrily. "A long time ago" Jason said nonchalantly. "Really? Then why were you at her apartment a couple of days ago?" Harper asked, crossing her arms. "Maybe, a couple of days is a long time to me" Jason said chuckling. "You sick bastard, you did something to her and you know it, tell us where the fuck she is" Harper spat at him. She was positive he had done something to her, he had always been obsessed with her and Lily.

"That was so hot, I've never seen a lady detective go all dirty on me like that" Jason said, referring to Harper's angry words directed towards him. That was it for Jay, "Do you want to go to prison again?" Jay spat at him trying to restrain himself from choking Jason. After thirty minutes of interrogating Jason, Harper was about to go all crazy on him before Hank pulled Jay and Harper out of interrogation.

Harper was about to protest but Hank said, "He's obviously not flipping, we have to find another play." Harper sighed, frustrated, "Hey, this is not on you" Jay said when Hank walked away. "Yes it is, she's my little sister, I was supposed to protect her, but I was being too selfish" Harper said. " Hey, we don't know anything yet, we can find her" Jay said as Harper walked away, ignoring him. She was done with the 'it's not your fault, bullshit' it was her fault and she needed to find her sister, Lily.

Mouse called her into the tech room, showing her footage of a man hitting Lily and dragging her body into a car. "I can't get facial rec on the man, the bastard never looked at the camera, I'm so sorry, Harper" Mouse said, dejected. "It's okay Mouse, he has the same characteristics as Jason so it's probably him" Harper reassured him. "Can you run the plates?" Harper asked him. "Yeah, it says the car is registered to a Lily Sky, it's her car" Mouse said as his eyes scanned the computer.

"The search warrant for Jason's house is ready, Lily might be by herself or there might be men watching her, we will exercise extreme caution, Jason is known for trading guns with kevlar piercing bullets" Voight ordered the team as they geared up. Jay was thinking about how worried he was about Harper as he helped her with her vest, was she in too far deep this case?

They searched Jason's place and there was no sign of Lily, they did find a journal with four addresses all over Chicago, because of the fact that Jason's members were usually heavily armed, the whole team had to go to every single address together. At the end of the day, they had found nothing, Jason just sent them all over town. Lily was reported missing hours ago and she had probably been kidnapped for longer. God knows what they could have done to her. "He did this on purpose, he sent us all over town to waste our time, just like Yates with Nadia" Harper explained, frustratedly to Voight and Jay.

"Hey, this is not going to turn out like that" Jay tried to reassure her. "You don't know that" Harper spat angrily at him. "How are we going to find her?" Harper demanded Voight and Jay. Jay and Voight looked at each other, sharing a look. "You need to go home and rest if we want to find her," Voight said. "What--No I can't leave like that tonight, that's twelve hours we can use to find her" Harper said.

"Go home with Jay, we can question Jason again tomorrow morning, that's an order" Voight said firmly, he knew Harper wanted to find her sister but Harper was tired and a tired cop was a dead cop. Harper scoffed before grabbing her coat and running down the stairs, driving home. Jay followed after her, he was worried about Harper, she was upset and not thinking straight. It was obvious she blamed herself for this, he didn't even want to imagine how far Harper would slip if they found her sister dead.

As soon as Harper got home, she ran inside her room, slamming the door and locking it. Why did this always have to happen to her? The past few months had been great for her and Jay and she had rebuilt her relationship with Voight, now she felt everything crumbling down on her.

Jay was worried and scared, would Harper stay true to their promise or would she fall down a hole? Jay gently knocked on Harper's door, not wanting to wake her up if she was already asleep. His heart sank when he opened the door, Harper was asleep but there were mascara stains all over her face from crying and there was a picture. Jay knew he shouldn't look at the picture like last time and respect Harper's privacy, but he was afraid that she was going to slip and fall down a big, dark hole.

He quietly grabbed the photo and analyzed it, it was Harper and her sister Lily, outside a club, both of them wearing vacant expressions, both of them were high, Jay thought to himself, he was angry, it wasn't their fault that their parents were drug addicts. It amazed him how both of them had gotten out of that life and made successful careers without looking back. Jay heard Harper shifting and he glanced over at her before quickly putting the photo down and leaving the room. What the hell was he going to do? How was he going to help Harper?

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